Select business category
Business is for sale
Business is looking for partnership
Business is looking to invest
Just wondering
Business type
Agriculture, Forestry And Fishing
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services
Wholesale Trade
Retail Trade
Finance, Insurance And Real Estate
Public Administration
Wheat farms
Rice farms
corn farms, except sweet corn or popcorn
soybean farms
Barley farms
Bean farms, dry field and seed
Buckwheat farms
Cowpea farms
Flaxseed farms
Grain farms: except wheat, rice, corn, and so
Lentil farms
Milo farms
Mustard seed farms
Oat farms
Pea farms, dry field and seed
Popcorn farms
Rye farms
Safflower farms
Sorghum farms, except for syrup
Sunflower farms
Cotton farms
Cottonseed farms
Tobacco farms
Beet farms, sugar
Cane farms, sugar
Sugar beet farms
Sugarcane farms
Potato farms, Irish
Potato farms, except sweet potato and yam
Alfalfa farms
Broomcorn farms
Clover farms
Grass seed farms
Hay farms
Hop farms
Mint farms
Peanut farms
Potato farms, sweet
Sweet potato farms
Timothy farms
Yam farms
Asparagus farms
Bean farms, except dry beans
Beet farms, except sugar beet
Bok choy farms
Broccoli farms
Cabbage farms
Cantaloupe farms
Cauliflower farms
Celery farmsCorn farms, sweet
Cucumber farms
English pea farms
Green lima bean farms
Green pea farms
Lettuce farms
Market gardens
Melon farms
Onion farms
Pea farms, except dry peas
Pepper farms, sweet and hot (vegetables)
Romaine farms
Snap bean farms (bush and pole)
Squash farms
Tomato farms
Truck farms
Vegetable farms
Watermelon farms
Berry farms
Blackberry farms
Blueberry farms
Cranberry bogs
Currant farms
Dewberry farms
Loganberry farms
Raspberry farms
Strawberry farms
Grape farms
Almond groves and farms
Filbert groves and farms
Macadamia groves and farms
Pecan groves and farms
Pistachio groves and farms
Walnut groves and farms
Citrus groves and farms
Grapefruit groves and farms
Lemon groves and farms
Lime groves and farms
Orange groves and farms
Tangerine groves and farms
Apple orchards and farms
Apricot orchards and farms
Cherry orchards and farms
Nectarine orchards and farms
Peach orchards and farms
Pear orchards and farms
Persimmon orchards and farms
Plum orchards and farms
Pomegranate orchards and farms
Prune orchards and farms
Quince orchards and farms
Avocado orchards and farms
Banana farms
Coffee farms
Date orchards and farms
Fig orchards and farms
Kiwi fruit farms
Olive groves and farms
Pineapple farms
Plantain farms
Tropical fruit farms
Bedding plants
Growing of Bulbs
Growing of Field nurseries
Growing of flowers and shrubbery, except fore
Cultivated growing of Flowers
Growing of Foliage
Growing of Fruit stocks
Growing of Greenhouses for floral products
Mats, preseeded: soil erosion-growing of Nurs
Plants, ornamental: growing of
Plants, potted: growing of Rose growers Seeds
Growing of Shrubberies, except forest shrubbe
Vegetable bedding plants, growing of
Bean sprouts grown under cover
Fruits grown under cover
Greenhouses for food crops
Hydroponic crops, grown under cover
Mushroom spawn, production of
Mushrooms, growing of
Rhubarb grown under cover
Seaweed grown under cover
Tomatoes grown under cover
Truffles grown under cover
Vegetables grown under cover
Crop farms, general
Cattle feeding farms
Cattle feedlot operations
Feedlots, cattle
Stock yards, exclusively for fattening cattle
Beef cattle farms, except feedlots
Cattle raising farms
Cattle ranches
Feedlots, hog
Hog farms
Feedlots, lamb
Goat farms
Goats'milk production
Mohair production
Sheep feeding farms and ranches
Sheep raising farms and ranches
Wool production
general livestock
Dairy farms
Dairy heifer replacement farms
Milk production, dairy cattle farm
Broiler chickens, raising of
Chicken farms or ranches, raising for slaught
Cornish hen farms
Frying chickens, raising of
Roasting chickens, raising of
Chicken egg farms
Started pullet farms
Turkey egg farms and ranches
Turkey farms and ranches
Chicken hatcheries
Egg hatcheries, poultry
Poultry hatcheries
Duck farms
Egg farms, poultry: except chicken and turkey
Geese farms
Pheasant farms
Pigeon farms
Quail farms
Squab farms
Chinchilla farms
Fox farms
Fur farms
Game farms (fur-bearing animals)
Mink farms
Rabbit farms
Burro farms
Donkey farms
Horse farms
Mule farms
Pony farms
Catfish farms
Crustacean farms
Finfish farms
Fish farms, except hatcheries
Goldfish farms
Minnow farms
Mollusk farms
Tropical aquarium fish farms
Trout farms
Alligator farms
Aviaries (e.g., parakeet, canary, lovebirds)
Bee farms
Cat farms
Dog farms
Earthworm hatcheries
Frog farms
Honey production
Kennels, breeding and raising own stock
Laboratory animal farms (e.g., rats, mice, gu
Rattlesnake farms
Silk (raw) production and silkworm farms
Worm farms
Animal specialty and livestock farms, general
Livestock and animal specialty farms, general
Chemical treatment of coil for crops
Fertilizer application for crops
Lime spreading for crops
Seed bed preparation
Weed control, crop; before planting
Aerial dusting and spraying
Bracing of orchard trees and vines
Citrus grove cultivation services
Cultivation services, mechanical and flame
Detasseling of corn
Disease control for crops, with or without fe
Dusting crops, with or without fertilizing
Entomological service, agricultural
Insect control for crops, with or without fer
Irrigation system operation services (not pro
Orchard cultivation services
Planting crops, with or without fertilizing
Pruning of orchard trees and vines
Seeding crops, with or without fertilizing
Seeding of sprouts and twigs
Spraying crops, with or without fertilizing
Surgery on orchard trees and vines
Thinning of crops, mechanical and chemical
Trees orchard: cultivation of
Trees orchard: planting, pruning, bracing, sp
Vineyard cultivation services
Weed control, crop: after planting
Berries, machine harvesting of
Chopping and silo filling
Combining, agricultural
Cotton, machine harvesting of
Fruits, machine harvesting of
Grain, machine harvesting of
Hay mowing, raking, baling and chopping
Nuts, machine harvesting of
Peanuts, machine harvesting of
Sugar beets, machine harvesting of
Sugarcane, machine harvesting of
Threshing service
Vegetables, machine harvesting of
Bean cleaning
Corn shelling
Cotton seed delinting
Drying of corn, rice, hay, fruits, and vegeta
Flax decorticating and retting
Fruit precooling, not in connection with tran
Fruit vacuum cooling
Grain cleaning
Grain fumigation
Grain grinding, custom
Moss ginning
Nut hulling and shelling
Packaging fresh or farm dried fruits and vege
Peanut shelling, custom
Potato curing
Seed cleaning
Sorting, grading, and packing of fruits and v
Sweet potato curing
Tobacco grading
Vegetable precooling, not in connection with
Vegetable vacuum cooling
Cotton ginning
Cotton pickery
Gins, cotton: operation of
Animal hospitals for livestock
Veterinarians for livestock
Veterinary services for livestock
Animal hospitals for pet and other animal spe
Pet hospitals
Veterinarians for pets and other animal speci
Veterinary services for pet and other animal
Artificial insemination services: livestock
Breeding of livestock
Cattle spraying
Cleaning poultry coops
Dairy herd improvement associations
Livestock breeding services
Milk testing for butterfat
Pedigree record services for cattle, hogs, sh
Sheep dipping and shearing
Showing of cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, and po
Slaughtering, custom: for individuals
Vaccinating livestock, except by veterinarian
Animal shelters
Artificial insemination services: animal spec
Boarding horses
Boarding kennels
Breeding of animals, other than cattle hogs,
Dog grooming
Dog pounds
Honey straining on the farm
Pedigree record services for pets and other a
Showing of pets and other animal specialties
Training horses, except racing
Training of pets and other animal specialties
Vaccinating pets and other animal specialties
Crew leaders, farm labor: contract
Farm labor contractors
Citrus grove management and maintenance, with
Farm management services
Orchard management and maintenance, with or w
Vineyard management and maintenance, with or
Garden planning
Horticultural advisory or counseling services
Landscape architects
Landscape counseling
Landscape planning
Bermuda sprigging services
Cemetery upkeep, independent
Garden maintenance
Garden planting
Lawn care
Lawn fertilizing services
Lawn mowing services
Lawn mulching services
Lawn seeding services
Lawn spraying services
Lawn sprigging services
Mowing highway center strips and edges
Seeding highway strips
Sod laying
Turf installation, except artificial
Arborist services
Ornamental bush planting, pruning, bracing, s
Ornamental tree planting, pruning, bracing, s
Tree trimming for public utility lines
Trees, ornamental: planting, pruning, bracing
Utility line tree trimming services
Christmas tree growing
Timber tracts
Tree farms
Balsam needles, gathering of
Distillation of gums if carried on at the gum
Distillation of turpentine and rosin if carri
Forest nurseries
Gathering of forest products: (e.g., gums, ba
Ginseng, gathering of
Huckleberry greens, gathering of
Lac production
Maple sap, gathering of
Moss, gathering of
Pine gum, extraction of
Rubber plantations
Spanish moss, gathering of
Sphagnum moss, gathering of
Teaberries, gathering of
Tree seed gathering, extracting, and selling
Cruising timber
Estimating timber
Fire prevention, forest
Firefighting, forest
Forest management plans, preparation of
Forestry services
Pest control, forest
Timber valuation
Bluefish, catching of
Cod, catching of
Eels, catching of
Finfish, catching of
Fisheries, finfish
Haddock, catching of
Mackerel, catching of
Menhaden, catching of
Pilchard, catching of
Pollack, catching of
Rays, catching of
Salmon, catching of
Sea herring, catching of
Sharks, catching of
Tuna, catching of
Whiting, catching of
Clams, digging of
Crab, catching of
Crayfish, catching of
Fisheries, shellfish
Lobsters, catching of
Mussels, taking of
Oyster beds
Oysters, dredging or tonging of
Shellfish, catching of
Shrimp, catching of
Squid, catching of
Cultured pearl production
Frogs, catching of
Sea urchins, catching of
Seaweed, gathering of
Sponges, gathering of
Terrapins, catching of
Turtles, catching of
Fish hatcheries
Fishing preserves
Animal trapping, commercial
Game management
Game preserves
Game propagation
Game retreat, operation of
Hunting carried on as a business enterprise
Hunting preserves, operation of
Trapping carried on as a business enterprise
Wildlife management
Brown ore mining
Hematite mining
Iron agglomerate and pellet production
Iron ore dressing (beneficiation) plants
Iron ore mining
Iron ore, blocked: mining
Limonite mining
Magnetite mining
Manganiferous ore mining, valued chiefly for
Siderite mining
Sintering of iron ore at the mine
Taconite mining
Chalcocite mining
Chalcopyrite mining
Copper ore mining
Cuprite mining
Blende (zinc) mining
Calamine mining
Cerrusite mining
Galena mining
Lead ore mining
Lead-zinc ore mining
Smithsonite mining
Sphalerite mining
Willemite mining
Zinc ore mining
Zinc-blende (sphalerite) mining
Zincite mining
Bullion, gold: produced at mine, mill, or dre
Calaverite mining
Lode gold mining
Placer gold mining
Sylvanite mining
Telluride (gold) mining
Bullion, silver: produced at mine or mill sit
Silver ore mining
Chromite mining
Chromium ore mining
Cobalt ore mining
Columbite mining
Ferberite mining
Huebnerite mining
Manganese ore mining
Manganite mining
Molybdenite mining
Molybdenum ore mining
Molybdite mining
Nickel ore mining
Psilomelane mining
Pyrolusite mining
Rhodochrosite mining
Scheelite mining
Tantalite mining
Tantalum ore mining
Tungsten ore mining
Wolframite mining
Wulfenite mining
Boring test holes for metal mining on a contr
Draining or pumping of metal mines: on a cont
Drilling for metal mining on a contract basis
Exploration for metal mining on a contract ba
Geophysical exploration services, for metal m
Mine development for metal mining on a contra
Overburden removal for metal mining; on a con
Prospect drilling for metal mining on a contr
Sinking shafts for metal mining on a contract
Strip mining, metal: on a contract basis
Test drilling for metal mining: on a contract
Carnotite mining
Leaching or uranium, radium or vanadium ores
Pitchblende mining
Radium ore mining
Roscoelite (vanadium hydromica) mining
Tyuyamunite mining
Uraninite (pitchblende) mining
Uranium ore mining
Vanadium ore mining
Aluminum ore mining
Antimony ore mining
Bastnasite ore mining
Bauxite mining
Beryl mining
Beryllium ore mining
Cerium ore mining
Cinnabar mining
Ilmenite mining
Iridium ore mining
Mercury ore mining
Microlite mining
Monazite mining
Osmium ore mining
Palladium ore mining
Platinum group ore mining
Quicksilver (mercury) ore mining
Rare-earths ore mining
Rhodium ore mining
Ruthenium ore mining
Rutile mining
Thorium ore mining
Tin ore mining
Titaniferous-magnetite mining, value chiefly
Titanium ore mining
Zirconium ore mining
Brown coal mining
Cleaning plants, bituminous coal
Coal mining, bituminous: surface
Coal preparation plants, bituminous or lignit
Crushing plants, bituminous coal
Culm bank recovery, bituminous coal or lignit
Hard coal surface mining, except Pennsylvania
Lignite mining
Preparation plants, bituminous coal or lignit
Screening plants, bituminous coal
Semianthracite surface mining
Semibituminous coal surface mining
Strip mining, bituminous coal: except on a co
Strip mining, lignite: except on a contract b
Subbituminous coal surface mining
Washeries, bituminous coal or lignite
Coal mining, bituminous-underground
Hard coal underground mining, except Pennsylv
Semianthracite mining-underground
Semibituminous coal underground mining
Subbituminous coal underground mining
Anthracite mining
Breakers, anthracite
Coal mining, anthracite
Culm bank recovery, anthracite except on a co
Dredging, anthracite
Preparation plants, anthracite
Screening plants, anthracite
Strip mining, anthracite: except on a contrac
Washeries, anthracite
Anthracite mining services on a contract basi
Auger mining services bituminous coal, anthra
Bituminous coal mining services on a contract
Culm bank recovery bituminous coal, anthracit
Draining or pumping of bituminous coal, anthr
Drilling for bituminous coal, anthracite, and
Lignite mining services on a contract basis
Overburden removal for bituminous coal, anthr
Sinking shafts for bituminous coal, anthracit
Stripping services bituminous coal, anthracit
Tunneling bituminous coal, anthracite and lig
Coal gasification at the mine site
Coal liquefaction at the mine site
Coal pyrolysis at the mine site
Crude oil production
Crude petroleum production
Kerogen processing
Natural gas production
Oil sand mining
Oil shale mining
Tar sands mining
Butane (natural) production
Casing-head butane and propane production
Cycle condensate production (natural gas)
Ethane (natural) production
Fractionating natural gas liquids
Isobutane (natural) production
Liquefied petroleum gases (natural) productio
Natural gas liquids production
Natural gasoline production
Propane (natural) production
Directional drilling of oil and gas wells on
Redrilling oil and gas wells on a contract ba
Reworking oil and gas wells on a contract bas
Spudding in oil and gas wells on a contract b
Well drilling gas, oil, and water intake: on
Aerial geophysical exploration, oil and gas f
Exploration, oil and gas field on a contract
Geological exploration, oil and gas field on
Geophysical exploration, oil and gas field on
Seismograph surveys, oil and gas field on a c
Acidizing wells on a contract basis
Bailing wells on a contract basis
Building oil and gas well foundations on a co
Cementing oil and gas well casings on a contr
Chemically treating wells on a contract basis
Cleaning lease tanks, oil and gas field on a
Cleaning wells on a contract basis
Derrick building, repairing, and dismantling
Dismantling of oil well rigs (oil field servi
Erecting lease tanks, oil and gas field on a
Excavating slush pits and cellars on a contra
Fishing for tools, oil and gas field on a con
Gas compressing natural gas at the field on a
Gas well rig building, repairing, and dismant
Grading oil and gas well foundations on a con
Hard banding service on a contract basis
Hot oil treating of oil field tanks on a cont
Hot shot service: on a contract basis
Hydraulic fracturing wells on a contract basi
Impounding and storing salt water in connecti
Lease tanks, oil and gas field: erecting, cle
Logging wells on a contract basis
Mud service, oil field drilling: on a contrac
Oil sampling service for oil companies on a c
Oil well logging on a contract basis
Perforating well casings on a contract basis
Pipe testing service, oil and gas field: on a
Plugging and abandoning wells on a contract b
Pumping of oil and gas wells on a contract ba
Removal of condensate gasoline from field gat
Roustabout service: on a contract basis
Running, cutting, and pulling casings, tubes,
Servicing oil and gas wells on a contract bas
Shooting wells on a contract basis
Shot-hole drilling service, oil and gas field
Surveying wells on a contract basis, except s
Swabbing wells: on a contract basis
Argillite, dimension-quarrying
Basalt, dimension-quarrying
Bluestone, dimension-quarrying
Calcareous tufa, dimension-quarrying
Diabase, dimension-quarrying
Diorite, dimension-quarrying
Dolomite, dimension-quarrying
Dolomitic marble, dimension-quarrying
Flagstone mining
Gabbro, dimension-quarrying
Gneiss, dimension-quarrying
Granite, dimension-quarrying
Greenstone, dimension-quarrying
Limestone, dimension-quarrying
Marble, dimension-quarrying
Mica schist, dimension-quarrying
Onyx marble, dimension-quarrying
Quartzite, dimension-quarrying
Rubble mining
Sandstone, dimension-quarrying
Serpentine, dimension-quarrying
Slate, dimension-quarrying
Syenite (except nepheline), dimension-quarryi
Trap rock, dimension-quarrying
Travertine, dimension-quarrying
Verde'antique, dimension-quarrying
Volcanic rock, dimension-quarrying
Calcareous tufa, crushed and broken-quarrying
Cement rock, crushed and broken-quarrying
Chalk mining, crushed and broken-quarrying
Dolomite, crushed and broken-quarrying
Lime rock, ground
Limestone, except bituminous: crushed and bro
Marl, crushed and broken-quarrying
Travertine, crushed and broken-quarrying
Whiting mining, crushed and broken-quarrying
Diorite, crushed and broken-quarrying
Gneiss, crushed and broken-quarrying
Granite, crushed and broken-quarrying
Syenite, except nepheline: crushed and broken
Basalt, crushed and broken-quarrying
Boulder, crushed and broken-quarrying
Dolomitic marble, crushed and broken-quarryin
Gabbro, crushed and broken-quarrying
Ganister, crushed and broken-quarrying
Grits mining (crushed stone)
Marble, crushed and broken-quarrying
Mica schist, crushed and broken-quarrying
Onyx marble, crushed and broken-quarrying
Quartzite, crushed and broken-quarrying
Riprap quarrying, except limestone or granite
Sandstone, except bituminous: crushed and bro
Serpentine, crushed and broken-quarrying
Slate, crushed and broken-quarrying
Trap rock, crushed and broken-quarrying
Verde'antique, crushed and broken-quarrying
Volcanic rock, crushed and broken-quarrying
Common sand mining
Construction sand mining
Gravel mining
Pebble mining
Abrasive sand mining
Blast sand mining
Enamel sand mining
Filtration sand mining
Foundry sand mining
Glass sand mining
Grinding sand mining
Industrial sand mining
Molding sand mining
Silica mining
Silica sand mining
Ball clay mining
China clay mining
Kaolin mining
Paper clay mining
Slip clay mining
Andalusite mining
Aplite mining
Bentonite mining
Brucite mining
Burley mining
Clays (common) quarrying-not in conjunction w
Cornwall stone mining
Cyanite mining
Diaspore mining
Dumortierite mining
Feldspar mining
Fire clay mining
Flint clay mining
Fuller's earth mining
Kyanite mining
Magnesite mining
Nepheline syenite quarrying
Olivine (nongem) mining
Pegmatite (feldspar) mining
Pinite mining
Plastic fire clay mining
Shale (common) quarrying-not in conjunction w
Sillimanite mining
Stoneware clay mining
Syenite, nepheline-quarrying
Topaz (nongem) mining
Alum mining
Borate compounds mining
Borax mining
Borax, crude ground and pulverized
Boron mineral mining
Colemanite mining
Glauber's salt mining
Kernite mining
Potash mining
Potassium compounds mining
Probertite mining
Salines mining except common salt
Soda ash mining
Sodium compounds mining except common salt
Trona mining
Ulexite mining
Apatite mining
Phosphate rock mining
Alunite mining
Amblygonite mining
Arsenic mineral mining
Barite mining
Barium ore mining
Brimstone mining
Celestite mining
Fluorite mining
Fluorspar mining
Fluorspar ground or otherwise treated
Guano mining
Lepidolite mining
Lithium mineral mining
Marcasite mining
Mineral pigment mining
Ocher mining
Pyrites mining
Pyrrhotite mining
Rock salt mining
Salt mining common
Sienna mining
Spodumene mining
Strontianite mining
Strontium mineral mining
Sulfur mining native
Umber mining
Boring test holes for nonmetallic minerals, e
Draining or pumping of nonmetallic minerals m
Drilling for nonmetallic minerals, except fue
Exploration for nonmetallic minerals, except
Geophysical exploration services for nonmetal
Mine development for nonmetallic minerals, ex
Overburden removal for nonmetallic minerals,
Shaft sinking for nonmetallic minerals, excep
Strip mining for nonmetallic minerals, except
Agate mining
Alabaster mining
Amethyst mining
Asbestos mining
Asphalt (native) mining
Asphalt rock mining
Bitumens (native) mining
Bituminous limestone quarrying
Bituminous sandstone quarrying
Burrstone quarrying
Calcite mining
Catlinite mining
Corundum mining
Cryolite mining
Diamond mining, industrial
Diatomaceous earth mining
Diatomite mining
Emery mining
Fill dirt pits
Garnet mining
Gem stone mining
Gilsonite mining
Grahamite mining
Graphite mining
Greensand mining
Grinding peat
Grindstone quarrying
Gypsite mining
Gypsum mining
Iceland spar mining (optical grade calcite)
Jade mining
Meerschaum mining or quarrying
Mica mining
Millstone quarrying
Muscovite mining
Natural abrasives mining (except sand)
Oilstone quarrying
Ozokerite mining
Peat humus mining
Peat mining
Perlite mining
Phlogopite mining
Pipestone mining
Pozzolana mining
Precious stones mining
Pulpstone quarrying
Pumice mining
Pumicite mining
Pyrophyllite mining
Quartz crystal mining (pure)
Reed peat mining
Rubbing stone quarrying
Ruby mining
Sapphire mining
Scoria mining
Screening peat
Scythestone quarrying
Sedge peat mining
Selenite mining
Semiprecious stones mining
Sharpening stone quarrying
Shell mining
Shredding peat
Soapstone quarrying
Steatite mining
Talc mining
Tripoli mining
Turquoise mining
Vermiculite mining
Volcanic ash mining
Whetstone quarrying
Wurtzilite mining
Building alterations, single-family-general c
Building construction, single-family-general
Custom builders, single-family houses-general
Designing and erecting combined: single-famil
Home improvements, single-family-general cont
House construction, single-family-general con
House: shell erection, single-family-general
Mobile home repair, on site-general contracto
Modular housing, single-family (assembled on
One-family house construction-general contrac
Prefabricated single-family houses erection-g
Premanufactured housing, single-family (assem
Remodeling buildings, single-family-general c
Renovating buildings, single-family-general c
Repairing buildings, single-family-general co
Residential construction, single-family-gener
Rowhouse (single family) construction-general
Townhouse construction-general contractors
Apartment building construction-general contr
Building alterations, residential: except sin
Building construction, residential: except si
Custom builders, residential: except single-f
Designing and erecting, combined: residential
Dormitory construction-general contractors
Home improvements, residential: except single
Hotel construction-general contractors
Motel construction-general contractors
Prefabricated building erection, residential:
Remodeling buildings, residential: except sin
Renovating buildings, residential: except sin
Repairing buildings, residential: except sing
Residential construction, except single-famil
Condominium developers on own account
Cooperative apartment developers on own accou
Operative builders on own account
Speculative builders
Aluminum plant construction-general contracto
Building alterations, industrial and warehous
Building components manufacturing plant const
Building construction, industrial and warehou
Clean room construction-general contractors
Cold storage plant construction-general contr
Commercial warehouse construction-general con
Custom builders, industrial and warehouse-gen
Designing and erecting, combined: industrial-
Drycleaning plant construction-general contra
Factory construction-general contractors
Food products manufacturing or packing plant
