Home – Mining – 14 Mining And Quarrying Of Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels – 1474 Potash, Soda, And Borate Minerals
This subdivision includes the activities and establishments uppermost engaged in mining, milling, or otherwise preparing sodium, natural potassium or boron compounds. There is a large selection of activities, so You can choose the desired one or several from a list aiming to start or enlarge such business.
Selecting such business for sale that concerned with mining or otherwise preparation activities of potash, soda, and borate minerals on commerce purposes everyone may buy the new one or an already existing small, medium sized or large company in order to perform such works as well as make the new commercial ties discovering an important partners operating in the same activity field, attracting new investments for construction techniques and , also participate in a local or international market, sell related crude materials at favorable prices to different commercial subjects or other companies, also offer mining and milling or preparation work services under individual orders for construction uses.
Here You may find and select for business purposes following related with this subdivision activities for sale and appropriate services :