Grain elevator construction-general contracto
Industrial building construction-general cont
Industrial plant construction-general contrac
Paper pulp mill construction-general contract
Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant constructi
Prefabricated building erection, industrial-g
Remodeling buildings, industrial and warehous
Renovating buildings, industrial and warehous
Repairing buildings, industrial and warehouse
Truck and automobile assembly plant construct
Warehouse construction-general contractors
Administration building construction-general
Auditorium construction-general contractors
Bank building construction-general contractor
Building alterations, nonresidential: except
Building construction, nonresidential: except
Church, synagogue, and related building const
Civic center construction-general contractors
Commercial building construction-general cont
Custom builders, nonresidential except indust
Designing and erecting, combined commercial-g
Dome construction-general contractors
Farm building construction, except residentia
Fire station construction-general contractors
Garage construction-general contractors
Hospital construction-general contractors
Institutional building construction nonreside
Mausoleum construction-general contractors
Museum construction-general contractors
Office building construction-general contract
Passenger and freight terminal building const
Post office construction-general contractors
Prefabricated building erection, nonresidenti
Remodeling buildings, nonresidential except i
Renovating buildings, nonresidential except i
Repairing buildings, nonresidential except in
Restaurant construction-general contractors
School building construction-general contract
Service station construction-general contract
Shopping center construction-general contract
Silo construction, agricultural-general contr
Stadium construction-general contractors
Store construction-general contractors
Airport runway construction-general contracto
Alley construction-general contractors
Asphalt paving: roads, public sidewalks, and
Concrete construction: roads, highways, publi
Grading for highways, streets, and airport ru
Guardrail construction on highways-contractor
Highway construction, except elevated-general
Highway signs, installation of-contractors
Parkway construction-general contractors
Paving construction-contractors
Surfacing street and highways-contractors
Road construction, except elevated-general co
Sidewalk construction, public-contractors
Street maintenance or repair-contractors
Street paving-contractors
Abutment construction-general contractors
Bridge construction-general contractors
Causeway construction on structural supports-
Highway construction, elevated-general contra
Overpass construction-general contractors
Trestle construction-general contractors
Tunnel construction-general contractors
Underpass construction-general contractors
Viaduct construction-general contractors
Aqueduct construction-general contractors
Cable laying construction-contractors
Cable television line construction-contractor
Conduit construction-contractors
Distribution lines construction, oil and gas
Gas main construction-general contractors
Manhole construction-contractors
Natural gas compressing station construction-
Pipelaying-general contractors
Pipeline construction-general contractors
Pipeline wrapping-contractors
Pole line construction-general contractors
Power line construction-general contractors
Pumping station construction-general contract
Radio transmitting tower construction-general
Sewage collection and disposal line construct
Sewer construction-general contractors
Telegraph line construction-general contracto
Telephone line construction-general contracto
Television transmitting tower construction-ge
Transmission line construction-general contra
Water main line construction-general contract
Athletic field construction-general contracto
Blasting, except building demolition-contract
Breakwater construction-general contractors
Bridle path construction-general contractors
Brush clearing or cutting-contractors
Caisson drilling-contractors
Canal construction-general contractors
Central station construction-general contract
Channel construction-general contractors
Channel cutoff construction-general contracto
Chemical complex or facilities construction-g
Clearing of land-general contractors
Cofferdam construction-general contractors
Coke oven construction-general contractors
Cutting right-of-way-general contractors
Dam construction-general contractors
Dike construction-general contractors
Discharging station construction, mine-genera
Dock construction-general contractors
Drainage project construction-general contrac
Dredging-general contractors
Earth moving, not connected with building con
Flood control project construction-general co
Furnace construction for industrial plants-ge
Golf course construction-general contractors
Harbor construction-general contractors
Hydroelectric plant construction-general cont
Industrial incinerator construction-general c
Industrial plant appurtenance construction-ge
Irrigation projects construction-general cont
Jetty construction-general contractors
Kiln construction-general contractors
Land clearing-contractors
Land drainage-contractors
Land leveling (irrigation)-contractors
Land reclamation-contractors
Levee construction-general contractors
Light and power plant construction-general co
Loading station construction, mine-general co
Lock and waterway construction-general contra
Marine construction-general contractors
Mine loading and discharging station construc
Mining appurtenance construction-general cont
Missile facilities construction-general contr
Nuclear reactor containment structure constru
Oil refinery construction-general contractors
Oven construction for industrial plants-gener
Oven construction, bakers'-general contractor
Petrochemical plant construction-general cont
Petroleum refinery construction-general contr
Pier construction-general contractors
Pile driving-contractors
Pond construction-general contractors
Power plant construction-general contractors
Railroad construction-general contractors
Railway roadbed construction-general contract
Reclamation projects construction-general con
Reservoir construction-general contractors
Revetment construction-general contractors
Rock removal, underwater-contractors
Sewage treatment plant construction-general c
Ski tow erection-general contractors
Soil compacting service-contractors
Submarine rock removal-general contractors
Subway construction-general contractors
Tennis court construction, outdoor-general co
Timber removal, underwater-contractors
Tipple construction-general contractors
Trail building-general contractors
Trailer camp construction-general contractors
Washeries construction, mining-general contra
Waste disposal plant construction-general con
Water power project construction-general cont
Water treatment plant construction-general co
Waterway construction-general contractors
Wharf construction-general contractors
Air system balancing and testing-contractors
Air-conditioning, with or without sheet metal
Boiler erection and installation-contractors
Drainage system installation, cesspool and se
Dry well construction, cesspool-contractors
Fuel oil burner installation and servicing-co
Furnace repair-contractors
Gas line hookup-contractors
Heating equipment installation-contractors
Heating, with or without sheet metal work-con
Lawn sprinkler system installation-contractor
Mechanical contractors
Piping, plumbing-contractors
Plumbing and heating-contractors
Plumbing repair-contractors
Plumbing, with or without sheet metal work-co
Refrigeration and freezer work-contractors
Sewer hookups and connections for buildings-c
Sheet metal work combined with heating or
Solar heating apparatus-contractors
Sprinkler system installation-contractors
Steam fitting-contractors
Sump pump installation and servicing-contract
Ventilating work, with or without sheet metal
Water pump installation and servicing-contrac
Water system balancing and testing-contractor
Bridge painting-contractors
Electrostatic painting on site (including of
House painting-contractors
Painting of buildings and other structures, e
Paper hanging-contractors
Ship painting-contractors
Traffic lane painting-contractors
Burglar alarm installation-contractors
Cable splicing, electrical-contractors
Cable television hookup-contractors
Communications equipment installation-contrac
Electrical repair at site of construction-con
Electrical work-contractors
Electronic control system installation-contra
Fire alarm installation-contractors
Highway lighting and electrical signal constr
Intercommunications equipment installation-co
Sound equipment installation-contractors
Telecommunications equipment installation-con
Telephone and telephone equipment installatio
Chimney construction and maintenance-contract
Concrete block laying-contractors
Foundations, building of: block, stone, or br
Marble work, exterior construction-contractor
Refactory brick construction-contractors
Retaining wall construction: block, stone, or
Stone setting-contractors
Stonework erection-contractors
Tuck pointing-contractors
Acoustical work-contractors
Ceilings, acoustical installation-contractors
Drywall construction-contractors
Insulation installation, buildings-contractor
Plastering, plain or ornamental-contractors
Solar reflecting insulation film-contractors
Taping and finishing drywall-contractors
Tile, Marble, Terrazzo and Mosaic Contractors
Cabinet work performed at the construction si
Carpentry work-contractors
Folding door installation-contractors
Garage door installation-contractors
Joinery, ship-contractors
Ship joinery-contractors
Store fixture installation-contractors
Trim and finish-contractors
Window and door (prefabricated) installation-
Asphalt tile installation-contractors
Carpet laying or removal service-contractors
Fireproof flooring construction-contractors
Floor laying, scraping, finishing, and refini
Flooring, wood-contractors
Hardwood flooring-contractors
Linoleum installation-contractors
Parquet flooring-contractors
Resilient floor laying-contractors
Vinyl floor tile and sheet installation-contr
Architectural sheet metal work-contractors
Ceilings, metal: erection and repair-contract
Coppersmithing, in connection with constructi
Downspout installation, metal-contractors
Duct work, sheet metal-contractors
Gutter installation, metal-contractors
Roof spraying, painting, or coating-contracto
Roofing work, including repairing-contractors
Sheet metal work: except plumbing, heating, o
Skylight installation-contractors
Tinsmithing, in connection with construction
Asphalting of private driveways and private p
Blacktop work: private driveways and private
Concrete finishers-contractors
Concrete work: private driveways, sidewalks,
Culvert construction-contractors
Curb construction-contractors
Foundations, building of: poured concrete-con
Grouting work-contractors
Gunite work-contractors
Parking lot construction-contractors
Patio construction, concrete-contractors
Sidewalk construction, except public-contract
Stucco construction-contractors
Drilling water wells-contractors
Geothermal drilling-contractors
Servicing water wells-contractors
Well drilling, water: except oil or gas field
Building front installation, metal-contractor
Concrete products, structural precast or pres
Concrete reinforcement, placing of-contractor
Curtain wall installation-contractors
Elevator front installation, metal-contractor
Iron work, structural-contractors
Metal furring-contractors
Steel work, structural-contractors
Storage tanks, metal: erection-contractors
Store front installation, metal-contractors
Glass installation, except automotive-contrac
Glass work, except automotive-contractors
Glazing work-contractors
Excavation work-contractors
Foundation digging (excavation)-contractors
Grading: except for highways, streets, and ai
Concrete breaking for streets and highways-co
Demolition of buildings or other structures,
Dismantling steel oil tanks, except oil field
Wrecking of buildings or other structures, ex
Conveyor system installation-contractors
Dismantling of machinery and other industrial
Dumbwaiter installation-contractors
Dust collecting equipment installation-contra
Elevator installation, conversions and repair
Incinerator installation, small-contractors
Installation of machinery and other industria
Machine rigging-contractors
Pneumatic tube system installation-contractor
Power generating equipment installation-contr
Revolving door installation-contractors
Vacuum cleaning systems, built-in-contractors
Antenna installation, except household type-c
Artificial turf installation-contractors
Awning installation-contractors
Bath tub refinishing-contractors
Boring for building construction-contractors
Bowling alley installation and service-contra
Cable splicing service, nonelectrical-contrac
Caulking (construction)-contractors
Cleaning building exteriors-contractors
Cleaning new buildings after construction-con
Coating of concrete structures with plastics-
Core drilling for building construction-contr
Counter top installation-contractors
Dampproofing buildings-contractors
Diamond drilling for building construction-co
Epoxy application-contractors
Erection and dismantling of forms for poured
Fence construction-contractors
Fire escape installation-contractors
Fireproofing buildings-contractors
Forms for poured concrete, erection and disma
Gas leakage detection-contractors
Gasoline pump installation-contractors
Glazing of concrete surfaces-contractors
Grave excavation-contractors
House moving-contractors
Insulation of pipes and boilers-contractors
Lead burning-contractors
Lightning conductor erection-contractors
Mobile home site setup and tie down-contracto
Ornamental metalwork-contractors
Paint and wallpaper stripping-contractors
Plastics wall tile installation-contractors
Posthole digging-contractors
Sandblasting of building exteriors-contractor
Scaffolding construction-contractors
Service and repair of broadcasting stations-c
Service station equipment installation, maint
Shoring and underpinning work-contractors
Spectator seating installation-contractors
Steam cleaning of building exteriors-contract
Swimming pool construction-contractors
Television and radio stations, service and re
Test boring for construction-contractors
Tile installation, wall: plastics-contractors
Tinting glass-contractors
Wallpaper removal-contractors
Weather stripping-contractors
Welding contractors, operating at site of con
Window shade installation-contractors
Bacon, slab and sliced-mitse
Blood meal
Boxed beef-mitse
Canned meats, except baby foods and animal fe
Corned beef-mitse
Cured meats-mitse
Dried meats-mitse
Frankfurters, except poultry-mitse
Hams, except poultry-mitse
Hides and skins, cured or uncured
Horsemeat for human consumption-mitse
Luncheon meat, except poultry-mitse
Meat extracts-mitse
Meat packing plants
Slaughtering plants: except animals not for h
Variety meats edible organs-mitse
Bacon, slab and sliced-mfpm
Calf's-foot jelly
Corned beef-mfpm
Corned meats-mfpm
Cured meats: brined, dried, and salted-mfpm
Dried meats-mfpm
Frankfurters, except poultry-mfpm
Hams, except poultry-mfpm
Luncheon meat, except poultry-mfpm
Meat extracts-mfpm
Meat products: cooked, cured, frozen, smoked,
Pigs'feet, cooked and pickled-mfpm
Pork: pickled, cured, salted, or smoked-mfpm
Potted meats-mfpm
Puddings, meat-mfpm
Sandwich spreads, meat-mfpm
Sausage casings, collagen
Smoked meats-mfpm
Spreads, sandwich: meat-mfpm
Stew, beef and lamb-mfpm
Vienna sausage-mfpm
Chickens, processed: fresh, frozen, canned, o
Chickens: slaughtering and dressing
Ducks, processed: fresh, frozen, canned, or c
Ducks: slaughtering and dressing
Egg albumen
Egg substitutes made from eggs
Eggs: canned, dehydrated, desiccated, frozen,
Eggs: drying, freezing, and breaking
Frankfurters, poultry
Game, small: fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked
Game, small: slaughtering and dressing
Geese, processed: fresh, frozen, canned or co
Geese: slaughtering and dressing
Ham, poultry
Luncheon meat, poultry
Poultry, processed: fresh. froze canned, or c
Poultry: slaughtering and dressing
Rabbits, processed: fresh, frozen canned, or
Rabbits, slaughtering and dressing
Turkeys, processed: fresh, frozen canned, or
Turkeys: slaughtering and dressing
Anhydrous butterfat
Butter oil
Butter powder
Butter, creamery and whey
Butterfat, anhydrous
Cheese analogs
Cheese products, imitation or substitutes
Cheese spreads, pastes, and cheese-like prepa
Cheese, except cottage cheese
Cheese, imitation or substitutes
Cheese, processed
Dips, cheese-based
Processed cheese
Sandwich spreads, cheese
Whey, raw: liquid
Baby formula: fresh, processed, and bottled
Buttermilk: concentrated, condensed, dried, e
Casein, dry and wet
Cream substitutes
Cream: dried, powdered, and canned
Dietary supplements, dairy and non-dairy base
Dry milk products: whole milk, nonfat milk, b
Eggnog, canned: nonalcoholic
Ice cream mix, unfrozen: liquid or dry
Ice milk mix, unfrozen: liquid or dry
Lactose, edible
Malted milk
Milk, whole: canned
Milk: concentrated, condensed, dried, evapora
Milkshake mix
Skim milk: concentrated, dried, and powdered
Sugar of milk
Whey: concentrated, condensed, dried, evapora
Whipped topping, dry mix
Yogurt mix
Custard, frozen
Desserts, frozen: except bakery
Fruit pops, frozen
Ice cream: e.g., bulk, packaged, molded, on s
Ice milk: e.g., bulk, packaged, molded, on st
Ices and sherbets
Juice pops, frozen
Pops, dessert: frozen-flavored ice, fruit pud
Pudding pops, frozen
Sherbets and ices
Tofu frozen desserts
Yogurt, frozen
Buttermilk, cultured
Chocolate milk
Cottage cheese, including pot, bakers', and f
Cream, aerated
Cream, bottled
Cream, sour
Dips, sour cream based
Eggnog, fresh: nonalcoholic
Flavored milk drinks
Half and half
Milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing,
Milk production, except farm
Milk, acidophilus
Milk, bottled
Milk, flavored
Milk, reconstituted
Milk, ultra-high temperature
Sour cream
Whipped cream
Whipped topping, except frozen or dry mix
Yogurt, except frozen
Baby foods (including meats), canned
Bean sprouts, canned
Beans, baked: with or without meat-canned
Broth, except seafood: canned
Chicken broth and soup, canned
Chili con carne, canned
Chinese foods, canned
Chop suey, canned
Chow mein, canned
Enchiladas, canned
Food specialties, canned
Italian foods, canned
Macaroni, canned
Mexican foods, canned
Mincemeat, canned
Nationality specialty foods, canned
Native foods, canned
Pasta, canned
Puddings, except meat: canned
Ravioli, canned
Soups, except seafood: canned
Spaghetti, canned
Spanish foods, canned
Tamales, canned
Tortillas, canned
Artichokes in olive oil, canned
Barbecue sauce
Cherries, maraschino
Chili sauce, tomato
Fruit butters
Fruit pie mixes
Fruits, canned
Hominy, canned
Jams, including imitation
Jellies, edible: including imitation
Juice, fruit: concentrated-hot pack
Juices, fresh: fruit or vegetable
Juices, fruit and vegetable: canned or fresh
Mushrooms, canned
Nectars, fruit
Olives, including stuffed: canned
Pastes, fruit and vegetable
Preserves, including imitation
Purees, fruit and vegetable
Sauces, tomato-based
Sauerkraut, canned
Seasonings (prepared sauces), tomato
Spaghetti sauce
Tomato juice and cocktails, canned
Tomato paste
Tomato sauce
Vegetable pie mixes
Vegetables, canned
Dates, dried
Dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and soups
Fruit flour, meal, and powders
Fruits, sulphured
Olives, dried
Potato flakes, granules, and other dehydrated
Prunes, dried
Soup mixes
Soup powders
Vegetable flour, meal, and powders
Vegetables, sulphured
Blue cheese dressing
Brining of fruits and vegetables
Cherries, brined
French dressing
Fruits, pickled and brined
Horse radish, prepared
Mustard, prepared (wet)
Olives, brined: bulk
Onions, pickled
Pickles and pickle salting
Relishes, fruit and vegetable
Russian dressing
Salad dressings, except dry mixes
Sandwich spreads, salad dressing base
Sauces, meat (seasoning): except tomato and d
Sauces, seafood: except tomato and dry
Sauerkraut, bulk
Seasonings (prepared sauces), vegetable: exce
Soy sauce
Thousand Island dressing
Vegetable sauces, except tomato
Vegetables, pickled and brined
Vinegar pickles and relishes
Worcestershire sauce
Concentrates, frozen fruit juice
Dried citrus pulp
Frozen fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables
Fruit juices, frozen
Fruits, quick frozen and coldpack (frozen)
Vegetables, quick frozen and coldpack (frozen
Dinners, frozen: packaged
French toast, frozen
Frozen dinners, packaged
Meats, frozen
Native foods, frozen
Pizza, frozen
Soups, frozen: except seafood
Spaghetti and meatballs, frozen
Waffles, frozen
Whipped topping, frozen
Bran and middlings, except rice
Bread and bread-type roll mixes-mitse
Buckwheat flour
Cake flour-mitse
Cereals, cracked grain-mitse
Corn grits and flakes for brewers'use
Dough, biscuit-mitse
Doughs, refrigerated or frozen-mitse
Durum flour
Farina, except breakfast food-mitse
Flour mills, cereals: except rice
Flour mixes-mitse
Flour: blended, prepared, or self-rising-mits
Flour: buckwheat, corn, graham, rye, and whea
Frozen doughs-mitse
Graham flour
Granular wheat flour
Grits and flakes, corn: for brewers'use
Hominy grits, except breakfast food
Meal, corn
Milling of grains, dry, except rice
Mixes, flour: e.g., pancake, cake, biscuit, d
Pancake batter, refrigerated or frozen-mitse
Pizza mixes and prepared dough-mitse
Semolina (flour)
Sorghum grain flour
Wheat germ
Wheat mill feed
Breakfast foods, cereal
Coffee substitutes made from grain
Corn flakes
Corn, hulled (cereal breakfast food)
Farina, cereal breakfast food
Granola, except bars and clusters
Hominy grits prepared as cereal breakfast foo
Infants'foods, cereal type
Oatmeal (cereal breakfast food)
Oats, rolled (cereal breakfast food)
Rice breakfast foods
Wheat flakes
Flour, rice
Milling of rice
Polishing of rice
Rice bran, flour, and meal
Rice cleaning and polishing
Rice polish
Rice brewers'
Rice brown
Rice, vitamin and mineral enriched
Biscuit mixes and doughs-mfpm
Bread and bread-type roll mixes-mfpm
Cake flour-mfpm
Cake mixes-mfpm
Dough, biscuit-mfpm
Doughnut mixes-mfpm
Doughs, refrigerated or frozen-mfpm
Flour: blended or self-rising-mfpm
Frozen doughs-mfpm
Gingerbread mixes-mfpm
Pancake batter, refrigerated or frozen-mfpm
Pancake mixes-mfpm
Pizza mixes and doughs-mfpm
Corn oil cake and meal
Corn starch
Corn syrup (including dried), unmixed
Feed, gluten
High fructose syrup
Meal, gluten
Oil, corn: crude and refined
Potato starch
Rice starch
Starch, instant
Starch, liquid
Starches, edible and industrial
Steepwater concentrate
Sugar, corn
Wheat gluten
Wheat starch
Dog food
Cat food
Alfalfa, cubed
Alfalfa, prepared as feed for animals
Animal feeds, prepared: except dog and cat
Bird food, prepared
Buttermilk emulsion for animal food
Chicken feeds, prepared
Citrus seed meal
Earthworm food and bedding
Feed concentrates
Feed premixes
Feed supplements
Feeds, prepared (including mineral): for anim
Feeds, specialty: mice, guinea pigs, minks, e
Fish food
Hay, cubed
Horsemeat, except for human consumption
Kelp meal and pellets
Livestock feeds, supplements, and concentrate
Meal, bone: prepared as feed for animals and
Mineral feed supplements
Oats: crimped, pulverized, and rolled: except
Oyster shells, ground: used as feed for anima
Pet food, except dog and cat: canned, frozen,
Poultry feeds, supplements, and concentrates
Shell crushing for feed
Slaughtering of animals, except for human con
Stock feeds, dry
Bakery products, fresh: bread, cakes, doughnu
Bakery products, partially cooked: except fro
Biscuits, baked: baking powder and raised
Bread, brown: boston and other-canned
Bread, including frozen
Buns, bread-type (e.g. hamburger, hot dog), i
Buns, sweet, except frozen
Cakes, bakery, except frozen
Charlotte Russe (bakery product), except froz
Croissants, except frozen
Crullers, except frozen
Doughnuts, except frozen
Frozen bread and bread-type rolls
Knishes, except frozen
Pastries, except frozen: e.g., Danish, French
Pies, bakery, except frozen
Rolls, bread-type, including frozen
Rolls, sweet, except frozen
Sponge goods, bakery, except frozen
Sweet yeast goods, except frozen
Bakery products, dry: e.g., biscuits, cracker
Biscuits, baked: dry, except baking powder an
Communion wafers Cones, ice cream
Cracker meal and crumbs
Crackers: e.g., graham, soda
Bakery products, frozen: except bread and bre
Cakes,frozen: pound, layer, and cheese
Croissants, frozen
Doughnuts, frozen
Pies, bakery, frozen
Sweet yeast goods, frozen
Cane sugar, made from sugarcane
Molasses, blackstrap: made from sugarcane
Molasses, made from sugarcane
Sugar, granulated: made from sugarcaneSugar,
Sugar, powdered: made from sugarcane
Sugar, raw: made from sugarcaneSyrup, cane: m
Molasses, blackstrap: made from purchased raw
Refineries, cane sugar
Sugar, granulated: made from purchased raw ca
Sugar, invert: made from purchased raw cane s
Sugar, powdered: made from purchased raw cane
Sugar, refined: made from purchased raw cane
Syrup, made from purchased raw cane sugar or
Beet pulp, dried
Beet sugar, made from sugar beets
Molasses beet pulp
Molasses, made from sugar beets
Sugar, granulated: made from sugar beets
Sugar, invert: made from sugar beets
Sugar, liquid: made from sugar beets
Sugar, powdered: made from sugar beets
Syrup, made from sugar beets
Bars, candy: including chocolate covered bars
Breakfast bars
Cake ornaments, confectionery
Candy, except solid chocolate
Chewing candy, except chewing gum
Chocolate bars, from purchased cocoa or choco
Chocolate candy, except solid chocolate
Cough drops, except pharmaceutical preparatio
Dates: chocolate covered, sugared, and stuffe
Fruit peel products: candied, glazed, glace,
Fruits: candied, glazed, and crystallized
Fudge (candy)
Granola bars and clusters Halvah (candy)
Licorice candy
Lozenges, candy: non-medicated
Marzipan (candy)
Nuts, candy covered
Nuts, glace
Popcorn balls and candy covered popcorn produ
Baking chocolate
Bars, candy: solid chocolate
Cacao bean products: chocolate, cocoa butter,
Cacao beans: shelling, roasting, and grinding
Candy, solid chocolate
Chocolate bars, solid: from cacao beans
Chocolate coatings and syrups
Chocolate liquor
Chocolate syrup
Chocolate, instant
Chocolate, sweetened or unsweetened
Cocoa butter
Cocoa mix, instant
Cocoa, powdered: mixed with other substances
Chewing gum
Chewing gum bas
Nuts, dehydrated or dried
Nuts: salted, roasted, cooked, or canned
Seeds: salted, roasted, cooked, or canned
Cottonseed oil, cake, and meal: made in cotto
Cottonseed oil, deodorized
Lecithin, cottonseed
Lecithin, soybean
Soybean flour and grits
Soybean oil, cake, and meal
Soybean oil, deodorized
Soybean protein concentrates
Soybean protein isolates
Castor oil and pomace
Coconut oil
Linseed oil, cake, and meal
Oils, vegetable: except corn, cottonseed, and
Oiticica oil
Palm kernel oil
Peanut oil, cake, and meal
Safflower oil
Sunflower seed oil
Tallow, vegetable
Tung oil
Walnut oil
Feather meal
Fish liver oils, crude
Fish meal
Fish oil and fish oil meal
Grease rendering, inedible
Meal, meat and bone: not prepared as feed
Meat and bone meal and tankage
Oils, animal
Oils, fish and marine animal: e.g., herring,
Rendering plants, inedible grease and tallow
Stearin, animal: inedible
Tallow rendering, inedible
Baking and frying fats (shortening)
Cottonseed cooking and salad oil
Margarine oil, except corn
Margarine, including imitation
Margarine butter blend
Nut margarine
Oil, hydrogenated: edible
Oil, partially hydrogenated: edible
Oil, vegetable winter stearin
Olive oil
Peanut cooking and salad oil
Shortenings, compound and vegetable
Soybean cooking and salad oil
Vegetable cooking and salad oil, except corn
Beer (alcoholic beverage)
Liquors, malt
Malt extract, liquors, and syrups
Near beer
Porter (alcoholic beverage)
Stout (alcoholic beverage)
Malt by-products
Malt: barley, rye, wheat, and corn
Sprouts, made in malthouses
Brandy spirits
Wine cellars, bonded: engaged in blending win
Wine coolers (beverages)
Cocktails, alcoholic
Cordials, alcoholic
Distillers'dried grains and solubles
Eggnog, alcoholic
Ethyl alcohol for medicinal and beverage purp
Gin (alcoholic beverage)
Grain alcohol for medicinal and beverage purp
Liquors: distilled and blended-except brandy
Spirits, neutral, except fruit-for beverage p
Whiskey: bourbon, rye, scotch type, and corn
Beer, birch and root: bottled or canned
Carbonated beverages, nonalcoholic: bottled o
Drinks, fruit: bottled, canned, or fresh
Ginger ale, bottled or canned
Iced tea, bottled or canned
Lemonade: bottled, canned, or fresh
Mineral water, carbonated: bottled or canned
Soft drinks, bottled or canned
Tea, iced: bottled or canned
Water, pasteurized: bottled or canned
Beverage bases
Bitters (flavoring concentrates)
Burnt sugar (food color)
Cocktail mixes, nonalcoholic
Coffee flavorings and syrups
Colors for bakers'and confectioners'use, exce
Cordials, nonalcoholic
Drink powders and concentrates
Flavoring concentrates
Flavoring extracts, pastes, powders, and syru
Food colorings, except synthetic
Food glace, for glazing foods
Fruit juices, concentrated: for fountain use
Fruits, crushed: for soda fountain use
Canned fish, crustaceans, and mollusks
Caviar, canned
Chowders, fish and seafood: canned
Clam bouillon, broth, chowder, juice: bottled
Codfish: smoked, salted, dried, and pickled
Crab meat, canned and cured
Finnan haddie (smoked haddock)
Fish and seafood cakes: canned
Fish egg bait, canned
Fish, canned and cured
Fish: cured, dried, pickled, salted, and smok
Herring: smoked, salted, dried, and pickled
Mackerel: smoked, salted, dried, and pickled
Oysters, canned and cured
Salmon: smoked, salted, dried, canned, and pi
Sardines, canned
Shellfish, canned and cured
Shrimp, canned and cured
Soups, fish and seafood: canned
Stews, fish and seafood: canned
Tuna fish, canned
Chowders, fish and seafood: frozen
Crabcakes, frozen
Crabmeat picking
Crabmeat, fresh: packed in nonsealed containe
Fish and seafood cakes, frozen
Fish fillets
Fish sticks
Fish: fresh and frozen, prepared
Oysters, fresh: shucking and packing in nonse
Seafoods, fresh and frozen
Shellfish, fresh and frozen
Shellfish, fresh: shucked, picked, or packed
Shrimp, fresh and frozen
Soups, fish and seafood: frozen
Stews, fish and seafood: frozen
Coffee extracts
Coffee roasting, except by wholesale grocers
Coffee, Found: mixed with grain or chicory
Coffee, instant and freeze-dried
Cheese curls and puffs
Corn chips and related corn snacks
Popcorn, popped: except candy covered
Pork rinds
Potato chips and related corn snacks
Potato sticks
Block ice
Ice cubes
Ice plants, operated by public utilities
Ice, manufactured or artificial: except dry i
Macaroni and products, dry: e.g., alphabets,
Noodles: egg, plain, and water
Spaghetti, dry
Almond pastes
Baking powder
Bouillon cubes
Box lunches for sale off premises
Bread crumbs, not made in bakeries
Butter, renovated and processed
Cake frosting mixes, dry
Chicory root, dried
Chili pepper or powder
Chinese noodles
Cider, nonalcoholic
Coconut, desiccated and shredded
Cole slaw in bulk
Cracker sandwiches made from purchased cracke
Desserts, ready-to-mix
Dips, except cheese and sour cream based
Emulsifiers, food
Fillings, cake or pie: except fruits, vegetab
Frosting, prepared
Gelatin dessert preparations
Gravy mixes, dry
Honey, strained and bottled
Jelly, corncob (gelatin)
Leavening compounds, prepared
Marshmallow creme
Meat seasonings, except sauces
Molasses, mixed or blended-mfpm
Noodles, fried (e.g., Chinese)
Noodles, uncooked: packaged with other ingred
Pancake syrup, blended and mixed
Pasta, uncooked: packaged with other ingredie
Peanut butter
Pizza, refrigerated: not frozen
Popcorn, packaged: except popped
Potatoes, dried: packaged with other ingredie
Potatoes, peeled for the trade
Rice, uncooked: packaged with other ingredien
Salad dressing mixes, dry
Salads, fresh or refrigerated
Sandwiches, assembled and packaged: for whole
Sauce mixes, dry
Sorghum, including custom refining
Spices, including grinding
Sugar grinding
Sugar, industrial maple: made in plants produ
Sugar, powdered-mfpm
Syrups, sweetening: honey, maple syrup, sorgh
Tea blending
Tofu, except frozen desserts
Tortillas, fresh or refrigerated
Vegetables peeled for the trade
Tobacco: chewing, smoking, and snuff
Tobacco thrashing (mechanical stemming)
Tobacco, stemming and redrying of
Airplane cloth, cotton
Alpacas, cotton
Automotive fabrics, cotton
Awning stripes, cotton-mitse
Balloon cloth, cotton
Bandage cloths, cotton
Bark cloth, cotton
Basket weave fabrics, cotton
Bathmats, cotton: made in weaving mills
Batiste, cotton
Bedspreads, cotton: made in weaving mills
Bird's eye diaper cloth, cotton
Blankets and blanketings, cotton-mitse
Bombazine, cotton
Book cloth-mitse
Broadcloth, cotton
Brocade, cotton
Brocatelle, cotton
Butter cloths
Cambric, cotton
Camouflage nets-mitse
Canton flannels, cotton
Casement cloth, cotton
Chenilles, tufted textile-mitse
Cheviots, cotton
Chintz, cotton
Corduroys, cotton
Cotton broadwoven goods
Coutil, cotton
Coverts, cotton
Crash toweling, cotton
Crepes, cotton
Cretonne, cotton
Damasks, cotton
Diaper fabrics
Dishcloths, woven: made in weaving mills
Draperies and drapery fabrics, cotton-mitse
Dress fabrics, cotton
Drills, cotton
Duck, cotton
Duvetyn, cotton
Elastic fabrics, cotton: more than 12 inches
Express stripes, cotton
Filter cloth, cotton
Flannels, cotton
Furniture denim
Gabardine, cotton
Galatea, cotton
Glass toweling, cotton
Glove fabrics, cotton-mitse
Grosgrain, cotton
Handkerchief fabrics, cotton
Hickory stripes, cotton
Huck toweling
Interlining material, cotton
Jacquard woven fabrics, cotton
Jean fabrics, cotton
Laundry fabrics, cotton
Laundry nets-mitse
Lawns, cotton
Leno fabrics, cotton
Long cloth, cotton
Luggage fabrics, cotton
Marquisettes, cotton
Matelasse, cotton
Mitten flannel, cotton
Momie crepe, cotton
Mosquito netting-mitse
Muslin, cotton
Nainsook, cotton
Nets and nettings-mitse
Opaline, cotton
Organdy, cotton
Outing flannel, cotton
Oxfords (cotton fabrics)
Pajama checks, textile
Percaline, cotton
Pile fabrics, cotton
Pillow tubing-mitse
Pillow cases-mitse
Pin checks, cotton
Pin stripes, cotton
Piques, cotton
Plaids, cotton
Plisse crepe, cotton
Plushes, cotton
Pocketing twill, cotton
Pongee, cotton
Poplin, cotton
Press cloth
Print cloths, cotton
Ratine, cotton
Rep, cotton
Sateens, cotton
Scrim, cotton
Scrub cloths-mitse
Seat cover cloth, automobile: cotton
Seersuckers, cotton
Sheets and sheetings, cotton-mitse
Shirting fabrics, cotton
Shoe fabrics-mitse
Silesia, cotton
Slipcover fabrics, cotton
Stretch fabrics, cotton
Suiting fabrics, cotton
Surgical fabrics, cotton
Table cover fabrics, cotton
Table damask, cotton
Tapestry fabrics, cotton
Tarlatan, cotton
Terry woven fabrics, cotton
Tobacco cloths-mitse
Towels and toweling, cotton: made in weaving
Tracing cloth, cotton
Trouserings, cotton
Tubing, seamless: cotton
Twills, cotton
Typewriter ribbon cloth, cotton
Umbrella cloth, cotton
Underwear fabrics, woven: cotton
Upholstery fabrics, cotton
Voiles, cotton
Waffle cloth, cotton
Washcloths, woven: made in weaving mills
Weaving mills, cotton broadwoven fabrics
Wignan, cotton
Window shade cloth, cotton
Yarn-dyed fabrics, cotton
Acetate broad-woven fabrics
Acrylic broad-woven fabrics
Automotive fabrics, man-made fiber
Bedspreads, silk and man-made fiber-mitse
Blanketings, man-made fiber
Canton crepes
Comforters, man-made fiber-mitse
Crepe satins
Draperies and drapery fabrics, man-made fiber
Dress fabrics, man-made fiber and silk
Duvetyn, man-made fiber and silk
Elastic fabrics, man-made fiber and silk: mor
Fiberglass fabrics
Flat crepes
French crepes
Fur-type fabrics, man-made fiber
Glass broad-woven fabrics
Jacquard woven Fabrics, man-made fiber and si
Leno fabrics, man-made fiber and silk
Lining fabrics, man-made fiber and silk: exce
Linings, rayon or silk-mitse
Marquisettes, man-made fiber
Modacrylic broad-woven fabrics
Necktie fabrics, man-made fiber and silk: bro
Nylon broad-woven fabrics
Nytril broad-woven fabrics
Paper broad-woven fabrics
Parachute fabrics
Pile fabrics, man-made fiber and silk
Plushes, man-made fiber and silk
Polyester broad-woven fabrics
Polyethylene broad-woven fabrics
Polypropylene broad-woven fabrics
Pongee, man-made fiber and silk
Poplin, man-made fiber
Quilts, man-made fiber and silk-mitse
Rayon broad-woven fabrics
Saran broad-woven fabrics
Serges, man-made fiber
Shantungs, man-made fiber and silk
Shirting fabrics, man-made fiber and silk
Silk broad-woven fabrics
Slipcover fabrics, man-made fiber and silk
Spandex broad-woven fabrics
Suiting fabrics, man-made fiber and silk
Tapestry fabrics, man-made fiber and silk
Textile mills, broad-woven: silk, and man-mad
Textile warping, on a contract basis
Twills, manmade fiber
Typewriter ribbon cloth, man-made fiber
Underwear fabrics, except knit: man-made fibe
Upholstery fabrics, man-made fiber and silk
Velvets, man-made fiber and silk
Vinal broad-woven fabrics
Vinyon broad-woven fabrics
Voiles, man-made fiber and silk
Alpacas, mohair: woven
Billiard cloths-mitse
Blankets and blanketings wool and similar ani
Bleaching yarn and fabrics, wool and similar
Burling and mending wool cloth for the trade
Calendering of wool, mohair, and similar anim
Cloth, wool: mending for the trade
Dyeing and finishing of wool and similar anim
Fabric finishing of wool, mohair, and similar
Fabrics, animal fiber: broad-woven wool mohai
Fabrics, broad-woven: wool, mohair, and simil
Felts: wool, mohair, and similar animal fiber
Finishing of wool, mohair, and similar animal
Flannels: wool, mohair, and similar animal fi
Haircloth: wool, mohair, and similar animal f
Mill menders, contract: wool, mohair, and sim
Napping of wool, mohair, and similar animal f
Narrow fabrics, dyeing and finishing: wool, m
Overcoatings: wool, mohair, and similar anima
Pantings: wool, mohair, and similar animal fi
Paper makers'felts, woven: wool, mohair, and
Raw stock dyeing and finishing: wool, mohair,
Refinishing and sponging cloths: wool, for th
Serges of wool, mohair, and similar animal fi
Shrinking cloth of wool, mohair, and similar
Sponging and refinishing cloth: wool and simi
Suitings: wool, mohair, and similar animal fi
Trouserings: wool, mohair, and similar animal
Upholstery fabrics, wool
Weaving mills, broadwoven fabrics: wool, moha
Wool felts, woven
Worsted fabrics, broadwoven
Yarn bleaching, dyeing, and finishing: wool,
Apparel webbing
Banding, spindle
Beltings, woven or braided
Bindings, textile-mitse
Braids, textile
Braids, tubular nylon and plastics
Cords, fabric
Elastic narrow fabrics, woven or braided
Elastic webbing
Electric insulating tapes and braids, except
Fabrics, animal fiber: narrow woven
Fringes, weaving
Glass narrow fabrics
Glove lining fabrics
Hat band fabrics
Hose fabrics, tubular
Insulating tapes and braids, electric, except
Labels, woven
Lace, auto wind
Laces, corset and shoe: textile
Narrow woven fabrics: cotton, rayon wool, sil
Rickrack braid
Rubber thread and yarns, fabric covered
Shoe laces, except leather
Slide fastener tapes
Strapping webs
Tapes, fabric
Textile mills, narrow woven fabric: cotton, w
Thread, elastic: fabric covered
Tie tapes, woven or braided
Trimmings, textile-mitse
Venetian blind tapes
Weaving mills, narrow fabric: cotton, wool, s
Webbing, woven: except jute
Yarn, elastic: fabric covered
Zipper tape
Dyeing and finishing women's full-length and
Hosiery, women's full-length and knee-length,
Nylons, women's full-length and knee-length
Panty hose, women's
Stockings, women's full-length and knee lengt
Tights, women's
Anklets, hosiery
Children's hosiery
Dyeing and finishing hosiery, except women's
Hosiery, except women's and misses'full-lengt
Leg warmers
Men's hosiery
Nylons, except women's full-length and knee-l
Socks, slipper-mitse
Stockings, except women's and misses'full-len
Tights, except women's
Bathing suits-mitse
Body stockings-mitse
Collar and cuff sets-mitse
Dresses, hand-knit
Dyeing and finishing knit outerwear except ho
Jerseys and sweaters-mitse
Jogging suits-mitse
Lounging robes-mitse
Pants, outerwear-mitse
Shirts, outerwear-mitse
Ski suits-mitse
Sweat bands-mitse
Sweat pants-mitse
Sweat shirts-mitse
Sweaters and sweater coats-mitse
Tank tops-mitse
Warmup and jogging suits-mitse
Briefs, underwear-mitse
Drawers, apparel-mitse
Dyeing and finishing knit underwear
Gowns, night-mitse
Shirts, underwear-mitse
Shorts, underwear-mitse
Union suits-mitse
Circular knit fabrics
Cloth, circular knit
Dyeing and finishing circular knit fabrics
Dyeing and finishing weft knit fabrics
Fabrics, circular knit
Fabrics, weft knit
Jersey fabrics
Knit fabrics, weft (circular): knitting, dyei
Pile fabrics, circular knit
Weft knit fabrics
Bed sets, lace
Cloth, warp knit-mitse
Covers, lace: chair, dresser, piano, and tabl
Curtains and curtain fabrics, lace
Dyeing and finishing lace goods
Dyeing and finishing warp knit fabrics
Edgings, lace
Fabrics, warp knit-mitse
Finishing of warp knit fabrics
Galloons, lace
Knit fabrics, warp: knitting, dyeing, or fini
Lace goods: curtains, bedspreads, table cover
Lace, knit
Laces: Barmen, bobbinet, levers, and Nottingh
Mosquito netting, warp knit-mitse
Netting made on a lace or net machine
Netting, knit-mitse
Pile fabrics, warp knit
Tricot fabrics
Warp (flat) knit fabrics
Bags and bagging-mitse
Dyeing and finishing knit gloves and mittens
Elastic girdle blanks-mitse
Girdles (elastic) and other foundation garmen
Linings, shoe-mitse
Meat bagging-mitse
Bleaching cotton broad-woven fabrics
Bleaching, kier: continuous machine
Calendering of cotton broad-woven fabrics
Dyeing cotton broad-woven fabrics
Embossing cotton broad-woven fabrics
Finishing of cotton broad-woven fabrics
Fire resistance finishing of cotton broad-wov
Flocking of cotton broad-woven fabrics
Mercerizing cotton broad-woven fabrics
Mildew proofing cotton broad-woven fabrics
Napping of cotton broad-woven fabrics
Preshrinking cotton broad-woven fabrics for t
Printing and finishing of cotton broad-woven
Refinishing and sponging cotton broad-woven f
Shrinking cotton broad-woven fabrics for the
Sueding cotton broad-woven goods
Teaseling cotton broad-woven goods
Water repellency finishing of cotton broad-wo
Bleaching manmade fiber and silk broadwoven f
Calendering of manmade fiber and silk broadwo
Dyeing manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabr
Embossing manmade fiber and silk broadwoven f
Finishing of manmade fiber and silk broadwove
Fire resistance finishing of manmade fiber an
Flocking of manmade fiber and silk broadwoven
Mildew proofing manmade fiber and silk broadw
Napping of manmade fiber and silk broadwoven
Preshrinking manmade fiber and silk
Printing manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fa
Refinishing of manmade fiber and silk broadwo
Shrinking manmade fiber and silk broadwoven f
Silk broadwoven fabric finishing
Sueding manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fab
Teaseling manmade fiber and silk broadwoven f
Bleaching raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics
Braided goods, except wool: bleaching, dyeing
Cloth mending, except wool: for the trade
Dyeing raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics: e
Embossing linen broadwoven fabrics
Finishing of raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabr
Gassing yarn
Labels, cotton: printed
Linen fabrics: dyeing, finishing, and printin
Mercerizing yarn, braided goods, and narrow f
Mill enders, contract: cotton, silk, and manm
Printing narrow fabrics, except knit and wool
Aircraft floor coverings, except rubber or pl
Art squares, textile fiber
Art squares: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir
Automobile floor coverings, except rubber or
Axminster carpets
Bathmats and sets, textile
Carpets, textile fiber
Carpets: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, si
Chenille rugs
Door mats: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir,
Dyeing and finishing of rugs and carpets
Floor coverings, textile fiber
Floor coverings: twisted paper, grass, reed,
Mats and matting, textile
Mats and matting: twisted paper, grass, reed,
Rugs, except rubber or plastics
Scatter rugs, except rubber or plastics
Smyrna carpets and rugs, machine woven
Wilton carpets
Acetate yarn, made from purchased staple: spu
Acrylic yarn, made from purchased staple: spu
Carded yarn, cotton
Carpet yarn, cotton
Combed yarn, cotton
Cordage yarn, cotton
Crochet yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade
Darning yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade
Embroidery yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manm
Knitting yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmad
Manmade staple fiber yarn, spun
Modacrylic yarn, made from purchased staple:
Nylon yarn, spinning of staple
Polyester yarn, made from purchased staple: s
Polypropylene yarn, made from purchased stapl
Rayon yarn, made from purchased staple: spun
Spinning yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmad
Spun yarn: cotton, silk, manmade fiber, wool,
Weaving yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade
Yarn, spun: cotton, silk, manmade fiber, wool
Yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade staple
Acetate filament yarn: throwing, twisting win
Acrylic and modacrylic filament yarn: throwin
Animal fiber yarn: twisting, winding, or spoo
Beaming yarns for the trade
Mohair yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling
Nylon yarn: throwing, twisting, winding, or s
Polyester filament yarn: throwing, twisting,
Polypropylene filament yarn: throwing, twisti
Rayon yarn, filament: throwing, twisting, win
Spooling yarn: cotton, silk, and manmade fibe
Textured yarns-mfpm
Throwing, winding, or spooling of yarn: silk,
Twisting yarn: silk, wool, and manmade fiber
Winding yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade
Wool yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling
Cotton thread
Crochet thread: cotton, silk, manmade fibers,
Darning thread: cotton, silk, manmade fibers,
Embroidery thread: cotton, silk, man-made fib
Hand-knitting thread: cotton, silk, man-made
Manmade fiber thread
Nylon thread
Polyester thread
Rayon thread
Sewing thread: cotton, silk, manmade fibers,
Silk thread
Spinning thread: cotton, silk, manmade fibers
Tatting thread: cotton, silk, manmade fibers,
Thread: except flax, hemp, and ramie
Buckram: varnished, waxed, and impregnated
Cambric: varnished, waxed, and impregnated
Cloth, varnished glass
Coating and impregnating of fabrics, except r
Fabrics, coated and impregnated: except rubbe
Laminating of fabrics
Leather, artificial or imitation
Mats, varnished glass
Metallizing of fabrics
Plastics coated fabrics
Pyroxylin coated fabrics
Resin coated fabrics
Sealing or insulating tape for pipe, fibergla
Sleeving, textile: saturated
Tape, varnished: plastics and other coated: e
Tubing, textile: varnished
Waxing of cloth
Yarns, plastics coated: made from purchased y
Cord for reinforcing rubber tires, industrial
Fabrics for reinforcing rubber tires, industr
Glass tire cord and tire cord fabrics
Steel tire cord and tire cord fabrics
Bonded-fiber fabrics, except felt
Fabrics, bonded fiber: except felt
Fabrics, non-woven: except felts
Ribbon, non-woven (yarn bonded by plastics)
Spunbonded fabrics
Binder and baler twine
Blasting mats, rope
Cable, fiber
Camouflage nets, not made in weaving mills
Cargo nets (cordage)
Cord, braided
Cordage: abaca (Manila), sisal, henequen, hem
Fish nets and seines, made in cordage or twin
Fishing lines, nets, seines: made in cordage
Hard fiber cordage and twine
Insulator pads, cordage
Nets, rope
Rope, except asbestos and wire
Slings, rope
Soft fiber cordage and twine
Trawl twine
Wire rope centers
Apparel filling: cotton mill waste, kapok, an
Bagging, jute: made in jute weaving mills
Batts and batting cotton mill waste, kapok, a
Burlap, jute
Carbonized rags
Coir yarns and roving
Crash, linen
Fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, ramie
Felt goods, except woven felts and hats: wool
Felts, pressed or needle loom
Fibers, textile: recovery from textile mill w
Flax yarns and roving
Flock (recovered textile fibers)
Garnetting of textile waste and rags
Grease, wool
Hair, curled: for upholstery, pillow, and qui
Handwoven fabrics
Hemp yarn, thread, roving, and textiles
Linings, carpet: felt except woven
Mats, felt: except woven
Narrow woven fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, and
Noils, wool and mohair
Packing, twisted jute
Padding and wadding, textile
Pads and padding, felt: except woven
Pads, fiber: henequen, sisal, istle
Pillow filling: curled hair (e.g., cotton was
Pipe and boiler covering, felt
Polishing felts, except woven
Preparing textile fibers for spinning (scouri
Pressed felts
Processing of textile mill waste and recoveri
Punched felts
Quilt filling: curled hair (e.g., cotton wast
Ramie yarn, thread, roving, and textiles
Rayon tops, combing and converting
Recovering textile fibers from clippings and
Roves, flax and jute
Rug backing, jute or other fiber
Slubs and nubs (cutting up fibers for use in
Textile mills: linen, jute, hemp, and ramie y
Thread: linen, hemp, and ramie
Tops, combing and converting
Tops, manmade fiber
Tow to top mills
Towels and towelings, linen and linen-and-cot
Trimming felts, except woven
Upholstery filling, textile
Wads and wadding, textile
Webbing, jute
Wool felts, pressed or needle loom
Wool scouring and carbonizing
Wool shoddy
Wool tops, combing and converting
Wool waste processing
Yarn, specialty and novelty
Yarn: flax, jute, hemp, and ramie
Yarn: metallic, ceramic, or paper fibers
Coats tailored: men's and boys'-mfpm
Firefighters'dress uniforms men's
Formal jackets, men's and boys'
Jackets, tailored suit-type: men's and boys'
Military uniforms, tailored: men's and boys'
Overcoats: men's and boys'
Police uniforms men's
Suits, tailored: men's and boys'-mfpm
Tailored dress ad sport coats: men's and boys
Topcoats: men's and boys'
Uniforms, tailored: men's and boys'
Vests, tailored: men's and boys'
Blouses, boys’
Collars, men's and boys'
Flannel shirts, except work shirts: men's, yo
Polo shirts: men's and boys'
Shirts, outerwear; except work shirts: men's
Sport shirts: men's and boys'
Sweatshirts: men's and boys'
Tank tops: men's and boys'
Uniform shirts, except athletic or work: men'
Briefs, underwear: men's and boys'
Nightshirts: men's and boys'-
Nightwear: men's and boys'
Pajamas: men's and boys'
Shirts, underwear: men's and boys'
Shorts, underwear: men's and boys'-
Underwear: men's and boys'
Ascots: men's and boys'
Bow ties: men's and boys'
Mufflers: men's and boys'
Neckties: men's and boys'
Scarves: men's and boys'
Ties, handsewn
Dungarees: men's and boys'
Jean-cut casual slacks: men's and boys'
Jeans: men's and boys'
Pants, dress (separate): men's and boys'
Slacks (separate): men's and boys'
Slacks, jean-cut casual: men's and boys'
Trousers (separate): men's and boys'
Aprons, work, except rubberized and plastics
Coveralls, work: men' s and boys'
Industrial garments: men' s and boys'
Jackets, overall and work men' s and boys'
Laboratory coats: men' s
Medical uniforms, men' s
Overall jackets: men' s and boys'
Overalls, work men' s and boys'
Pants, work, except jeans and dungarees men's
Service apparel, washable men's
Shirts, work: men' s and boys'
Suits, work: men' s
Uniforms, non-tailored work type: men' s
Uniforms, work: men' s
Work garments, waterproof, men' s and boys':
Work pants, except jeans and dungarees men' s
Athletic clothing men's and boys'
Bathing suits: men's and boys’
Coats, except tailored or work: men's and boy
Coats, oiled fabric and blanket-lined: men's
Down-filled clothing: men's and boys'
Feather-filled clothing: men's and boys'
Field jackets, military
Gymnasium clothing men's and boys'
Hunting coats and vests men's
Jackets, non-tailored except work men's and b
Jackets, sport, non-tailored men's and boys'
Knickers, dress (separate): men's and boys'
Lumber jackets men's and boys'
Mackinaws: men's and boys'
Melton jackets men's and boys'
Pants, athletic and gymnasium men's and boys'
Pants, men's and boys': sweats athletic, gymn
Riding clothes men's and boys'
Shirt and slack suits, non-tailored men's and
Shorts, outerwear men's and boys'
Ski suits: men's and boys'
Sports clothing, non-tailored men's and boys'
Suits, men's and boys': warm-up, jogging, sno
Sweater jackets men's and boys'
Sweater vests: men's and boys'
Sweaters men's and boys'
Swimsuits men's and boys'
Swimwear, men's and boys'
Uniforms, athletic and gymnasium: men's and b
Vests, non-tailored including sweater-men's a
Windbreakers men's and boys'
Blouses: women's, misses', and juniors'
Shirts, outerwear: women's, misses', and juni
Sweatshirts women's, misses', and juniors'
Tank tops, outerwear: women's, misses', and j
Bridal dresses or gowns: women's, misses', an
Dresses, paper, cut and sewn: women's, misses
Dresses: women's, misses', and juniors'
Ensemble dresses: women's, misses', and junio
Gowns, formal: women's, misses', and juniors'
Gowns, wedding: women's, misses', and juniors
House dresses: women's, misses', and juniors'
Wedding dresses: women's, misses', and junior
Capes, except fur and vulcanized rubber: wome
Coats, except fur and raincoats: women's, mis
Jackets, tailored, except fur, sheeplined, an
Jumpsuits: women's, misses', and juniors’
Pantsuits: women's, misses', and juniors'
Skirts, except tennis skirts: women's misses'
Suits, except playsuits and athletic: women's
Uniforms except athletic and service apparel:
Vests, except tailored: women's, misses', and
Aprons, except rubberized and plastics: women
Athletic uniforms. women's, misses', and juni
Bathing suits: women's, misses', and juniors'
Beachwear: women's, misses', and juniors'
Coats, service apparel (e.g., medical and lab
Collar and cuff sets: women's, misses'and jun
Culottes: women's, misses', and juniors'
Dickeys: women's, misses'and juniors'
Down-filled coats, jackets, and vests: women'
Feather-filled coats, jackets, and vests: wom
Jackets, not tailored: women's, misses', and
Jackets, service apparel (e.g., medical and l
Jean-cut casual slacks: women's, misses', and
Jeans: women's, misses', and juniors'
Jogging suits: women's, misses', and juniors'
Knickers: women's, misses', and juniors'
Leotards: women's, misses', and juniors'
Neckwear: women's, misses'and juniors'
Pants outfits, except pantsuits: women's, mis
Playsuits: women's, misses', and juniors'
Riding habits: women's, misses', and juniors'
Scarves, hoods, and headbands: women's, misse
Service apparel, washable: e.g., nurses', mai
Shorts, outerwear: women's, misses', and juni
Ski jackets, vests, and pants: women's, misse
Ski suits: women's, misses', and juniors'
Skirts, tennis: women's, misses', and juniors
Slacks: women's, misses', and juniors'
Smocks: women's, misses', and juniors'
Snowsuits: women's, misses', and juniors'
Suits, women's, misses', and juniors': ski, s
Sweat pants: Women's, misses', and juniors'
Swimsuits: women's, misses', and juniors'
Ties: women's, misses', and juniors'
Uniforms, athletic: women's, misses', and jun
Uniforms, washable service apparel (nurses',
Vests, not tailored: women's, misses', and ju
Warmup suits: women's, misses', and juniors'
Windbreakers: women's, misses', and juniors'
Bedjackets: women' s, misses', and juniors'
Bra-slips: women' s and misses'
Briefs: women' s, misses', children' s, and i
Camisoles: women' s, misses', children' s and
Chemises: women' s, misses', children' s, and
Negligees: women' s, misses', children' s and
Nightgowns: women' s, misses', children' s, a
Nightwear: women' s, misses', children' s, an
Pajamas: women' s, misses', children' s, and
Panties: women' s, misses', children' s, and
Slips: women' s, misses', children' s, and in
T-Shirts, underwear women' s, misses', childr
Teddies: women' s, misses', children' s, and
Training pants (underwear) except rubber or r
Underwear: women' s, misses', children' s, an
Corset accessories e.g., clasps and stays
Corsets and allied garments, except surgical
Foundation garments, women's
Girdles, women's and misses'
Maternity bras and corsets
Panty girdles
Baseball caps, except plastics
Caps: textiles, straw, fur-felt, and wool-fel
Chauffeurs'hats and caps, cloth
Harvest hats, straw
Hat bodies fur-felt, straw, and wool-felt
Hats, trimmed
Hats textiles, straw, fur-felt, and wool-felt
Helmets, jungle-cloth: wool-lined
Opera hats
Panama hats
Police hats and caps, except protective head
Uniform hats and caps, except protective head
Blouses: girls', children's, and infants'
Dresses: girls', children's, and infants'
Middies: girls', children's, and infants'
Shirts, outerwear girls', children's, and inf
Sweat shirts: girls', children's, and infants
Tank tops girls', children's, and infants'
Bathing suits: girls', children's, and infant
Bathrobes: girls', children's, and infants'
Beachwear: girls', children's, and infants'
Buntings: infants'
Coat and legging sets: girls'and children's
Coats: girls', children's, and infants'
Culottes: girls'and children's
Headwear: girls', children's, and infants'
Housecoats: girls', children's, and infants'
Jackets: girls', children's, and infants'
Jeans: girls', children's, and infants'
Jogging suits: girls', children's, and infant
Leggings: girls', children's, and infants'
Leotards: girls', children's, and infants'
Lounging robes: girls', children's, and infan
Pantsuits: girls', children's, and infants'
Playsuits: girls', children's, and infants'
Robes, lounging: girls', children's, and infa
Rompers: infants'
Shorts, outerwear: girls'and children's
Ski suits: girls'and children's
Skirts: girls', children's, and infants'
Slacks: girls'and children's
Snowsuits: girls'and children's
Suits and rompers: children's and infants'
Suits: girls'and children's
Sunsuits: girls', children's, and infants'
Sweat suits: girls', children's, and infants'
Warmup suits: girls', children's, and infants
Apparel, fur
Capes, fur
Caps, fur
Clothing, fur
Coat linings, fur
Coats, fur
Fur finishers and liners for the fur goods tr
Fur plates and trimmings
Glazing furs
Glove linings, fur
Hats, fur
Jackets, fur
Mounting heads on fur neckpieces
Dyeing gloves, woven or knit: for the trade
Glove linings, except fur
Gloves and mittens, woven or knit
Bathrobes, men' s, boys', and women' s
Dressing gowns, men' s and women' s
Dusters (apparel)
Housecoats, except children' s and infants'
Jackets, smoking: men' s
Lounging robes and dressing gowns, men' s and
Aprons, waterproof: except vulcanized rubber
Bibs, waterproof
Clothing, waterproof
Diaper covers, waterproof: except vulcanized
Pants, waterproof
Plastics gowns
Raincoats, except vulcanized rubber
Waterproof and water-repellent outerwear, exc
Caps, leather
Clothing, leather or sheep-lined
Coats, leather or sheep-lined
Garments, leather or sheep-lined
Hats, leather
Jackets, leather (except welders') or sheep-l
Pants, leather
Vests, leather or sheep lined
Belts, apparel: made of any material
Arm bands, elastic
Band uniforms
Burial garments
Caps and gowns, academic
Costumes: e.g., lodge, masquerade, theatrical
Garter belts
Gowns, hospital: surgical and patient
Gowns: academic, choir, clerical
Handkerchiefs, except paper
Prayer shawls
Uniforms, band
Vestments, academic and clerical
Cottage sets (curtains)
Curtains, window
Draperies, plastics and textile
Bags, garment storage: except paper or plasti
Bags, laundry
Bath mitts (washcloths)
Bedspreads and bed sets
Blanket bags, plastic
Boat cushions
Bridge sets (cloths and napkins)
Chair covers, cloth
Chair pads, except felt
Comforters or comfortables
Curtains, shower
Cushions, except spring and carpet cushions
Dishcloths, non-woven textile
Dust cloths
Dusters, fabric
Dusting cloths, plain
Hassocks, textile
House furnishings, except curtains and draper
Ironing board pads
Linings, carpet: textile, except felt
Lunch cloths
Mattress pads
Mattress protectors, except rubber
Mops, floor and dust
Napkins, fabric and non-woven textiles
Pads and padding, table: except asbestos, fel
Pillow cases
Pillows, bed
Placemats, plastics and textiles
Polishing cloths, plain
Scarves: e.g., table, dresser
Sheets, fabric
Sheets, hospital: non-woven textile
Shoe bags
Slipcovers: made of fabrics, plastics and oth
Table mats, plastics and textiles
Table cloths, plastics
Table cloths
Towels, fabric and non-woven textiles
Wardrobe bags
Bags and containers, textile: except sleeping
Bags, textile: including canvas except laundr
Duffel bags, canvas
Flour bags, fabric
Knapsacks, canvas
Tea bags, fabric
Air cushions, canvas
Awnings, fabric
Canopies, fabric
Canvas products, except bags and knapsacks
Cloths, drop: fabric
Covers, fabric
Curtains: dock and welding
Liners and covers, fabric: pond, pit, and lan
Pneumatic mattresses
Shades, canvas
Swimming pool covers and blankets, fabric
Tarpaulins, fabric
Appliqueing, for the trade
Art needlework-mfpm
Buttonhole making, except fur: for the trade
Crochet ware, machine-made
Emblems, embroidered
Embroideries: metallic, beaded, and sequined
Embroidery products, except Schiffli machine
Eyelet making, for the trade
Hem-stitching, for the trade
Lace, burnt-out
Looping, for the trade
Permanent pleating and pressing, for the trad
Pleating, for the trade
Quilted fabrics or cloth
Quilting, for the trade
Ruffling, for the trade
Scalloping, for the trade
Stitching, decorative and novelty: for the tr
Swiss loom embroideries
Tucking, for the trade
Apparel findings and trimmings
Bindings, bias
Bindings, cap and hat
Collar linings, for men's coats
Findings, suit and coat: e.g., coat fronts, p
Hat findings, men's
Linings, handbag or pocketbook
Linings, hat: men's
Linings, luggage
Linings: e.g., suit, coat, shirt, skirt, dres
Luggage linings
Millinery trimmings
Pads, shoulder: e.g., for coats and suits
Printing and embossing on fabric articles
Printing on fabric articles
Ribbons and bows, cut and sewed
Silk screening on fabric articles
Stamping fabrics for embroidering
Straps, shoulder: for women's underwear-mfpm
Sweatbands, hat and cap
Tip printing and stamping on fabric articles
Trimmings, fabric: auto, furniture, millinery
Trimmings, hat: men's
Veils and veiling, hat
Visors, cap
Waistbands, trouser
Embroideries, Schiffli machine
Aprons, breast (harness)
Badges, made from fabric
Bags, sleeping
Banners, made from fabric
Belting, fabric
Belts, money: made of any material
Blankets, horse
Cheese bandages
Covers, automobile tire and seat
Diapers, except disposable
Emblems, made from fabrics
Fishing nets
Flags, fabric
Glove mending on factory basis
Hammocks, fabric
Insignia, military: textile
Nets, launderers'and dyers'
Powder puffs and mitts
Saddle cloths
Safety strap assemblies, automobile: except l
Seat belts, automobile and aircraft: except l
Strap assemblies, tie down: aircraft except l
Bolts, wood: e.g., handle, heading, shingle,
Burls, wood
Driving timber
Fuel wood harvesting
Last blocks, wood: hewn or riven
Logging contractors
Mine timbers, hewn
Peeler logs
Pickets and paling: round or split
Piling, wood: untreated
Pole cutting contractors
Poles, wood: untreated
Posts, wood: hewn, round, or split
Pulpwood camps
Pulpwood contractors engaged in cutting
Rails fence: round or split
Saw logs
Skidding logs
Stumping for turpentine or powder manufacturi
Timber (product of logging camps)
Veneer logs
Wood chips, produced in the field
Cants, resawed (lumber)
Ceiling lumber, dressed
Chipper mills
Custom sawmills
Cut stock, softwood
Flitches (veneer stock), made in sawmills
Flooring (dressed lumber), softwood
Fuelwood, from mill waste
Furniture dimension stock, softwood
Kiln drying of lumber
Lath, made in sawmills and lathmills
Lumber stacking or sticking
Lumber: rough, sawed, or planed
Planing mills, independent: except millwork
Resawing lumber into smaller dimensions
Sawdust and shavings
Sawmills, except special product mills
Siding, dressed lumber
Silo stock, wood: sawed
Snow fence lath
Stud mills
Ties, railroad: sawed
Tobacco hogshead stock
Wood chips produced at mill
Blanks, wood: for bowling pins, handles, and
Blocks, wood: for bowling pins, handles, and
Bobbin blocks and blanks, wood
Brush blocks, wood: turned and shaped
Carvings, furniture: wood
Chair frames for upholstered furniture, wood
Chair seats, hardwood
Dimension, hardwood
Flooring, hardwood
Frames for upholstered furniture, wood
Furniture dimension stock, hardwood
Furniture squares, hardwood
Furniture turnings and carvings, wood
Gun stocks, wood
Handle blanks, wood
Handle stock, sawed or planed
Lumber, hardwood dimension
Parquet flooring, hardwood
Picker stick blanks
Rounds or rungs, ladder and furniture: hardwo
Shuttle blocks: hardwood
Spool blocks and blanks, wood
Stock, chair: hardwood-turned, shaped, or car
Table slides, for extension tables: wood
Turnings, furniture: wood
Vehicle stock, hardwood
Barrel heading and staves, sawed or split
Cooperage stock mills
Cooperage stock: staves, heading, and hoops s
Excelsior, including pads and wrappers: wood
Hoops, wood: for tight or slack cooperage-saw
Sawmills, special product: except lumber and
Shakes (hand split shingles)
Shingle mills, wood
Shingles, wood: sawed or hand split
Wood wool (excelsior)
Wrappers, excelsior
Awnings, wood
Blinds (shutters), wood
Brackets, wood
Door jambs, wood
Door trim, wood
Door units, prehung: wood and covered wood
Doors, combination screen-storm: wood
Doors, wood and covered wood
Floor baseboards, wood
Garage doors, overhead: wood
Jalousies, glass: wood frame
Louver windows and doors, glass with wood fra
Millwork products
Moldings, wood and covered wood: unfinished a
Newel posts, wood
Ornamental woodwork: e.g., cornices and mante
Panel work, wood
Planing mills, millwork
Porch work, wood
Railings, stair: wood
Sash, door and window: wood and covered wood
Screens, door and window wood
Shutters, door and window: wood and covered w
Silo staves, wood
Staircases and stairs, wood
Trellises, wood
Trim, wood and covered wood
Venetian blind slab, wood
Wainscots, wood
Weather strip, wood
Window frames and sash, wood and covered wood
Window screens, wood
Window trim, wood and covered wood
Window units, wood and covered wood
Woodwork, interior and ornamental: eg., windo
Cabinets, wood: to be installed
Kitchen cabinets, wood: to be installed
Vanities, bathroom, wood: to be installed
Hardwood plywood composites
Hardwood veneer or plywood
Panels, hardwood plywood
Plywood, hardwood or hardwood faced
Prefinished hardwood plywood
Veneer mills, hardwood
Panels, softwood plywood
Plywood, softwood
Softwood plywood composites
Softwood veneer or plywood
Veneer mills, softwood
Ammunition boxes, wood
Box cleats, wood
Boxes, wood plain or fabric covered, nailed o
Carrier trays, wood
Chests for tools, wood
Cigar boxes, wood and part wood
Egg cases, wood
Flats, wood greenhouse
Packing cases, wood nailed or lock corner
Shipping cases, wood: nailed or lock corner
Shook, box
Trunk slats, wood
Pallet containers, wood or wood and metal com
Pallets, wood or wood and metal combination
Barrels, wood: coopered
Baskets, fruit and vegetable: e.g., till, ber
Berry cups, veneer and splint
Boxes, wood: wirebound
Buckets, wood coopered
Casks, wood coopered
Chicken coops (crates), wood: wirebound for s
Climax baskets
Containers made of staves
Containers, veneer and plywood: except nailed
Coopered tubs
Crates: berry, butter, fruit, and vegetable-w
Drums, plywood
Drums, shipping: wood-wirebound
Firkins and kits, wood: coopered
Fruit baskets, veneer and splint
Hampers, fruit and vegetable: veneer and spli
Hogsheads, wood: coopered
Hot tubs, coopered
Kegs, wood: coopered
Kits, wood: coopered
Market baskets, fruit and vegetable: veneer a
Pails, plywood
Pails, wood: coopered
Splint baskets, for fruits and vegetables
Tanks, wood: coopered
Tierces (cooperage)
Till baskets, veneer and splint
Tobacco hogsheads
Tubs, wood: coopered
Vats, wood: coopered
Vegetable baskets, veneer and splint
Buildings, mobile: commercial use
Mobile buildings for commercial use (e.g., of
Mobile classrooms
Mobile dwellings
Mobile homes, except recreational
Buildings, prefabricated and portable: wood
Chicken coops, prefabricated: wood
Corn cribs, prefabricated: wood
Farm buildings, prefabricated or portable: wo
Floors, prefabricated: wood
Geodesic domes, prefabricated: wood
Houses, portable: prefabricated wood-except m
Log cabins, prefabricated: wood
Marinas, prefabricated: wood
Panels for prefabricated wood buildings
Sauna rooms, prefabricated: wood
Sections for prefabricated wood buildings
Bridges and trestles, wood: treated
Creosoting of wood
Crossties, treated
Flooring, wood block: treated
Millwork, treated
Mine props, treated
Mine ties, wood: treated
Piles, foundation and marine construction: tr
Piling, wood: treated
Poles and pole crossarms, treated
Poles, cutting and preserving
Posts, wood: treated
Preserving of wood (creosoting)
Railroad cross bridge and switch ties treated
Railway crossties, wood: treated
Structural lumber and timber, treated
Vehicle lumber, treated
Wood fence: pickets, poling, rails-treated
Wood products, creosoted
Board, bagasse
Insulating siding, board-mitse
Insulation board, cellular fiber or hard pres
Lath, fiber
Medium density fiberboard (MDF)
Reconstituted wood panels
Strandboard, oriented
Wall tile, fiberboard
Wallboard, wood fiber: cellular fiber or hard
Applicators, wood
Bakers'equipment, wood
Baskets, except fruit, vegetable, fish, and b
Battery separators, wood
Bearings, wood
Beekeeping supplies, wood
Bentwood (steam bent) products, except furnit
Blocks, tackle: wood
Blocks, tailors'pressing: wood
Boards, bulletin: wood and cork
Boardsclip, ironing, meat, and pastry-wood
Boot and shoe lasts, regardless of material
Bowls, wood: turned and shaped
Briquettes, sawdust or bagasse: non-petroleum
Bungs, wood
Buoys, cork
Bushings, wood
Cane, chair: woven of reed or rattan
Carpets, cork
Cloth winding reels, wood
Clothes dryers (clothes horses), wood
Clothes drying frames, wood
Clothes pins, wood
Clubs, police: wood
Cooling towers, wood or wood and sheet metal
Cork products
Corks, bottle
Covers, bottle and demijohn: willow, rattan,
Curtain stretchers, wood
Dishes, wood
Display forms for boots and shoes, regardless
Dowels, wood
Extension planks, wood
Faucets, wood
Fellies, wood
Fencing, wood: except rough pickets, poles, a
Firewood and fuel wood containing fuel binder
Flour, wood
Frames: medallion, mirror, photograph, and pi
Furniture inlays (veneers)
Garment hangers, wood
Gavels, wood
Grain measures, wood: turned and shaped
Hammers, meat: wood
Hampers, laundry: rattan, reed, splint, venee
Handles, wood: turned and shaped
Hubs, wood
Insulating materials, cork
Jacks, ladder: wood
Knobs, wood
Ladders, wood
Last sole patterns, regardless of material
Letters, wood
Life preservers, cork
Mallets, wood
Market baskets, except fruit and vegetable: v
Marquetry, wood
Mashers, potato: wood
Masts, wood
Mauls, wood
Moldings, picture frame: finished
Novelties, wood fiber
Oars, wood
Pads, table: rattan, reed, and willow
Paint sticks, wood
Pencil slats
Plugs wood
Poles wood: e.g., clothesline, tent, flag
Pressed logs of sawdust and other wood partic
Pulleys, wood
Racks, for drying clothes: wood
Rattan ware, except furniture
Reed ware, except furniture
Reels cloth winding wood
Reels for drying clothes: wood
Reels, plywood
Rollers, wood
Rolling pins, wood
Rules and rulers: wood, except slide
Saddle trees, wood
Sawdust, reground
Scaffolds, wood
Scoops, wood
Seat covers, rattan
Seats, toilet: wood
Shoe stretchers, regardless of material
Shoe trees, regardless of material
Signboards, wood
Skewers, wood
Snow fence
Spars, wood
Spigots, wood
Spokes, wood
Spools, except for textile machinery: wood
Stakes, surveyors': wood
Step-ladders, wood
Stoppers, cork
Tile, cork
Tool handles, wood: turned and shaped
Toothpicks, wood
Trays: wood, wicker, and bagasse
Trophy bases, wood
Vats, wood: except coopered
Washboards, wood and part wood
Webbing: cane, reed, and rattan
Willow ware, except furniture
Wood, except furniture: turned and carved
Woodenware, kitchen and household
Yardsticks, wood
Beds, including folding and cabinet beds: hou
Bookcases, household: wood
Breakfast sets (furniture), wood
Bridge sets (furniture), wood
Buffets (furniture)
Cedar chests
Chairs bentwood
Chairs, household: except upholstered-wood
Chests, silverware: wood (floor standing)
Chiffoniers and chifforobes
China closets
Coffee tables, wood
Console tables, wood
Cots, household: wood
Cradles, wood
Cribs, wood
Desks, household: wood
Dining room furniture, wood
Dressing tables
End tables, wood
Frames for box springs, bedsprings, or water
Furniture, household, wood: porch, lawn, gard
Furniture, household, wood: unassembled or kn
Furniture, household wood: unfinished
Furniture, household clubroom, noveltywood, e
Headboards, wood
High chairs, children's: wood
Juvenile furniture, wood: except upholstered
Magazine racks, wood
Nursery furniture, wood
Playpens, children's: wood
Rockers, wood: except upholstered
Room dividers, household: wood
Screens, privacy: wood
Secretaries, household: wood
Stands: telephone, bedside, and smoking-wood
Stools, household: wood
Storage chests, household: wood
Swings, porch: wood
Tables, household: wood
Tea wagons, wood
Vanity dressers
Wardrobes, household: wood
Whatnot shelves, wood
Chairs, upholstered on wood frames, except co
Couches, upholstered on wood frames, except c
Furniture, household upholstered on wood fram
Juvenile furniture, upholstered on wood frame
Living room furniture, upholstered on wood fr
Recliners, upholstered on wood frames
Rockers, upholstered on wood frames sofas, up
Backs for metal household furniture
Bookcases, household metal
Breakfast sets (furniture), metal
Bridge sets (furniture), metal
Cabinets, kitchen metal
Cabinets, medicine metal
Cabinets, radio and television metal
Camp furniture, metal
Chairs, household metal
Cots, household metal
Cribs, metal
Dinette sets, metal
Frames for box springs or bedsprings, metal
Furniture, clubroom metal
Furniture household: metal
Furniture household upholstered on metal fram
Garden furniture, metal
Gliders (furniture), metal
Hammocks, metal or fabric and metal combinati
Juvenile furniture, metal
Lawn furniture, metal
Novelty furniture, metal
Nursery furniture, metal
Playpens, children's metal
Seats for metal household furniture
Serving carts, household metal
Smoking stands, metal
Stools, household metal
Swings, porch metal
Tables, household: metal
Tea wagons, metal
Vanities, household metal
Beds, sleep-system ensembles: flotation and a
Beds, sofa and chair: on frames of any materi
Bedsprings, assembled
Box springs, assembled
Chair and couch springs, assembled
Cot springs, assembled
Cushion springs, assembled
Cushions, spring
Foundations, bed: spring, foam, and platform
Mattresses, containing felt, foam rubber, ure
Mattresses: innerspring, box spring, and non-
Sofas, convertible
Spring cushions
Audio cabinets, wood
Cabinets, wood: radio, television, phonograph
Phonograph cabinets and cases, wood
Radio cabinets and cases, wood
Sewing machine cabinets and cases, wood
Stereo cabinets, wood
Television cabinets, wood
Bassinets, reed and rattan
Cabinets, radio and television: plastics
Camp furniture, reed and rattan
Chairs, cane
Furniture, household: glass and plastics (inc
Furniture, household: rattan, reed, malacca,
Garden furniture: except wood, metal, stone,
Household furniture: rattan, reed, malacca, f
Juvenile furniture, rattan and reed
Lawn furniture: except wood, metal, stone, an
Benches, office: wood
Bookcases, office: wood
Cabinets, office: wood
Chairs, office: wood
Desks, office: wood
Filing boxes, cabinets, and cases: wood
Furniture, office: wood
Modular furniture systems, office, wood
Panel furniture systems, office, wood
Partitions, office: not for floor attachment-
Stools, office: wood
Tables, office: wood
Benches, office: except wood
Bookcases, office: except wood
Cabinets, office: except wood
Chairs, office: except wood
Desks, office except wood
File drawer frames: except wood
Filing boxes, cabinets, and cases except wood
Furniture, office: except wood
Modular furniture systems, office except wood
Panel furniture systems, office: except wood
Stools, office: rotating-except wood
Tables, office: except wood
Wall cases, office: except wood
Benches for public buildings
Blackboards, wood
Bleacher seating, portable
Chairs, portable folding
Church furniture, except stone or concrete
Furniture: church, library, school, theater,
Pews, church
School furniture, except stone and concrete
Seats: automobile, vans, aircraft, railroad,
Stadium seating
Bar fixtures, wood
Butchers'store fixtures, wood
Cabinets, show, display, and storage: except
Counters and counter display cases, except re
Display cases and fixtures, not refrigerated:
Drainboards, plastics laminated
Fixture tops, plastics laminated
Fixtures, display: office and store wood
Garment racks, wood
Lockers, not refrigerated: wood
Lunchroom fixtures, wood
Partitions, prefabricated: wood for floor att
Pedestals, statuary: wood
Racks, merchandise display: wood
Shelving, office and store: wood
Showcases, not refrigerated: wood
Sink tops, plastics laminated
Store fronts, prefabricated: wood
Table or counter tops, plastics laminated
Telephone booths, wood
Window backs, store and lunchroom: prefabrica
Bar fixtures, except wood
Butchers'store fixtures, except wood
Cabinets, show, display, and storage: not ref
Carrier cases and tables, mail: except wood
Counters and counter display cases, not refri
Fixtures, display: office and store-except wo
Garment racks except wood
Lockers not refrigerated except wood
Lunchroom fixtures except wood
Mail pouch racks except wood
Mailing racks postal service except wood
Pallet racks, except wood
Partitions prefabricated except wood and free
Postal service lock boxes, except wood
Racks merchandise display and storage, except
Shelving angles and slotted bars: except wood
Shelving office and store: except wood
Showcases not refrigerated: except wood
Sorting racks, mail: except wood
Stands, merchandise display: except wood
Telephone booths, except wood
Blinds venetian
Blinds vertical
Curtain rods, poles, and fixtures
Drapery rods, poles, and fixtures
Porch shades, wood slat
Shade pulls, window
Shades, window: except canvas
Window shade rollers and fittings
Bar furniture
Beds, hospital
Bowling center furniture
Cafeteria furniture
Carts, restaurant
Dish carts, restaurant
Factory furniture: stools, work benches, tool
Food trucks, restaurant
Food wagons, restaurant
Restaurant furniture
Ship furniture
Stools, metal: with casters-not household or
Tray trucks, restaurant
Work benches, industrial
Deinking of newsprint
Fiber pulp: made from wood, rags, wastepaper,
Pulp mills
Pulp: soda, sulfate, sulfite, groundwood, ray
Rayon pulp
Wood pulp
Absorbent paper
Asbestos paper and asbestos filled paper
Asphalt paper: laminated
Asphalt sheathing
Bag paper
Blotting paper
Bond pape
Book paper
Bristols, except bogus
Building paper: sheathing, insulation, satura
Capacitor paper
Catalog paper
Cigarette paper
Cleansing tissue stock
Condenser paper
Construction paper
Cotton fiber paper
Cover paper
Dry felts, except textile
Facial tissue stock
Felts, building
Filter paper
Greaseproof wrapping paper
Groundwood paper
Hanging paper (wallpaper stock)
Kraft sheathing paper
Kraft wrapping paper
Lining paper
Lithograph paper
Manila wrapping paper
Matrix paper
Milk filter disks
Napkin stock, paper
News tablet paper
Offset paper
Paper mills
Paper, building
Parchment paper
Poster paper
Printing paper
Publication paper
Roofing felt stock
Rope and jute wrapping paper
Rotogravure paper
Saturated felt
Shipping sack paper
Tagboard, made in paper mills
Tar paper, building and roofing
Text paper
Thin paper
Tissue paper
Toilet tissue stock
Toweling paper
Wallpaper stock (hanging paper)
Writing paper
Binders' board
Bottle cap board
Bristols, bogus
Clipboard (paperboard)
Clay coated board
Container board
Folding boxboards
Liner board, kraft and jute
Manila lined board
Matrix board
Milk carton board
Paperboard mills, except building board mills
Paperboard, except building board
Patent coated paperboard
Setup boxboard
Shoe board
Special food board
Stencil board
Strawboard, except building board
Wet machine board
Boxes, newsboard: metal edged
Boxes, setup paperboar
Filing boxes, paperboard
Boxes, corrugated and solid fiber-mfpm
Containers, corrugated and solid fiberboard-m
Display items, corrugated and solid fiberboar
Hampers, shipping: paperboard and solid fiber
Pads, corrugated and solid fiberboard-mfpm
Pallets, corrugated and solid fiberboard-mfpm
Partitions, corrugated and solid fiberboard-m
Sheets, corrugated and solid fiberboard-mfpm
Ammunition cans or tubs, paperboard laminated
Bobbins, fiber
Bottles, paper fiber
Boxes, vulcanized fiber
Candelabra tubes, fiber
Cans, composite: foil-fiber and other combina
Cans, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber
Cases, mailing: paper fiber (metal-end or all
Cones, fiber: for winding yarn, string, ribbo
Containers, laminated phenolic and vulcanized
Containers, liquid tight fiber (except sanita
Cores, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)
Drums, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)
Hampers, shipping: vulcanized fiber
Mailing cases and tubes, paper fiber (metal-e
Pans and voids, fiber or cardboard
Ribbon blocks, fiber
Spools, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)
Textile reels, fiber
Textile spinning bobbins, fiber (metal-end or
Tubes, fiber or paper (with or without metal
Tubes, for chemical and electrical uses: impr
Wastebaskets, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)
Containers, food, sanitary: except folding-mf
Cups, paper: except those made from pressed o
Dishes, paper: except those made from pressed
Drinking cups, paper except those made from p
Drinking straws, except glass or plastics-mfp
Food containers, non-folding paperboard, sani
Food containers, sanitary: except folding-mfp
Frozen food containers, non-folding paperboar
Ice cream containers, non-folding paperboard-
Milk cartons, paperboard-mfpm
Plates, paper: except those made from pressed
Soda straws, except glass or plastics-mfpm
Spoons, paper: except those made from pressed
Utensils, paper: except those made from press
Boxes, folding paperboard
Cartons, folding, except milk cartons: paperb
Frozen food containers, folding paperboard
Ice cream containers, folding paperboard
Pails, folding sanitary food: paperboard
Paperboard backs for blister or skin packages
Bread wrappers, waxed or laminated
Coated paper for packaging
Metallic covered paper for packaging
Paper, coated or laminated: for packaging
Plastics film, coated or laminated: for packa
Resinous impregnated paper for packaging
Thermoplastics coated paper for packaging
Waxed paper for packaging
Wrapping paper, coated or laminated
Book paper, coated
Cellophane adhesive tape
Cloth-lined paper
Enameled paper
Fancy paper, coated and glazed: except for pa
Gummed paper
Gummed tape, cloth and paper base
Litmus paper
Masking tap
Oiled paper
Paper, coated and laminated: except for packa
Pressure sensitive paper and tape except rubb
Printing paper, coated
Resinous impregnated paper, except for packag
Tape, pressure sensitive: except rubber backe
Tar paper: except building or roofing and pac
Thermoplastics coated paper, except for packa
Transfer paper, gold and silver
Waxed paper, except for packaging
Frozen food bags
Garment storage bags, coated paper or plastic
Merchandise bags, plastics
Pliofilm bags
Trash bags, plastics film, foil, and coated p
Wardrobe bags (closet accessories), plastics
Waste bags, plastics film and laminated
Bags, paper: uncoated
Glassine bags, uncoated paper
Grocers' bags and sacks, uncoated paper
Merchandise bags, uncoated paper
Multiwall bags, paper
Sacks, multiwall or heavy-duty shipping sack
Shipping sacks, paper
Shopping bags, uncoated paper
Variety bags, uncoated paper
Board, chip: pasted
Bottle caps and tops, die-cut from purchased
Card cutting
Cardboard foundations and cutouts
Cardboard panels and cutouts
Cardboard: pasted, laminated, lined, and surf
Cards, cut and designed: unprinted
Cards, plain paper: die-cut or rotary-cut fro
Cards, tabulating and time recording die-cut
Cutouts, paper and paperboard: die-cut from p
Die-cut paper and paperboard
Egg cartons, die-cut paper and paperboard
Egg case fillers and flats, die-cut from purc
Filing folders
Index and other cut cards
Jacquard cards
Lace, paper: die-cut from purchased materials
Letters, cardboard
Library cards, paperboard
Liners for freight car doors: reinforced with
Manila folders
Milk filter disks, die-cut from purchased pap
Newsboard, pasted
Paperboard: pasted, lined, laminated, or surf
Photograph folders, mats, and mounts
Stencil cards for addressing machines
Tabulating cards, printed or unprinted: die-c
Time recording cards, die-cut from purchased
Waterproof cardboard
Cleansing tissues
Diapers, disposable
Facial tissues
Handkerchiefs, paper
Napkins, paper
Napkins, sanitary
Toilet paper
Towels, paper
Envelopes, printed or unprinted: paper, glass
Correspondence-type tablets
Desk pads, paper
Fillers for looseleaf devices, except printed
Looseleaf fillers and ream paper in filler si
Memorandum books, except printed
Newsprint tablets and pads
Notebooks, including mechanically bound by wi
Tablets and pads, book and writing
Writing paper and envelopes, boxed sets
Building paper, laminated
Cigarette paper, book
Conduits, fiber (pressed pulp)
Crepe paper
Cups, pressed and molded pulp
Dishes, pressed and molded pulp
Doilies, paper
Egg cartons, molded pulp
Egg case filler flats, molded pulp
Excelsior, paper
False faces, papier-mache
Filter paper, converted
Foil board
Fuel cell forms, cardboard
Gift wrap paper
Halloween lanterns, papier-mache
Hats, paper
Honeycomb core and board
Insulating batts, fills, and blankets: paper
Insulation, cellulose
Masks, papier-mache
Novelties, paper
Pallet spacers, fiber
Paper, building: laminated
Paper, corrugate
Paper, crepe and crepe paper products
Papier-mache articles, except statuary and ar
Pin tickets, paper
Pipe and fittings, molded pulp
Plates, pressed and molded pulp
Pressed products from wood pulp
Pulp products, pressed and molded: except sta
Rolls, paper: adding machine, telegraph tape,
Spoons, pressed and molded pulp
Tags, paper: unprinted
Telegraph tape, paper
Teletypewriter paper, rolls with carbon
Utensils, pressed and molded pulp
Wallcoverings: paper
Wallpaper, embossed plastics: made on textile
Commercial printing and newspaper publishing
Job printing and newspaper publishing combine
Newspaper branch offices, editorial and adver
Newspapers: publishing and printing, or publi
Comic books: publishing and printing, or publ
Magazines: publishing and printing, or publis
Periodicals: publishing and printing, or publ
Statistical reports (periodicals), publishing
Television schedules: publishing and printing
Trade journals, publishing and printing, or p
Book club publishing and printing, or publish
Books: publishing and printing, or publishing
Music books: publishing and printing, or publ
Pamphlets: publishing and printing, or publis
Textbooks: publishing and printing, or publis
Books: printing or printing and binding, not
Music books: printing or printing and binding
Pamphlets: printing or printing and binding,
Textbooks: printing or printing and binding,
Atlases: publishing and printing, or publishi
Business service newsletters: publishing and
Calendars: publishing and printing, or publis
Catalogs: publishing and printing, or publish
Directories: publishing and printing, or publ
Globe covers (maps): publishing and printing,
Guides: publishing and printing, or publishin
Maps: publishing and printing, or publishing
Multimedia educational kits: publishing and p
Music, sheet: publishing and printing, or pub
Patterns, paper, including clothing patterns:
Race track programs: publishing and printing,
Racing forms: publishing and printing, or pub
Shopping news: publishing and printing, or pu
Technical manuals and papers: publishing and
Telephone directories: publishing and printin
Yearbooks: publishing and printing, or publis
Advertising posters, lithographed
Atlases, lithographed
Billheads, lithographed
Bread wrappers, lithographed
Business forms, except manifold: lithographed
Calendars, lithographed: not published
Cards, lithographed
Circulars, lithographed
Color cards, paint: offset printing
Color lithography
Coupons, lithographed
Decalcomanias (dry transfers), lithographed
Fashion plates, lithographed
Instant printing, except photocopy service
Labels, lithographed
Letters, circular and form: lithographed
Lithographing on metal or paper
Maps, lithographed
Menus, lithographed
Newspapers, lithographed: not published
Offset printing
Periodicals, lithographed: not published
Photo-offset printing
Playing cards, lithographed
Postcards, picture: lithographed
Posters, lithographed
Printing from lithographic or offset plates
Printing, commercial or job: lithographic and
Printing, lithographic
Quick printing, except photocopy service
Schedules, transportation: lithographic
Seals, lithographed
Souvenir cards, lithographed
Tags, lithographed
Tickets, lithographed
Trading stamps, lithographed
Transferring designs (lithographing)
Transfers, decalcomania and dry: lithographed
Visiting cards, lithographed
Wrappers, lithographed
Bread wrappers: gravure printing
Business forms, except manifold: gravure prin
Calendars, gravure printing not publishing
Cards, except greeting: gravure printing
Catalogs: gravure printing (not publishing)
Circulars: gravure printing
Color printing: gravure
Coupons: gravure printing
Directories: gravure printing (not publishing
Envelopes: gravure printing
Facsimile letters: gravure printing
Fashion plates: gravure printing
Gravure printing
Imprinting: gravure
Labels: gravure printing
Letters, circular and form: gravure printing
Magazines: gravure printing (not publishing)
Maps: gravure printing (not publishing)
Menus: gravure printing
Music, sheet: gravure printing (not publishin
Newspapers: gravure printing (not publishing)
Periodicals: gravure printing (not publishing
Photogravure printing
Playing cards: gravure printing
Postcards, picture: gravure printing
Posters: gravure printing
Printing, commercial or job: gravure
Printing: gravure, photogravure, rotary photo
Rotary photogravure printing
Rotogravure printing
Schedules, transportation: gravure printing
Seals: gravure printing
Souvenir cards: gravure printing
Stationery: gravure printing
Telephone directories, gravure printing not p
Tickets: gravure printing
Trading stamps: gravure printing
Visiting cards: gravure printing
Wrappers: gravure printing
Announcements, engraved
Bags, plastics: printed only, except lithogra
Banknotes, engraved
Bread wrappers, printed: except lithographed
Business forms, except manifold, lithographed
Calendars, printed: except lithographed or gr
Cards, except greeting cards: engraving of
Cards, printed: except greeting, lithographed
Catalogs, printed: except lithographed or gra
Circulars, printed: except lithographed or gr
Color printing: except lithographed or gravur
Coupons, printed: except lithographed or grav
Currency, engraving of
Decalcomanias, printed: except lithographed o
Directories, printed: except lithographed or
Embossing on paper
Envelopes, printed: except lithographed or gr
Fashion plates, printed: except lithographed
Flexographic printing
Gummed labels and seals, printed: except lith
Half-tones, engraved
Imprinting, except lithographed or gravure
Invitations, engraved
Labels, printed: except lithographed or gravu
Letterpress printing
Letters, circular and form: except lithograph
Magazines, printed: except lithographed or gr
Maps, engraved
Maps, printed: except lithographed or gravure
Menus, except lithographed or gravure printed
Music, sheet: except lithographed or gravure
Newspapers, printed: except lithographed or g
Periodicals, printed: except lithographed or
Plateless engraving
Playing cards, printed: except lithographed o
Postcards, picture: except lithographed or gr
Posters, including billboard: except lithogra
Printing from engraved and etched plates
Printing, commercial or job: engraved plate
Printing, commercial or job: except lithograp
Printing, flexographic
Printing, letterpress
Printing, screen: except on textiles or finis
Schedules, transportation: except lithographe
Screen printing on glass, plastics, paper, an
Seals: printing except lithographic or gravur
Security certificates, engraved
Souvenir cards: except lithographed or gravur
Stationery: except lithographed or gravure
Stock certificates, engraved
Tags, printed: except lithographed or gravure
Telephone directories, except lithographed or
Thermography, except lithographed or gravure
Tickets, printed: except lithographed or grav
Trading stamps, printed: except lithographed
Visiting cards, printed: except lithographed
Wrappers, printed: except lithographed or gra
Autographic register forms, printed
Business forms, manifold
Computer forms, manifold or continuous (exclu
Continuous forms, office and business carboni
Fanfold forms
Sales books
Strip forms (manifold business forms)
Tabulating card set forms (business forms)
Unit sets (manifold business forms)
Birthday cards, except hand painted
Christmas cards, except hand painted
Easter cards, except hand painted
Greeting cards, except hand painted
Valentine cards, except hand painted
Account books
Binders, looseleaf
Blankbook making
Chart and graph paper, ruled
Inventory blankbooks
Ledgers and ledger sheets
Library binders, looseleaf
Looseleaf devices and binders
Looseleaf forms and fillers, pen ruled or pri
Memorandum books, printed
Paper ruling
Receipt books
Record albums
Sample books
Beveling of cards
Binding only books, pamphlets, magazines, etc
Book gilding, bronzing, edging, deckling, emb
Bookbinding edition, job, library, and trade
Bronzing books, cards, or paper
Display mounting
Edging books, cards, or paper
Magazines, binding only
Mounting of maps and samples, for the trade
Pamphlets, binding only
Paper bronzing, gilding, edging, and deckling
Paper cutting, except die-cutting
Rebinding books, magazines, or pamphlets
Repairing books (bookbinding)
Swatches and samples, mounting for the trade
Trade binding services
Advertisement typesetting
Composition, hand: for the printing trade
Composition, machine: e.g., linotype, monotyp
Typesetting for the printing trade
Typesetting, computer controlled
Typographic composition
Color separations for printing
Electrotype plates
Electrotyping for the trade
Embossing plates for printing
Engraving on copper, steel, wood, or rubber p
Engraving on textile printing plates and cyli
Engraving, steel line: for printing purposes
Etching on copper, steel, wood, or rubber pla
Flexographic plates, preparation of
Gravure plates and cylinders, preparation of
Letterpress plates, preparation of
Lithographic plates, positives or negatives:
Offset plates, positives or negatives: prepar
Photoengraving for the trade
Plates and cylinders, rotogravure printing: p
Plates, printing: preparation of
Stereotype plates
Stereotyping for the trade
Alkalies, not produced at mines
Caustic potash
Caustic soda
Chlorine compressed or liquefied
Potassium carbonate
Potassium hydroxide
Sal soda (washing soda)
Soda ash not produced at mines
Sodium bicarbonate not produced at mines
Sodium carbonate (soda ash) not produced at m
Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
Washing soda (sal soda)
Carbon dioxide
Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)
Gases, industrial: compressed, liquefied, or
Nitrous oxide
Oxygen, compressed and liquefied
Animal black
Barium sulfate, precipitated (blanc fixe)
Barytes pigments
Black pigments, except carbon black
Blanc fixe (barium sulfate, precipitated)
Bone black
Chrome pigments: chrome green, chrome yellow,
Color pigments, inorganic
Ferric oxide pigments
Iron blue pigments
Iron colors
Iron oxide, black
Iron oxide, magnetic
Iron oxide, yellow
Lamp black
Lead oxide pigments
Lead pigments
Metallic pigments, inorganic
Mineral colors and pigments
Minium (pigments)
Paint pigments, inorganic
Pearl essence
Pigments, inorganic
Prussian blue pigments
Red lead pigments
Satin white pigments
Titanium pigments
Ultramarine pigments
Vermilion pigments
White lead pigments
Zinc oxide pigments
Zinc pigments: zinc yellow and zinc sulfide
Activated carbon and charcoal
Alkali metals
Aluminum chloride
Aluminum compounds
Aluminum hydroxide (alumina trihydrate)
Aluminum oxide
Aluminum sulfate
Ammonia alum
Ammonium chloride, hydroxide, and molybdate
Ammonium compounds, except for fertilizer
Ammonium perchlorate
Ammonium thiosulfate
Barium compounds
Bauxite, refined
Beryllium oxide
Bleach (calcium hypochlorite), industrial
Bleach (sodium hypochlorite), industrial
Bleaches, industrial
Bleaching powder, industrial
Borax (sodium tetraborate)
Boric acid
Boron compounds, not produced at mines
Bromine, elemental
Calcium carbide, chloride, and hypochlorite
Calcium compounds, inorganic
Calcium metal
Catalysts, chemical
Cerium salts
Cesium metal
Charcoal, activated
Chlorosulfonic acid
Chromates and bichromates
Chromic acid
Chromium compounds, inorganic
Chromium salts
Cobalt 60 (radioactive)
Cobalt chloride
Cobalt sulfate
Copper chloride
Copper iodide and oxide
Copper sulfate
Desiccants, activated: silica gel
Ferric chloride
Ferric oxides, except pigments
Fissionable material production
Fluorine, elemental
Fuel propellants, solid: inorganic
Fuels, high energy: inorganic
Glauber's salt
Heavy water
High purity grade chemicals, inorganic: refin
Hydrated alumina silicate powder
Hydrochloric acid
Hydrocyanic acid
Hydrofluoric acid
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen sulfide
Indium chloride
Inorganic acids, except nitric or phosphoric
Iodine elemental
Iodine, resublimed
Iron sulphate
Isotopes, radioactive
Laboratory chemicals, inorganic
Lead oxides, other than pigments
Lead silicate
Lime bleaching compounds
Lithium compounds
Lithium metal
Luminous compounds, radium
Magnesium carbonate
Magnesium chloride
Magnesium compounds, inorganic
Manganese dioxide powder, synthetic
Mercury chlorides (calomel, corrosive sublima
Mercury compounds, inorganic
Mercury oxides
Mercury, redistilled
Metals, liquid
Mixed acid
Muriate of potash, not produced at mines
Nickel ammonium sulfate
Nickel carbonate
Nickel compounds, inorganic
Nickel sulfate
Nuclear cores, inorganic
Nuclear fuel reactor cores, inorganic
Nuclear fuel scrap reprocessing
Oleum (fuming sulfuric acid)
Oxidation catalyst made from porcelain
Perchloric acid
Peroxides, inorganic
Phosphates, except defluorinated and ammoniat
Phosphorus and phosphorus oxychloride
Potash alum
Potassium aluminum sulfate
Potassium bichromate and chromate
Potassium bromide
Potassium chlorate
Potassium chloride
Potassium compounds, inorganic: except potass
Potassium cyanide
Potassium hypochlorate
Potassium iodide
Potassium metal
Potassium nitrate and sulfate
Potassium permanganate
Propellants for missiles, solid: inorganic
Radium chloride
Radium luminous compounds
Rare earth metal salts
Reagent grade chemicals, inorganic: refined f
Rubidium metal
Salt cake (sodium sulfate)
Salts of rare earth metals
Silica gel
Silica, amorphous
Silver bromide, chloride, and nitrate
Silver compounds, inorganic
Soda alum
Sodium aluminate
Sodium aluminum sulfate
Sodium antimoniate
Sodium arsenite, technical
Sodium bichromate and chromate
Sodium borates
Sodium borohydride
Sodium bromide, not produced at mines
Sodium chlorate
Sodium compounds, inorganic
Sodium cyanide
Sodium hydrosulfite
Sodium molybdate
Sodium perborate
Sodium peroxide
Sodium phosphate
Sodium polyphosphate
Sodium silicate
Sodium silicofluoride
Sodium stannate
Sodium sulfate-bulk or tablets
Sodium tetraborate not produced at mines
Sodium thiosulfate
Sodium tungstate
Sodium uranate
Sodium, metallic
Stannic and stannous chloride
Strontium carbonate precipitated and oxide
Strontium nitrate
Sublimate corrosive
Sulfate of potash and potash magnesia, not pr
Sulfides and sulfites
Sulfur chloride
Sulfur dioxide
Sulfur hexafluoride gas
Sulfur recovered or refined including from so
Sulfuric acid
Tanning agents synthetic inorganic
Thiocyanates, inorganic
Tin chloride
Tin compounds, inorganic
Tin oxide
Tin salts
Tungsten carbide powder except abrasives or b
Uranium slug, radioactive
Water glass
Zinc chloride
Acetal resins
Acetate cellulose (plastics)
Acrylic resins
Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins
Alcohol resins, polyvinyl
Alkyd resins
Allyl resins
Butadiene copolymers, containing less than 50
Carbohydrate plastics
Casein plastics
Cellulose nitrate resins
Cellulose propionate (plastics)
Coal tar resins
Condensation plastics
Coumarone-indene resins
Cresol resins
Cresol-furfural resins
Dicyandiamine resins
Diisocyanate resins
Elastomers, nonvulcanizable (plastics)
Epichlorohydrin bisphenol
Epichlorohydrin diphenol
Epoxy resins
Ester gum
Ethyl cellulose plastics
Ethylene-vinyl acetate resins
Fluorohydrocarbon resins
Ion exchange resins
Ionomer resins
Isobutylene polymers
Lignin plastics
Methyl acrylate resins
Methyl cellulose plastics
Methyl methacrylate resins
Molding compounds, plastics
Nitrocellulose plastics (pyroxylin)
Nylon resins
Petroleum polymer resins
Phenol-furfural resins
Phenolic resins
Phenoxy resins
Phthalic alkyd resins
Phthalic anhydride resins
Polyacrylonitrile resins
Polyamide resins
Polycarbonate resins
Polyethylene resins
Polyhexamethylenediamine adipamide resins
Polymerization plastics, except fibers
Polypropylene resins
Polystyrene resins
Polyurethane resins
Polyvinyl chloride resins
Polyvinyl halide resins
Polyvinyl resins
Protein plastics
Resins, synthetic
Rosin modified resins
Silicone fluid solution (fluid for sonar tran
Silicone resins
Soybean plastics
Styrene resins
Styrene-acrylonitrile resins
Tar acid resins
Urea resins
Vinyl resins
Acrylate type rubbers
Acrylate-butadiene rubbers
Acrylic rubbers
Butadiene rubbers
Butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymers (more than
Butadiene-styrene copolymers (more than 50 pe
Butyl rubber
Chlorinated rubbers, synthetic
Chloroprene type rubbers
Chlorosulfonated polyethylenes
Cyclo rubbers, synthetic
Elastomers, vulcanizable (synthetic rubber)
Epichlorohydrin elastomers
Ethylene-propylene rubbers
Fluoro rubbers
Fluorocarbon derivative rubbers
Isobutylene-isoprene rubbers
Isocyanate type rubber
Isoprene rubbers, synthetic
Nitrile type rubber
Nitrile-butadiene rubbers
Nitrile-chloroprene rubbers
Polyethylenes, chlorosulfonated
Polyisobutylene (synthetic rubber)
Polyisobutylene-isoprene elastomers
Polymethylene rubbers
Pyridine-butadiene copolymers
Pyridine-butadiene rubbers
Rubber, synthetic
Silicone rubbers
Stereo regular elastomers
Styrene-butadiene rubbers (50 percent or less
Styrene-chloroprene rubbers
Styrene-isoprene rubbers
Thiol rubbers
Urethane rubbers
Vulcanized oils
Acetate fibers
Cellulose acetate monofilament, yarn, staple,
Cellulose fibers, manmade
Cigarette tow cellulosic fiber
Cuprammonium fibers
Fibers, rayon
Horsehair artificial rayon
Nitrocellulose fibers
Rayon primary products: fibers, straw strips,
Rayon yarn, made in chemical plants
Regenerated cellulose fibers
Textured yarns and fibers, cellulosic made in
Triacetate fibers
Viscose fibers, bands, strips and yarn
Yarn cellulosic: made in chemical plants
Acrylic fibers
Acrylonitrile fibers
Anidex fibers
Casein fibers
Elastomeric fibers
Fibers, manmade except cellulosic
Fluorocarbon fibers
Horsehair, artificial nylon
Linear esters fibers
Modacrylic fibers
Nylon fibers and bristles
Olefin fibers
Organic fibers, synthetic except cellulosic
Polyester fibers
Polyvinyl ester fibers
Polyvinylidene chloride fibers
Protein fibers
Saran fibers
Soybean fibers (manmade textile materials)
Textured fibers and yarns noncellulosic: made
Vinyl fibers
Vinylidene chloride fibers
Zein fibers
Adrenal derivatives: bulk, uncompounded
Agar-agar (ground)
Alkaloids and salts
Anesthetics, in bulk form
Antibiotics: bulk uncompounded
Atropine and derivatives
Barbituric acid and derivatives: bulk, uncomp
Botanical products, medicinal: ground, graded
Brucine and derivatives
Caffeine and derivatives
Chemicals, medicinal: organic and inorganic b
Cinchona and derivatives
Cocaine and derivatives
Codeine and derivatives
Drug grading, grinding, and milling
Endocrine products
Ephedrine and derivatives
Ergot alkaloids
Fish liver oils, refined and concentrated for
Gland derivatives: bulk uncompounded
Herb grinding, grading, and milling
Hormones and derivatives
Insulin: bulk, uncompounded
Kelp plants
Mercury chlorides, U.S.P.
Mercury compounds, medicinal: organic and ino
Morphine and derivatives
Oils, vegetable and animal: medicinal grade r
Opium derivatives
Ox bile salts and derivatives: bulk, uncompou
Penicillin: bulk, uncompounded
Physostigmine and derivatives
Pituitary gland derivatives: bulk, uncompound
Procaine and derivatives: bulk, uncompounded
Quinine and derivatives
Salicylic acid derivatives, medicinal grade
Strychnine and derivatives
Sulfa drugs: bulk, uncompounded
Vegetable gelatin (agar-agar)
Vitamins, natural and synthetic: bulk, uncomp
Adrenal pharmaceutical preparations
Anesthetics, packaged
Antibiotics, packaged
Antihistamine preparations
Antiseptics, medicinal
Astringents, medicinal
Barbituric acid pharmaceutical preparations
Belladonna pharmaceutical preparations
Botanical extracts: powdered, pilular, solid,
Chlorination tablets and kits (water purifica
Cold remedies
Cough medicines
Cyclopropane for anesthetic use (U.S.P. par N
Dermatological preparations
Dextrose and sodium chloride injection, mixed
Dextrose injection
Digitalis pharmaceutical preparations
Effervescent salts
Emulsifiers, fluorescent inspection
Emulsions, pharmaceutical
Fever remedies
Galenical preparations
Hormone preparations, except diagnostics
Insulin preparations
Intravenous solutions
Iodine, tincture of
Lip balms
Lozenges, pharmaceutical
Medicines, capsuled or ampuled
Nitrofuran preparations
Parenteral solutions
Penicillin preparations
Pills, pharmaceutical
Pituitary gland pharmaceutical preparations
Poultry and animal remedies
Powders, pharmaceutical
Procaine pharmaceutical preparations
Proprietary drug products
Remedies, human and animal
Sodium chloride solution for injection, U.S.P
Sodium salicylate tablets
Solutions, pharmaceutical
Spirits, pharmaceutical
Syrups, pharmaceutical
Tablets, pharmaceutical
Thyroid preparations
Tinctures, pharmaceutical
Tranquilizers and mental drug preparations
Veterinary pharmaceutical preparations
Vitamin preparations
Water decontamination or purification tablets
Water, sterile: for injections
Zinc ointment
Angiourographic diagnostic agents
Barium diagnostic agents
Blood derivative diagnostic reagents
Clinical chemistry reagents (including toxico
Clinical chemistry standards and controls (in
Coagulation diagnostic reagents
Cold kits for labeling with technetium
Contrast media diagnostic products (e.g., iod
Cytology and histology diagnostic products
Diagnostic agents, biological
Electrolyte diagnostic reagents
Enzyme and isoenzyme diagnostic reagents
Hematology diagnostic reagents
In vitro diagnostics
In vivo diagnostics
In vivo radioactive reagents
Iodinated diagnostic agents
Metabolite diagnostic reagents
Microbiology, virology, and serology diagnost
Pregnancy test kits
Radioactive diagnostic substances
Technetium products
Viral test diagnostic reagents
Agar culture media, except in vitro and in vi
Aggressins, except in vitro and in vivo
Allergenic extracts, except in vitro and in v
Anti-hog-cholera serums
Bacterial vaccines
Bacterins, except in vitro and in vivo
Bacteriological media, except in vitro and in
Biological and allied products: antitoxins, b
Blood derivatives, for human or veterinary us
Coagulation products
Culture media or concentrates, except in vitr
Diphtheria toxin
Hematology products, except in vitro and in v
Pollen extracts, except in vitro and in vivo
Serums, except in vitro and in vivo
Toxoids except in vitro and in vivo
Detergents, synthetic organic and inorganic a
Dishwashing compounds
Dye removing cream, soap base
Glycerin, crude and refined: from fats except
Scouring compounds
Soap: granulated, liquid, cake, flaked, and c
Textile soap
Washing compounds
Ammonia, household
Aqua ammonia, household
Beeswax, processing of
Belt dressing
Burnishing ink
Chlorine bleaching compounds, household: liqu
Cleaning and polishing preparations
Cloths, dusting and polishing: chemically tre
Degreasing solvent
Deodorants, nonpersonal
Disinfectants, household and industrial plant
Drain pipe solvents and cleaners
Dressings for fabricated leather and other ma
Drycleaning preparations
Dust mats, gelatin
Dusting cloths, chemically treated
Dye removing cream, petroleum base
Fabric softeners
Floor wax emulsion
Floor waxes
Furniture polish and wax
Glass window cleaning preparations
Harness dressing
Household bleaches, dry or liquid
Industrial plant disinfectants and odorants
Ink eradicators
Ink, burnishing
Leather dressings and finishes
Lye, household
Paint and wallpaper cleaners
Polishes: furniture, automobile, metal, shoe,
Re-refining drycleaning fluid
Rug, upholstery, and drycleaning detergents a
Rust removers
Saddle soap
Sanitation preparations
Shoe cleaners and polishes
Sodium hypochlorite (household bleach)
Stain removers
Starch preparations, laundry
Starches, plastics
Sweeping compounds, oil and water absorbent,
Wallpaper cleaners
Wax removers
Waxes for wood, fabricated leather, and other
Window cleaning preparations
Assistants, textile and leather processing
Calcium salts of sulfonated oils, fats, or gr
Cod oil, sulfonated
Emulsifiers, except food and pharmaceutical
Finishing agents, textile and leather
Oil, turkey red
Oils, soluble (textile assistants)
Sodium salts of sulfonated oils, fats, or gre
Softeners (textile assistants)
Soluble oils and greases
Sulfonated oils, fats, and greases
Surface active agents
Textile processing assistants
Textile scouring compounds and wetting agents
Thin water (admixture)
Bath salts
Bay rum
Body powder
Concentrates, perfume
Cosmetic creams
Cosmetic lotions and oils
Denture cleaners
Deodorants, personal
Depilatories, cosmetic
Dressings, cosmetic
Face creams and lotions
Face powders
Hair coloring preparations
Hair preparations: dressings, rinses, tonics,
Home permanent kits
Manicure preparations
Perfume bases, blending and compounding
Perfumes, natural and synthetic
Shampoos, hair
Shaving preparations: e.g., cakes, creams, lo
Soap impregnated papers and paper washcloths
Suntan lotions and oils
Talcum powders
Toilet creams, powders, and waters
Toilet preparations
Toothpastes and powders
Towelettes, premoistened
Washes, cosmetic
Calcimines, dry and paste
Coating, air curing
Colors in oil, except artists'
Dispersions, thermoplastics and colloidal: pa
Dopes, paint
Driers, paint
Enamels, except dental and china painting
Epoxy coatings, made from purchased resin
Intaglio ink vehicle
Japans, baking and drying
Kalsomines, dry or paste
Lacquer bases and dopes
Lacquer thinner
Lacquer, clear and pigmented
Lacquers, plastics
Lead-in-oil paints
Linoleates, paint driers
Lithographic varnishes
Marine paints
Naphthanate driers
Oleate driers
Paint driers
Paint removers
Paintbrush cleaners
Paints, asphalt and bituminous
Paints, plastics texture: paste and dry
Paints, waterproof
Paints: oil and alkyd vehicle, and water thin
Phenol formaldehyde coatings, baking and air
Plastics base paints and varnishes
Plastisol coating compound
Polyurethane coatings
Primers, paint
Resinate driers
Shellac, protective coating
Soyate driers
Stains: varnish, oil, and wax
Tallate driers
Thinners, paint: prepared
Undercoatings, paint
Varnish removers
Vinyl coatings, strippable
Vinyl plastisol
Water paints
Wood fillers and sealers
Wood stains
Zinc oxide in oil, paint
Acetate of lime, natural
Acetone, natural
Annato extract
Brazilwood extract
Brewers'pitch, product of softwood distillati
Calcium acetate, product of hardwood distilla
Charcoal, except activated
Chestnut extract
Dragon's blood
Dyeing and extract materials, natural
Dyestuffs, natural
Ethyl acetate, natural
Fustic wood extract
Gambier extract
Gum naval stores, processing but not gatherin
Hardwood distillates
Hemlock extract
Logwood extract
Mangrove extract
Methanol, natural (wood alcohol)
Methyl acetone
Methyl alcohol, natural (wood alcohol)
Myrobalans extract
Naval stores, wood
Oak extract
Oils, wood product of hardwood distillation
Pine oil, produced by distillation of pine gu
Pit charcoal
Pitch, wood
Pyroligneous acid
Quebracho extract
Quercitron extract
Rosin, produced by distillation of pine gum o
Softwood distillates
Sumac extract
Tall oil, except skimmings
Tanning extracts and materials, natural
Tar and tar oils, products of wood distillati
Turpentine, produced by distillation of pine
Valonia extract
Wattle extract
Wood alcohol, natural
Wood creosote
Wood distillates
Acid dyes, synthetic
Acids, coal tar: derived from coal tar distil
Alkylated dipheoylamines, mixed
Alkylated phenol, mixed
Aniline oil
Anthraquinone dyes
Azine dyes
Azo dyes
Azoic dyes
Benzene hexachloride (BHC)
Benzene, made in chemical plants
Benzoic acid
Biological stains
Chemical indicators
Coal tar crudes, derived from coal tar distil
Coal tar distillates
Coal tar intermediates
Color lakes and toners
Color pigments, organic: except animal black
Colors, dry: lakes, toners, or full strength
Colors, extended (color lakes)
Cosmetic dyes, synthetic
Creosote oil, made in chemical plants
Cresols, made in chemical plants
Cresylic acid, made in chemical plants
Cyclic crudes, coal tar: product of coal tar
Cyclic intermediates, made in chemical plants
Drug dyes, synthetic
Dye (cyclic) intermediates
Dyes, food: synthetic
Dyes, synthetic organic
Eosine toners
Lake red C toners
Leather dyes and stains, synthetic
Lithol rubine lakes and toners
Maleic anhydride
Methyl violet toners
Naphtha, solvent: made in chemical plants
Naphthalene chips and flakes
Naphthalene, made in chemical plants
Naphthol, alpha and beta
Nitro dyes
Nitroso dyes
Oils: light, medium, and heavy: made in chemi
Organic pigments (lakes and toners)
Paint pigments, organic
Peacock blue lake
Persian orange lake
Phloxine toners
Phosphomolybdic acid lakes and toners
Phosphotungstic acid lakes and toners
Phthalic anhydride
Phthalocyanine toners
Pigment scarlet lake
Pitch, product of coal tar distillation
Pulp colors, organic
Quinoline dyes
Scarlet 2 R lake
Stilbene dyes
Styrene monomer
Tar, product of coal tar distillation
Toluene, made in chemical plants
Vat dyes, synthetic
Xylene, made in chemical plants
Acetates, except natural acetate of lime
Acetic acid, synthetic
Acetic anhydride
Acetone, synthetic
Acid esters and amines
Acids, organic
Adipic acid
Adipic acid esters
Alcohol, aromatic
Alcohol, fatty: powdered
Alcohol, methyl: synthetic (methanol)
Alcohols, industrial: denatured (nonbeverage)
Algin products
Amyl acetate and alcohol
Butadiene, made in chemical plants
Butyl acetate, alcohol, and propionate
Butyl ester solution of 2, 4-D
Butylene, made in chemical plants
Calcium oxalate
Camphor, synthetic
Carbon bisulfide (disulfide)
Carbon tetrachloride
Casing fluids for curing fruits, spices, and
Cellulose acetate, unplasticized
Chemical warfare gases
Chlorinated solvents
Chloroacetic acid and metallic salts
Citric acid
Cream of tartar
Diethylcyclohexane (mixed isomers)
Diethylene glycol ether
Dimethyl divinyl acetylene (di-isopropenyl ac
Dimethylhydrazine, unsymmetrical
Enzymes, except diagnostic substances
Esters of phosphoric, adipic, lauric, oleic,
Esters of phthalic anhydride
Ethanol, industrial
Ethyl acetate, synthetic
Ethyl alcohol, industrial (nonbeverage)
Ethyl butyrate
Ethyl cellulose, unplasticized
Ethyl chloride
Ethyl ether
Ethyl formate
Ethyl nitrite
Ethyl perhydrophenanthrene
Ethylene glycol
Ethylene glycol ether
Ethylene glycol, inhibited
Ethylene oxide
Ethylene, made in chemical plants
Fatty acid esters and amines
Ferric ammonium oxalate
Flavors and flavoring materials, synthetic
Fluorinated hydrocarbon gases
Formaldehyde (formalin)
Formic acid and metallic salts
Fuel propellants, solid: organic
Fuels, high energy: organic
Geraniol, synthetic
Glycerin, except from fats (synthetic)
Grain alcohol, industrial (nonbeverage)
High purity grade chemicals, organic: refined
Hydraulic fluids, synthetic base
Industrial organic cyclic compounds
Isopropyl alcohol
Ketone methyl ethyl
Ketone, methyl isobutyl
Laboratory chemicals, organic
Lauric acid esters
Lime citrate
Malononitrile, technical grade
Metallic salts of acyclic organic chemicals
Metallic stearate
Methanol, synthetic (methyl alcohol)
Methyl chloride
Methyl perhydrofluorine
Methyl salicylate
Methylene chloride
Monomethylparaminophenol sulfate
Monosodium glutamate
Mustard gas
Naphthalene sulfonic acid condensates
Naphthenic acid soap
Normal hexyl decalin
Nuclear fuels, organic
Oleic acid esters
Organic acid esters
Organic chemicals, acyclic
Oxalic acid and metallic salts
Perfume materials, synthetic
Plasticizers, organic: cyclic and acyclic
Polyhydric alcohol esters and amines
Polyhydric alcohols
Potassium bitartrate
Propellants for missiles, solid: organic
Propylene glycol
Propylene, made in chemical plants
Quinuclidinol ester of benzylic acid
Reagent grade chemicals, organic: refined fro
Rocket engine fuel, organic
Rubber processing chemicals, organic: acceler
Sebacic acid
Sodium acetate
Sodium alginate
Sodium benzoate
Sodium glutamate
Sodium pentachlorophenate
Sodium sulfoxalate formaldehyde
Solvents, organic
Stearic acid salts
Sulfonated naphthalene
Sweetners, synthetic
Tackifiers, organic
Tannic acid
Tanning agents, synthetic organic
Tartaric acid and metallic salts
Tear gas
Tert-butylated bis (p-phenoxyphenyl) ether fl
Tetraethyl lead
Thioglycolic acid, for permanent wave lotions
Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Trichlorotrifluoroethane tetrachlorodifluoroe
Tricresyl phosphate
Tridecyl alcohol
Trimethyltrithiophosphite (rocket propellants
Triphenyl phosphate
Vanillin, synthetic
Vinyl acetate
Ammonia liquor
Ammonium nitrate and sulfate
Anhydrous ammonia
Aqua ammonia, made in ammonia plants
Fertilizers, mixed: made in plants producing
Fertilizers: natural (organic), except compos
Nitric acid
Nitrogen solutions (fertilizer)
Plant foods, mixed: made in plants producing
Ammonium phosphates
Calcium meta-phosphates
Defluorinated phosphates
Diammonium phosphates
Phosphoric acid
Super-phosphates, ammoniated and not ammoniat
Fertilizers, mixed: made in plants not manufa
Potting soil, mixed
Agricultural disinfectants
Agricultural pesticides
Arsenates: calcium, copper, and lead-formulat
Arsenites, formulated
Bordeaux mixture
Calcium arsenate and arsenite, formulated
Cattle dips
Copper arsenate, formulated
Elements, minor or trace (agricultural chemic
Exterminating products, for household and ind
Fly sprays
Growth regulants, agricultural
Household insecticides
Insect powder, household
Insecticides, agricultural
Lead arsenate, formulated
Lime-sulfur, dry and solution
Lindane, formulated
Moth repellants
Nicotine and salts
Nicotine bearing insecticides
Paris green (insecticide)
Pesticides, household
Plant hormones
Poison: ant, rat, roach, and rodent-household
Pyrethrin bearing preparations
Pyrethrin concentrates
Rotenone bearing preparations
Rotenone concentrates
Sheep dips, chemical
Sodium arsenite (formulated)pp(Soil condition
Sulfur dust (insecticide)
Thiocyanates, organic (formulated)
Trace elements (agricultural chemicals)
Xanthone (formulated)
Adhesives, plastics
Caulking compounds
Cement (cellulose nitrate base)
Cement, linoleum
Cement, mending
Epoxy adhesives
Glue, except dental: animal, vegetable, fish,
Iron cement, household
Joint compounds
Laminating compounds
Paste, adhesive
Porcelain cement, household
Rubber cement
Sealing compounds for pipe threads and joints
Sealing compounds, synthetic rubber and plast
Wax, sealing
Amatol (explosives)
Azides (explosives)
Blasting powder and blasting caps
Carbohydrates, nitrated (explosives)
Cordeau detonant (explosives)
Cordite (explosives)
Detonating caps for safety fuses
Detonators (explosive compounds)
Explosive cartridges for concussion forming o
Explosive compounds
Fulminate of mercury (explosive compounds)
Fuse powder
Fuses, safety
High explosives
Lead azide (explosives)
Mercury azide (explosives)
Nitrocellulose powder (explosives)
Nitroglycerin (explosives)
Nitromannitol (explosives)
Nitrostarch (explosives)
Nitrosugars (explosives)
Pentolite (explosives)
Permissible explosives
Picric acid (explosives)
Powder, explosive: pellet, smokeless, and spo
Squibbs, electric
Styphnic acid
Tetryl (explosives)
Well shooting torpedoes (explosives)
Bronze ink
Flexographic ink
Gold ink
Gravure ink
Ink, duplicating
Letterpress ink
Lithographic ink
Offset ink
Printing ink: base or finished
Screen process ink
Carbon black
Channel black
Furnace black
Acid resist for etching
Acid, battery
Anise oil
Antifreeze compounds, except industrial alcoh
Bay oil
Binders (chemical foundry supplies)
Boiler compounds, antiscaling
Bombs, flashlight
Caps, for toy pistols
Carbon removing solvents
Chemical cotton (processed cotton linters)
Chemical supplies for foundries
Citronella oil
Concrete curing compounds (blends of pigments
Concrete hardening compounds
Core oil and binders
Core wash
Core was
Correction fluid
Corrosion preventive lubricant, synthetic bas
Deicing fluid
Desalter kits, sea water
Dextrine sizes
Drilling mud
Dyes, household
Essential oils
Ethylene glycol antifreeze preparations
Eucalyptus oil
Esothermics for metal industries
Facings (chemical foundry supplies)
Fatty acids: margaric, oleic, and stearic
Fire extinguisher charges
Fire retardant chemical preparations
Fluidifier (retarder) for concrete
Fluorescent inspection oil
Fluxes: brazing, soldering, galvanizing, and
Foam charge mixtures
Food contamination testing and screening kits
Foundry supplies, chemical preparations
Fuel tank and engine cleaning chemicals, auto
Fusees: highway, marine, and railroad
Gelatin capsules, empty
Gelatin: edible, technical, photographic, and
Glue size
Grapefruit oil
Grouting material (concrete mending compound)
Gum sizes
Gun slushing compounds
Heat insulating compounds
Heat treating salts
Hydrofluoric acid compound, for etching and p
Igniter grains, boron potassium nitrate
Industrial sizes
Insulating compounds
Jet fuel igniters
Laundry sours
Lemon oil
Lighter fluid
Magnetic inspection oil and powder
Margaric acid
Metal drawing compound lubricants
Metal treating compounds
Military pyrotechnics
Oil treating compounds
Oleic acid (red oil)
Orange oil
Orris oil
Oxidizers, inorganic
Parting compounds (chemical foundry supplies)
Patching plaster, household
Penetrants, inspection
Peppermint oil
Plating compounds
Pyrotechnic ammunition: flares, signals, flas
Railroad torpedoes
Red oil (oleic acid)
Rifle bore cleaning compounds
Rosin sizes
Rubber processing preparations
Rust resisting compounds
Signal flares, marine
Sizes: animal, vegetable, and synthetic plast
Sodium chloride, refined
Soil testing kits
Spearmint oil
Spirit duplicating fluid
Stearic acid
Stencil correction compounds
Tints and dyes, household
Torches (fireworks)
Vegetable oils, vulcanized or sulfurized
Water treating compounds
Water, distilled
Waterproofing compounds
Wintergreen oil
Wood, plastic
Writing ink and fluids
acid oil, manufactured in petroleum refinerie
aromatic chemicals, made in petroleum refiner
benzene, produced in petroleum refineries
ethylene, made in petroleum refineries
products of crude petroleum, produced in petr
mineral oils, natural produced in petroleum r
asphalt and asphaltic mixtures
composition blocks for paving
mastic floor composition
road materials, bituminous and etc.
asphalt roof cement
brick siding,asphalt
mastic roofing composition
roofing felts, cements and coatings
tar paper, roofing and etc.
cutting oils, blending and compounding from o
lubricating greases and oils
hydraulic fluids
brake fluid, hydraulic and etc.
calcined petroleum coke
fireplace logs that made from coal
waxes, petroleum
fuel briquettes made with petroleum binder an
tires and inner tubes
rubber and plastics footwear
rubber and plastics hose and belting
gaskets, packing, and sealing devices
molded, extruded, and lathe-cut mechanical ru
fabricated rubber products, not elsewhere cla
unsupported plastics film and sheet
unsupported plastics profile shapes
laminated plastics plate, sheet and profile s
plastics pipe
plastics bottles
plastics foam products
custom compounding of purchased plastic resin
plastics plumbing fixtures
plastics products, not elsewhere classified
inner tubes for different vehicles
pneumatic casings
tire and tire repair materials
tires, cushion and solid rubber and etc.
rubber; rubber soled fabrics
footholds, rubber
overshoes, plastics
gaiters and etc.
Air brake and air line hose, rubber or rubber
Automobile hose, plastics or rubber
Belting, rubber e.g., conveyor, elevator, tra
Firehose, rubber
Garden hose, plastics or rubber
Heater hose, plastics or rubber
Hose, plastics or rubber
Hose: cotton fabric, rubber lined
Pneumatic hose, rubber or rubberized fabric e
Vacuum cleaner hose, plastics or rubber
Gaskets, regardless of material
Grease retainers, leather
Grease seals, asbestos
Oil seals, asbestos
Oil seals, leather
Oil seals, rubber
Packing for steam engines, pipe joints, air c
Packing, metallic
Packing, rubber
Packing cup, U-valve, etc. leather
Steam and other packing
Washers, leather
Appliance mechanical rubber goods molded, ext
Automotive mechanical rubber goods molded, ex
Mechanical rubber goods molded, extruded, and
Off-highway machinery and equipment mechanica
Oil and gas field machinery and equipment mec
Rubber goods, mechanical molded, extruded, an
Surgical and medical tubing extruded and lath
Acid bottles, rubber
Air supported rubber structures
Aprons, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabr
Bags, rubber or rubberized fabric
Balloons advertising and toy: rubber
Balloons metal foil laminated with rubber
Balls, rubber: except athletic equipment
Bath sprays, rubber
Bathing caps and suits, rubber-mitse
Battery boxes, jars, and parts: hard rubber
Bibs, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric
Bottles, rubber
Boxes, hard rubber
Brake lining, rubber
Brushes, rubber
Bulbs for medicine droppers, syringes, atomiz
Bushings, rubber
Capes, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabri
Caps, rubber-mitse
Castings, rubber
Chlorinated rubbers, natural
Cloaks, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabr
Clothing, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fa
Combs, hard rubber
Culture cups, rubber
Custom compounding of rubber materials
Cyclo rubbers, natural
Diaphragms, rubber: separate and in kits
Dress shields, vulcanized rubber and rubberiz
Druggists' sundries, rubber
Erasers: rubber, or rubber and abrasive combi
Fabrics, rubberized
Film, rubber
Finger cots, rubber
Flooring, rubber: tile or sheet
Foam rubber
Fountain syringes, rubber
Friction tape, rubber
Fuel cells, rubber
Fuel tanks, collapsible: rubberized fabric
Funnels, rubber
Gloves: e.g., surgeons', electricians', house
Grips and handles, rubber
Grommets, rubber
Gutta percha compounds
Hair curlers, rubber
Hairpins, rubber
Handles, rubber
Hard rubber products
Hard surface floor coverings: rubber
Heels, boot and shoe: rubber, composition, an
Jar rings, rubber
Laboratory sundries: e.g., cases, covers, fun
Latex, foamed
Life jackets: inflatable rubberized fabric
Life rafts, rubber
Liner strips, rubber
Linings, vulcanizable elastomeric: rubber
Mallets, rubber
Mats and matting: e.g., bath, door-rubber
Mattress protectors, rubber
Mattresses, pneumatic: fabric coated with rub
Medical sundries, rubber
Mittens, rubber
Mouthpieces for pipes and cigarette holders,
Nipples, rubber
Orthopedic sundries, molded rubber
Pacifiers, rubber
Pads, kneeling: rubber
Pants, baby: vulcanized rubber and rubberized
Pillows, sponge rubber
Pipe stems and bits, tobacco: hard rubber
Platens, except printers': solid or covered r
Plumbers' rubber goods
Pontoons, rubber
Printers' blankets, rubber
Printers' rolls rubber
Prophylactics rubber
Pump sleeves, rubber
Reclaimed rubber (reworked by manufacturing p
Rods, hard rubber
Roll coverings: rubber for papermill; industr
Roller covers, printers': rubber
Rolls, solid or covered rubber
Roofing, single ply membrane: rubber
Rubber heels, soles, and soling strips
Rubber-covered motor mounting rings (rubber b
Rug backing compounds, latex
Separators, battery: rubber
Sheeting, rubber or rubberized fabric
Sheets, hard rubber
Sleeves, pump: rubber
Soles, boot and shoe: rubber, composition, an
Soling strips, boot and shoe: rubber, composi
Spatulas, rubber
Sponge rubber and sponge rubber products
Stair treads, rubber
Stationers' sundries, rubber
Stoppers, rubber
Tape, pressure sensitive (including friction)
Teething rings, rubber
Thermometer cases, rubber
Thread, rubber: except fabric covered
Tile, rubber
Top lift sheets, rubber
Top roll covering, for textile mill machinery
Toys, rubber: except dolls
Trays, rubber
Tubing, rubber: except extruded and lathe-cut
Type, rubber
Urinals, rubber
Valves, hard rubber
Wainscoting, rubber
Wallcoverings, rubber
Water bottles, rubber
Weather strip, sponge rubber
Wet suits, rubber
Cellulosic plastics film and sheet, unsupport
Film, plastics: unsupported
Photographic, micrographic, and X-ray plastic
Polyester film and sheet, unsupported
Polyethylene film and sheet, unsupported
Polypropylene film and sheet, unsupported
Polyvinyl film and sheet, unsupported
Sheet, plastics: unsupported
Vinyl and vinyl copolymer film and sheet, uns
Profiles, unsupported plastics
Rods, unsupported plastics
Tubes, unsupported plastics
Plastics, laminated: plate, rods, tubes, prof
Thermoplastics laminates: rods, tubes, plates
Thermosetting laminates: rods, tubes, plates,
Plastic pipes
Plastic pipes extruders
Plastic bottles
Cups, foamed plastics
Cushions, carpet and rug: plastics foam
Foamed plastics products
Ice chests or coolers, portable: foamed plast
Insulation and cushioning: foamed plastics
Packaging foamed plastics
Plates foamed plastics
Shipping pads, plastics foam
General grades of resins and compounds
Commodity resins, intermediate resins
Resin compounds
PlasticsPlumber Fixtures
Plumbing Fixture Fittings
Air mattresses, plastics
Aquarium accessories, plastics
Awnings, fiberglass and plastics combination
Bands, plastics
Bathware, plastics: except plumbing fixtures
Battery cases, plastics
Bearings, plastics
Billfold inserts, plastics
Blister packaging, plastics
Boats, nonrigid: plastics
Bolts, plastics
Bowl covers, plastics
Boxes, plastics
Brush handles, plastics
Bubble formed packaging, plastics
Buckets, plastics
Buoys and floats, plastics
Caps, plastics
Carafes, plastics
Casein products, molded for the trade
Cases, plastics
Casting of plastics for the trade, except foa
Ceiling tile, unsupported plastics
Celluloid products, molded for the trade
Closures, plastics
Clothes hangers, plastics
Clothes pins, plastics
Combs, plastics
Composition stone, plastics
Containers, plastics: except foam, bottles, a
Corrugated panels, plastics
Cotter pins, plastics
Counter coverings, plastics
Cups, plastics: except foam
Dinnerware, plastics: except foam
Dishes, plastics: except foam
Doors, folding: plastics or plastics coated f
Downspouts, plastics
Drums, plastics (containers)
Engraving of plastics
Fascia, plastics (siding)
Fittings for pipe, plastics
Fittings, plastics
Flat panels, plastics
Floor coverings, plastics
Flower pots, plastics
Food casings, plastics
Garbage containers, plastics
Gate hooks, plastics
Glazing panels, plastics
Gloves and mittens, plastics
Grower pots, plastics
Gutters, plastics: glass fiber reinforced
Hardware, plastics
Heels, boot and shoe: plastics
Holders, plastics: paper towel, grocery bag,
Hospital-ware, plastics: except foam
Ice buckets, plastics: except foam
Ice chests or coolers, portable, plastics: ex
Jars, plastics
Kitchenware, plastics: except foam
Laboratory ware, plastics
Ladders, plastics
Lamp bases, plastics
Lamp shades, plastics
Lenses, plastics: except ophthalmic or optica
Life jackets, plastics
Life rafts, nonrigid: plastics
Lock washers, plastics
Machine nuts, plastics
Microwave ware, plastics
Molding of plastics for the trade, except foa
Monofilaments, plastics: not suited for texti
Netting, plastics
Nuts, plastics
Organizers for closets, drawers, and shelves:
Ovenware, plastics
Pails, plastics
Picnic jugs, plastics
Planters, plastics
Pontoons, nonrigid: plastics
Printer acoustic covers, plastics
Rivets, plastics
Saucers, plastics: except foam
Screw eyes, plastics
Scrubbing pads, plastics
Septic tanks, plastics
Shutters, plastics
Siding, plastics
Sinkware, plastics
Skirts, plastics (siding)
Soffit, plastics (siding)
Soles, boot and shoe: plastics
Soling strips, boot and shoe: plastics
Sponges, plastics
Spouting, plastics: glass fiber reinforced
Spring pins, plastics
Spring washers, plastics
Suitcase shells, plastics
Swimming pool covers and blankets: plastics
Tableware, plastics: except foam
Tires, plastics
Tissue dispensers, plastics
Toggle bolts, plastics
Tool handles, plastics
Tops, plastics (e.g., dispenser, shaker)
Trash containers, plastics
Trays, plastics: except foam
Tubs, plastics (containers)
Tumblers, plastics: except foam
Unions, plastics
Utility containers, plastics
Vials, plastics
Vulcanized fiber plate, sheet, rods and tubes
Wall coverings, plastics
Warmers, bottle: plastics, except foam
Washers, plastics
Watering pots, plastics
Window frames and sash, plastics
Window screening, plastics
Windows, louver: plastics
Windows, storm: plastics
Windshields plastics
Work gloves plastics
bag leather manufacturing
belting butts, curried or rough, manufacturin
belting leather, manufacturing
bridle leather manufacturing
case leather manufacturing
chamois leather manufacturing
collar leather, manufacturing
coloring leather
converters, leather
currying leather
cutting of leather
embossing leather
fancy leathers manufacturing
finishing hides and skins on a contract basis
finishing leather
garment leather manufacturing
glove leather manufacturing
handbag leather manufacturing
harness leather manufacturing
hides, tanning, currying, dressing and finish
lace leather manufacturing
latigo leather manufacturing
leather converters
lining leather manufacturing
mechanical leather manufacturing
parchment leather manufacturing
patent leather manufacturing
pelts bleaching, currying,dyeing,scraping and
rawhide manufacturing
roller leather manufacturing
saddlery leather manufacturing
skirting leather manufacturing
skivers, leather manufacturing
sole leather manufacturing
specialty leathers manufacturing
strap leather manufacturing
sweatband leather manufacturing
tannery leather manufacturing
upper leather manufacturing
vellum leather manufacturing
welting leather manufacturing
wet blues manufacturing and etc.
leather soles
inner soles
finished wood heels
leather cut stock for shoe and boot manufactu
house slippers, manufacturing
men’s footwear, except athletic manufacturing
women’s footwear, except athletic manufacturi
footwear, except rubber, manufacturing
athletic footwear, manufacturing
linings, boot and shoe, leather, manufacturin
dress, semi-dress, and work gloves from leath
leather gloves and mittens
Luggage, all materials, manufacturing
Personal leather goods, small manufacturing
Handbags, women’s, manufacturing
Purses, women’s, manufacturing
building glass
cathedral glass
float glass
colored glass
insulating glass
laminated glass
optical glass
picture glass
sheet glass
structural glass
window glass
bottles, containers, jugs and jars for bottli
cosmetic jars
fruit jars
medicine bottles
packers’ ware
water bottles
pressed and blown glass and glassware
pressed lenses for vehicular lighting, beacon
beverage glasses (e.g., tumblers and stemware
shower doors
ash trays
lighting fixture glass
glass top tables
automobile glass
clock glass
oven door panel
novelty and souvenir glass items
appliance glass
cosmetic and perfume containers
instrumental dials
precision glass tubing
stained glass
industrial safety glasses and welding lenses
greenhouse glass
glass fiber for optical components
hydraulic cement manufacturing
hydraulic pump manufacturing
hydraulic pressure, ramp, jack.
clay book tile manufacturing
clay ceramic glazed brick manufacturing
clay building tile manufacturing
clay floor arch tile manufacturing
extruded brick manufacturing
ceramic wall and floor tile manufacturing
ceramic brick manufacturing
clay refractory manufacturing
heat-resisting clay products
other structural clay product manufacturing (
architectural terracotta
drain tile, flue tile, and roofing tile
flush tanks
toilet fixtures
closet bowls
drinking fountains
bathroom accessories
faucet handles
soap dishes
tower bar holders
bone china manufacturing
vitreous china tableware manufacturing
vitreous china dishes
china cooking ware
fine semivitreous whiteware
fine semivitreous earthenware
table and kitchen articles
porcelain electronic insulators
molded porcelain parts for electrical devices
other electrical insulators
ceramic electronic , electrical supplies
spark plug and steatitic porcelain
art and ornamental pottery manufacturing
unglazed earthenware florists’ articles
firing and decorating white china
firing and decorating earthenware
concrete block and brick manufacturing
art marble, concrete
ashlar, cast stone
bathtubs, concrete
battery wells and boxes, concrete
building materials, concrete: except block an
burial vaults, concrete and precast terrazzo
cast stone, concrete
catch basin covers, concrete
ceiling squares, concrete
chimney caps, concrete
church furniture, concrete
columns, concrete
concrete products, precast: except block and
concrete, dry mixture
conduits, concrete
copings, concrete
cribbing, concrete
crossing slabs, concrete
culvert pipe, concrete
cylinder pipe, prestressed concrete
cylinder pipe, pretensioned concrete
door frames, concrete
drain tile, concrete
fireplaces, concrete
floor filler tiles, concrete
floor slabs, precast concrete
floor tile, precast terrazzo
fountains, concrete
fountains, wash: precast terrazzo
garbage boxes, concrete
grave markers, concrete
grave vaults, concrete
grease traps, concrete
housing components, prefabricated: concrete
incinerators, concrete
irrigation pipe, concrete
joists, concrete
laundry trays, concrete
lintels, concrete
manhole covers and frames, concrete
mantels, concrete
mattresses for river revetment, concrete arti
meter boxes, concrete
monuments, concrete
panels and sections, prefabricated: concrete
paving materials, prefabricated concrete, exc
pier footings, prefabricated concrete
piling, prefabricated concrete
pipe, concrete
pipe, lined with concrete
poles, concrete
posts, concrete
pressure pipe, reinforced concrete
prestressed concrete products
roofing tile and slabs, concrete
septic tanks, concrete
sewer pipe, concrete
shower receptors, concrete
siding, precast stone
sills, concrete
silo staves, cast stone
silos, prefabricated concrete
slabs, crossing: concrete
Spanish floor tile, concrete
squares for walls and ceilings, concrete
steps, prefabricated concrete
stone, cast concrete
stools, precast terrazzo
storage tanks, concrete
tanks, concrete
terrazzo products, precast
thresholds, precast terrazzo
ties, railroad: concrete
tile, precast terrazzo or concrete
tombstones, precast terrazzo or concrete
wall base, precast terrazzo
wall squares, concrete
wash foundations, precast terrazzo
well curbing, concrete
window sills, cast stone
central-mixed concrete
shrink-mixeed concrete
truck-mixed concrete
quick lime
hydrated lime
natural hydraulic lime
lime putty
lime mortars
lime paints
miscellaneous lime-related products
plaster and plasterboard
acoustical plaster
insulating plaster
orthopedic plaster
plaster of paris
gypsum rock
tile and etc
cut stone and stone product manufacturing
cutting, shaping or finishing marble, granite
engineering stone or any other related materi
general abrasive product manufacturing
coated abrasives
abrasive sheets for machines, manufacturing
abrasive fibre discs, manufacturing
foam backed rolls, manufacturing
abrasive belts, manufacturing
wet and dry abrasive paper, manufacturing
asbestos building materials production
other asbestos products manufacture
ground or treated mineral and earth manufactu
barium extraction
clay for petroleum refining
ground clay extraction
kaolin extraction
black lead extraction and refining
talc and vermiculite
mineral wool manufacturing
mineral wool acoustical board and tile produc
fiberglass insulation, manufacturing
glass wool, manufacturing
mineral wool roofing mats
insulation manufacture of slag, wool and rock
nonclay refractory manufacturing
ceramic fibre insulation production
refractories, heat resistant products and hig
alumina fused refractories
bauxite, carbon and refractory brick
nonclay castable refractories
crucibles made of chrome, graphite, silica ,
dolomite bricks
nonclay plastics refractories
pyrolytic graphite
and lime
clay and plaster plaques
miniature gypsum images
gypsum urns
architectural plaster work
synthetic stones
armor plate, made in steel works or rolling m
axles, rolled or forged: made in steel works
bars, iron: made in steel works or rolling mi
bars, steel made in steel works or hotrolling
beehive coke oven products
billets, steel
blast furnace products
car wheels, rolled
chemical recovery coke oven products
coal gas, derived from chemical recovery coke
coal tar crudes, derived from chemical recove
coke, produced in beehive ovens
coke, produced in chemical recovery coke oven
distillates, derived from chemical recovery c
fence posts, iron and steel: made in steel wo
flats, iron and steel: made in steel works or
forgings, iron and steel made in steel works
frogs, iron and steel: made in steel works or
galvanized hoops, pipes, plates, sheets, and
gun forgings, iron and steel: made in steel w
hoops, galvanized iron and steel
hoops, iron and steel made in steel works or
hot-rolled iron and steel products
ingots, steel
iron sinter, made in steel mills
iron, pig
nut rods, iron and steel made in steel works
pipe, iron and steel made in steel works or r
plates, made in steel works or rolling mills
rail joints and fastenings, made in steel wor
railroad crossings, iron and steel: made in s
rails, iron and steel
rails rerolled or renewed
rods iron and steel made in steel works or ro
sheet pilings, plain: iron and steel-made in
sheets, steel: made in steel works or hot-rol
shell slugs, steel made in steel works or rol
skelp, iron and steel
slabs, steel
spike rods, made in steel works or rolling mi
sponge iron
stainless steel
steel works producing bars, rods, plates, she
strips, galvanized iron and steel: made in st
strips, iron and steel: made in steel works o
structural shapes, iron and steel
tar, derived from chemical recovery coke oven
ternes, iron and steel: long or short
tie plates, iron and steel
tin-free steel
tool steel
tube rounds
tubes, iron and steel: made in steel works or
tubing, seamless: steel
well casings, iron and steel: made in steel w
wheels, car and locomotive: iron and steel-mi
wire products, iron and steel: made steel wor
wrought pipe and tubing, made in steel works
additive alloys, except copper
ferroalloys (including high percentage)
high percentage ferroalloys
manganese metal
molybdenum silicon
Nnnferrous additive alloys, high percentage:
tungsten carbide powder by metallurgical proc
barbed and twisted wire: made in wiredrawing
baskets, steel: made in wiredrawing plants
brads, steel: wire or cut
cable, steel: insulated or armored
chain link fencing, steel: made in wiredrawin
fence gates, posts, and fittings: steel-made
form ties, made in wiredrawing plants
horseshoe nails
nails, steel: wire or cut
paper clips, steel: made in wiredrawing plant
spikes, steel: wire or cut
staples, steel: wire or cut
steel wire cages, made in wiredrawing plants
tacks, steel: wire or cut
tie wires, made in wiredrawing plants
welded steel wire fabric, made in wiredrawing
wire carts: household, grocery, and industria
wire cloth, steel: made in wiredrawing plants
wire garment hangers, steel: made in wiredraw
wire products, ferrous: made in wiredrawing p
wire, ferrous: made in wiredrawing plants
wire, steel: insulated or armored.
cold-finished steel bars: not made in hot-rol
cold-rolled steel strip, sheet, and bars: not
corrugating iron and steel, cold-rolled: not
flat bright steel strip, cold-rolled: not mad
razor blade strip steel, cold-rolled: not mad
sheet steel, cold-rolled: not made in hot-rol
wire, flat: cold-rolled strip: not made in ho
boiler tubes, wrought-mfpm
conduit: welded, lock joint, and heavy rivete
pipe seamless steel-mfpm
pipe wrought: welded, lock joint, and heavy r
tubes, seamless steel-mfpm
tubing, mechanical and hypodermic sizescold-d
well casing, wrought: welded, lock joint, and
wrought pipe and tubes: welded, lock joint, a
brake shoes, railroad: cast iron
car wheels, railroad: chilled cast iron
castings, compacted graphite iron
castings, gray iron and semisteel
cooking utensils, cast iron
couplings, pipe: pressure and soil pipecast i
ductile iron castings
elbows, pipe: pressure and soil pipecast iron
fittings, soil and pressure pipe: cast iron
foundries, gray iron and semisteel
gas pipe, cast iron
gray iron foundries
ingot molds and stools
manhole covers, metal
nipples, pipe: pressure and soil pipe-cast ir
nodular iron castings
pipe and fittings, soil and pressure: cast ir
railroad car wheels, chilled cast iron
rolling mill rolls, iron: not machined
sash balances, cast iron
sewer pipe, cast iron
water pipe, cast iron
castings, malleable iron
foundries, malleable iron
pearlitic castings, malleable iron
investment castings, steel
alloy steel castings, except investment
bushings, cast steel: except investment
cast steel railroad car wheels
castings, steel: except investment
foundries, steel: except investment
rolling mill rolls, steel: not machined
steel foundries, except investment
Bars, refinery: primary copper
Blister copper
Blocks, copper
Copper ingots and refinery bars, primary
Copper smelting and refining, primary
Pigs, copper
Primary smelting and refining of copper
Slabs, copper: primary
Slabs, aluminum: primary
Aluminum ingots and primary production shapes
Extrusion ingot, aluminum: primary
Pigs, aluminum
Antifriction bearing metals, lead-base: prima
Antimony refining, primary
Babbitt metal, primary
Beryllium metal
Bismuth refining, primary
Blocks, zinc, primary
Cadmium refining, primary
Chromium refining, primary
Cobalt refining, primary
Columbium refining, primary
Germanium refining, primary
Gold refining, primary
Ingots, primary: nonferrous metals, except co
Iridium refining, primary
Lead pigs, blocks, ingots, and refinery shape
Lead smelting and refining, primary
Magnesium refining, primary
Nickel refining, primary
Nonferrous refining, primary: except copper a
Nonferrous smelting, primary: except copper a
Pigs, primary: nonferrous metals, except copp
Platinum-group metals refining, primary
Precious metal refining, primary
Primary refining of nonferrous metal: except
Primary smelting of nonferrous metal: except
Refining of nonferrous metal, primary: except
Rhenium refining, primary
Selenium refining, primary
Silicon refining, primary (over 99 percent pu
Silicon, epitaxial (silicon alloy)
Silicon, pure
Silver refining, primary
Slabs, primary: nonferrous metals, except cop
Smelting of nonferrous metal, primary: except
Spelter (zinc), primary
Tantalum refining
Tellurium refining, primary
Tin base alloys, primary
Tin refining, primary
Titanium metal sponge and granules
Zinc dust, primary
Zirconium metal sponge and granules
Aluminum extrusion ingot, secondary
Aluminum smelting and refining, secondary
Antimonial lead refining, secondary
Babbitt metal smelting and refining, secondar
Brass smelting and refining, secondary
Bronze smelting and refining, secondary
Copper smelting and refining, secondary
Detinning of cans
Detinning of scrap
Germanium refining, secondary
Gold smelting and refining, secondary
Ingots, nonferrous: smelting and refining-sec
Iridium smelting and refining, secondary
Lead smelting and refining, secondary
Magnesium smelting and refining, secondary
Nickel smelting and refining, secondary
Nonferrous metal smelting and refining, secon
Platinum-group metals smelting and refining,
Precious metal smelting and refining, seconda
Recovering and refining of nonferrous metals
Recovery of silver from used photographic fil
Secondary refining and smelting of nonferrous
Selenium refining, secondary
Silver smelting and refining, secondary
Solder (base metal), pig and ingot secondary
Tin smelting and refining, secondary
Zinc dust, reclaimed
Zinc smelting and refining, secondary.
Bands, shell copper and copper alloy-made in
Bars, copper and copper alloy
Brass rolling and drawing
Bronze rolling and drawing
Cartridge cups, discs, and sheets copper and
Cups, primer and cartridge copper and copper
Extruded shapes, copper and copper alloy
Pipe, extruded and drawn: brass, bronze, and
Plates, copper and copper alloy
Primer cups, copper and copper alloy
Rails, rolled and drawn: brass, bronze, and c
Rods, copper and copper alloy
Rolling, drawing, and extruding of copper and
Rotating bands, copper and copper alloy
Sheets, copper and copper alloy
Shell discs, copper and copper alloy
Slugs, copper and copper alloy
Strip, copper and copper alloy
Tubing, copper and copper alloy
Wire, copper and copper alloy made in brass m
Coils, sheet aluminum
Foil, plain aluminum
Plates, aluminum
Sheets, aluminum
Tubes, welded: aluminum
Bars, aluminum extruded
Coils, rod aluminum-extruded
Extruded shapes, aluminum
Pipe, aluminum extruded
Rods, aluminum extruded
Tube blooms, aluminum extruded
Tube, aluminum extruded or drawn
Bars, aluminum rolled
Cable, aluminum made in rolling mills
Coils, wire aluminum made in rolling mills
Extrusion ingot, aluminum made in rolling mil
Ingot, aluminum made in rolling mills
Rails, aluminum rolled and drawn
Rods, aluminum rolled
Slugs, aluminum
Structural shapes, rolled aluminum
Wire, aluminum made in rolling mills
Battery metal
Britannia metal, rolling and drawing
Extruded shapes, nonferrous metals and alloys
Gold and gold alloy bars, sheets, strip, and
Gold rolling and drawing
Lead and lead alloy bars, pipe, plates, rods,
Lead rolling, drawing, and extruding
Magnesium and magnesium alloy bars, rods, sha
Magnesium rolling, drawing, and extruding
Nickel and nickel alloy pipe, plates, sheets,
Nonferrous rolling, drawing, and extruding ex
Platinum and platinum alloy sheets and tubing
Platinum-group metals rolling, drawing, and e
Silver and silver alloy bars, rods, sheets, s
Silver rolling and drawing
Solder wire, bar acid core and rosin core
Tin and tin alloy bars, pipe, rods, sheets, s
Tin rolling and drawing
Titanium and titanium alloy bars, rods, bille
Titanium from sponge
Tungsten basic shapes
Welding rods
Wire, nonferrous except copper and aluminum m
Zinc and zinc alloy bars, plates, pipe, rods,
Zinc rolling, drawing, and extruding
Zirconium and zirconium alloy bars, rods, bil
Apparatus wire and cord made in wire drawing
Automotive and aircraft wire and cable, nonfe
Cable, nonferrous bare, insulated, or armored
Coaxial cable, nonferrous
Communications wire and cable, nonferrous
Cord sets, flexible made in wiredrawing plant
Fiber optic cable
Magnet wire, insulated
Shipboard cable, nonferrous
Signal and control cable, nonferrous
Weatherproof wire and cable, nonferrous
Wire cloth, nonferrous: made in wiredrawing p
Wire screening, nonferrous: made in wiredrawi
Wire, nonferrous: bare, insulated, or armored
Aluminum die-casting, including alloys
Beryllium die-castings
Copper die-castings
Die-casting nonferrous metals, except aluminu
Lead die-castings
Magnesium die-castings
Titanium die-castings
Zinc die-castings
Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings, ex
Castings, aluminum: except die-castings
Cooking utensils, cast aluminum: except die-c
Foundries, aluminum: except die-castings
Hospital utensils, cast aluminum: except die-
Household utensils, cast aluminum: except die
Kitchen utensils, cast aluminum: except die-c
Machinery castings, aluminum: except die-cast
Pressure cookers, domestic: cast aluminum, ex
Bushings and bearings, except die-castings: b
Castings, except die-castings: brass, bronze,
Copper and copper-base alloy castings, except
Copper foundries, except die-castings
Foundries: brass, bronze, copper, and copper-
Machinery castings: brass, copper, and copper
Propellers, ship and screw: cast brass, bronz
Beryllium castings, except die-castings
Castings, except die-castings and castings of
Castings, precision, except die-castings: ind
Machinery castings, nonferrous: except alumin
Magnesium castings, except die-castings
Nonferrous metal foundries, except aluminum,
Nonferrous metal machinery castings: except a
Titanium castings, except die-castings
White metal castings, except die-castings: le
Zinc castings, except die-castings
Annealing of metal for the trade
Brazing (hardening) metal for the trade
Burning metal for the trade
Hardening of metal for the trade
Heat treating of metal for the trade
Shot peening-treating steel to reduce fatigue
Stainless steel, brazing (hardening) for the
Tempering of metal for the trade
Aluminum atomized powder
Balls, steel
Brads, nonferrous metal (including wire)
Flakes, metal
Iron powdered
Laminating steel for the trade
Nails, nonferrous metal (including wire)
Paste, metal
Powder, metal: except artists'materials
Reclaiming ferrous metals from clay
Recovery of iron ore from open hearth slag
Silver powder, except artists'materials
Spikes, nonferrous metal (including wire)
Staples, nonferrous metal (including wire)
Tacks, nonferrous metal (including wire)
Beer cans, metal
Can lids and ends, metal
Cans, aluminum
Cans, metal
Food containers, metal
General line cans, metal
Ice cream cans, metal
Milk cans, metal
Oil cans, metal
Packers'cans, metal
Pails, except shipping and stamped: metal
Pans, tinned
Tin cans
Containers, shipping: barrels, kegs, drums, p
Drums, shipping: metal
Milk (fluid) shipping containers, metal
Pails, shipping: metal-except tinned
Barbers' scissors
Butchers' knives
Carving sets: except all metal
Clippers, fingernail and toenail
Cutlery, except table cutlery with handles of
Forks, table: except all metal
Hedge shears and trimmers, except power
Kitchen cutlery
Knife blades
Knife blanks
Knives, table: metal, except all metal
Knives: butchers', hunting, pocket, table-exc
Potato peelers, hand
Razor blades
Razors: safety and straight
Safety razor blades
Scissors, hand
Shears, hand
Shears, metal cutting: hand
Snips, tinners'
Table cutlery, except table cutlery with hand
Tailors' scissors
Bits (edge tools for woodworking)
Blow torches
Can openers, except electric
Cane knives
Cant hooks (hand tools)
Carpenters' hand tools, except saws
Caulking guns
Caulking tools, hand
Clamps, hand
Corn knives
Counter bores and countersinking bib, woodwor
Cutters, glass
Cutting dies: except metal cutting
Draw knives
Drill bits, woodworking
Drill, hand: except power
Edge tools for woodworking: augers, bits, gim
Engravers' tools, hand
Fence stretchers (hand tools)
Files, including recutting and resharpening
Forks: garden, hay and manure, stone and ball
Garden hand tools
Gouges, woodworking
Guns, caulking
Hammers (hand tools)
Hay knives
Hoes, garden and masons'
Hooks: bush, grass, baling, and husking
Iron workers' hand tools
Jacks: lifting, screw, and ratchet (hand tool
Jewelers' hand tools
Knives, agricultural and industrial
Leaf skimmers and swimming pool rakes
Levels, carpenters'
Machine knives, except metal cutting
Mallets, printers'
Masons' hand tools
Mattocks (hand tools)
Mauls, metal (hand tools)
Mechanics' hand tools
Mitre boxes, metal
Peavies (hand tools)
Picks (hand tools)
Planes, woodworking: hand
Pliers (hand tools)
Plumbers' hand tools
Post hole diggers, hand
Pruning tools
Prying bars (hand tools)
Pullers: wheel, gear, and bearing (hand tools
Punches (hand tools)
Putty knives
Rakes, hand tools
Rasps, including recutting and resharpening
Rules and rulers: metal, except slide
Scoops, hand: metal
Scrapers, woodworking: hand
Screw drivers
Shovels, hand
Sickles, hand
Sledges (hand tools)
Soldering guns and tools, hand: electric
Soldering iron tips and tiplets
Soldering irons and coppers
Spades, hand
Squares, carpenter
Stone forks (hand tools)
Stonecutters' hand tools
Strapping tools, steel
Test plugs: plumbers' hand tools
Tinners' hand tools, except snips
Tongs, oyster
Tools and equipment for use with sporting arm
Tools, hand: except power driven tools and sa
Vises, carpenters'
Vises, except machine
Wrenches (hand tools)
Yardsticks, metal
Chain type saw blades
Saw blades, for hand or power saws
Saws, hand: metalworking or woodworking
Angle irons, hardware
Animal traps, iron and steel except wire
Bellows, hand
Brackets iron and steel
Builders hardware, including locks and lock s
Cabinet hardware, including locks and lock se
Car seals, metal
Casket hardware
Casters, industrial
Chain fittings
Chair glides
Clamps, hose
Clamps, metal
Couplings, hose
Crab traps, steel: except wire
Cuffs, leg iron
Door bolts and checks
Door locks and lock sets
Door opening and closing devices except elect
Dzus fasteners
Fireplace equipment (hardware)
Furniture hardware, including casters
Gun trigger locks
Harness hardware
Hinge tubes
Horse bits
Ice chests or coolers, portable, except insul
Key blanks
Ladder jacks, metal
Locks and lock sets except safe, vault and co
Locks, trigger, for guns
Luggage hardware
Luggage racks, car top
Marine hardware
Metal fasteners, spring and cold-rolled steel
Motor vehicle hardware
Nozzles, fire fighting
Nut crackers and pickers, metal
Organ hardware
Parachute hardware
Piano hardware
Pulleys, metal except power transmission equi
Rope fittings
Saddlery hardware
Sleeper mechanisms, for convertible beds
Suitcase hardware, including locks
Tackle blocks, metal
Thimbles, wire rope
Time locks
Trimmings, trunk metal
Trunk hardware, including locks
Utility carriers, car top
Vacuum bottles and jugs
Vehicle hardware aircraft, automobile, railro
Bathroom fixtures: enameled iron, cast iron,
Bathtub: enameled iron, cast iron, and presse
Drinking fountains, except mechanically refri
Flush tanks, metal
Laundry tub, enameled iron and other metal
Lavatories, enameled iron and other metal
Plumbing fixtures: enameled iron, cast iron,
Portable chemical toilets (metal)
Shower receptors, metal
Shower stalls, metal
Sinks: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed
Toilet fixtures: enameled iron, cast iron, an
Urinals: enameled iron, cast iron, and presse
Water closets: enameled iron, cast iron, and
Backflow preventors
Brass goods, plumbers'
Breakers, vacuum: plumbing
Bubblers, drinking fountain
Cocks, drain (including basin)
Drains, plumbers'
Faucets, metal and plastics
Flush valves
Interceptors, plumbers'
Nozzles, lawn hose
Nozzles, plumbers'
Plumbers' brass goods
Plumbing fixture fittings and trim
Sanitary pipe fittings
Shower rods
Spigots, metal and plastics
Sprinklers, lawn
Stopcocks (plumbers' supplies)
Water traps
Boilers, low-pressure heating: steam or hot w
Fireplace inserts
Furnaces, domestic: steam or hot water
Gas burners, domestic
Gas heaters, room
Gas infrared heating units
Gas-oil burners, combination
Heaters, swimming pool: oil or gas
Heating apparatus, except electric or warm ai
Kerosene space heaters
Logs, fireplace: gas
Oil burners, domestic and industrial
Radiators, except electric
Range boilers, galvanized iron and nonferrous
Room heaters, except electric
Salamanders, coke and gas burning
Solar energy collectors, liquid or gas
Solar heaters
Space heaters, except electric
Stokers, mechanical: domestic and industrial
Stoves, household: heating-except electric
Stoves, wood and coal burning
Unit heaters, domestic: except electric
Wall heaters, except electric
Barge sections, prefabricated metal
Boat sections, prefabricated metal
Expansion joints (structural shapes): iron an
Floor jacks, metal
Floor posts, adjustable: metal
Gates, dam: metal plate
Highway bridge sections, prefabricated metal
Joists, open web steel: long-span series
Radio and television tower sections, prefabri
Railway bridge sections, prefabricated metal
Ship sections, prefabricated metal
Steel joists, open web: long-span series
Steel railroad car racks (for transporting mo
Structural steel, fabricated
Tower sections, transmission: prefabricated m
Baseboards, metal
Casements, aluminum
Door and jamb assemblies, prefabricated: meta
Door frames and sash, metal
Doors, louver: all metal or metal frame
Doors, metal
Fire doors, metal
Garage doors, overhead: metal
Hangar doors, sheet metal
Jalousies, all metal or metal frame
Louver windows, all metal or metal frame
Moldings and trim, metal: except automobile
Rolling doors for industrial buildings and wa
Screen doors, metal
Screens, door and window: metal frame
Shutters, door and window: metal
Store fronts, prefabricated: metal except por
Storm doors and windows, metal
Trim and molding, except automobile: metal
Weather strip, metal
Window frames and sash, metal
Absorbers, gas
Accumulators (industrial pressure vessels)
Acetylene cylinders
Aftercooler shells
Air preheaters, nonrotating: plate type
Air receiver tanks, metal plate
Annealing boxes, pots, and covers
Atomic waste casks
Autoclaves, industrial
Bails, ladle
Bins, prefabricated metal plate
Boiler shop products: industrial boilers, smo
Boilers: industrial, power, and marine
Boxes, condenser: metal plate
Breechings, metal plate
Buoys, metal
Cable trays, metal plate
Caissons, metal plate
Cars for hot metal
Casing, boiler: metal plate
Casings, scroll
Chutes, metal plate
Condensers, barometric
Condensers, steam
Containers, shipping metal plate (bombs, etc.
Cooling towers, metal plate
Cryogenic tanks, for liquids and gases: metal
Culverts, metal plate
Cupolas, metal plate
Cyclones, industrial: metal plate
Cylinders, pressure: metal plate
Digesters, process: metal plate
Ducting, metal plate
Economizers (boilers)
Evaporators (process vessels), metal plate
Exchangers, heat: industrial, scientific, and
Farm storage tanks, metal plate
Fermenters (process vessels), metal plate
Floating covers, metal plate
Flumes, metal plate
Forms, collapsible: for tunnels
Fractionating columns, metal plate
Fuel tanks, metal plate
Fumigating chambers, metal plate
Gas holders, metal plate
Gas tanks, metal plate
Heat transfer drives (finned tubing)
High vacuum coaters, metal plate
Hoods, industrial: metal plate
Hooks, crane: laminated plate
Hoppers, metal plate
Housing cabinets for radium, metal plate
Housings, pressure
Hydropneumatic tanks, metal plate
Intercooler shells
Jackets, industrial: metal plate
Kettles (process vessels), metal plate
Knockouts, free water: metal plate
Ladles, metal plate
Liners, industrial: metal plate
Liquid oxygen tanks, metal plate
Melting pots, for metal
Missile silos and components, metal plate
Mixers for hot metal
Nuclear core structurals, metal plate
Nuclear shielding, metal plate
Oil storage tanks, metal plate
Penstocks, metal plate
Perforating on heavy metal
Pile shells, metal plate
Pipe, large diameter: metal plate-made by pla
Plate work, fabricated: cutting, punching, be
Precipitators (process vessels), metal plate
Pressure vessels, industrial: metal plate-mad
Pressurizers and auxiliary equipment, nuclear
Reactor containment vessels, metal plate
Reactors, nuclear: military and industrial
Retorts, industrial
Rocket transportation casings
Separators, industrial process: metal plate
Septic tanks, metal plate
Skid tanks, metal plate
Smelting pots and retorts
Smokestacks, boiler plate
Space simulation chambers, metal plate
Spheres, for liquids or gas: metal plate
Steam jet after coolers
Steam jet inter condensers
Sterilizing chambers, metal plate
Stills, pressure: metal plate
Storage tanks, metal plate
Surge tanks, metal plate
Tanks for tank trucks, metal plate
Tanks, metal plate: lined
Tanks, standard and custom fabricated: metal
Towers, tank: metal plate
Towers: bubble, cooling, fractionating-metal
Trash racks, metal plate
Troughs, industrial metal plate
Truss plates, metal
Tunnel lining, metal plate
Tunnels, vacuum: metal plate
Tunnels, wind
Vacuum tanks, metal plate
Vats, metal plate
Vessels, process and storage: metal plate (ma
Water tanks, metal plate
Air cowls, scoops, or airports (ship ventilat
Awnings, sheet metal
Bins, prefabricated: sheet metal
Booths, spray prefabricated sheet metal
Canopies, sheet metal
Casings, sheet metal
Coal chutes, prefabricated sheet metal
Cooling towers, sheet metal
Cornices, sheet metal
Culverts, sheet metal
Dampers, sheet metal
Door hoods, aluminum
Downspouts, sheet metal
Ducts, sheet metal
Eaves, sheet metal
Elbows for conductor pipe, hot air ducts, and
Flooring, cellular steel
Flues, stove and furnace: sheet metal
Flumes, sheet metal
Forming machine work for the trade except sta
Forms for concrete, sheet metal
Furnace casings, sheet metal
Guardrails, highway: sheet metal
Gutters, sheet metal
Hoods, range sheet metal
Hoppers, sheet metal
Housings for business machines, sheet metal e
Irrigation pipe, sheet metal
Joists, sheet metal
Laundry hampers, sheet metal
Louvers, sheet metal
Machine guards, sheet metal
Mail chutes, sheet metal
Mail collection or storage boxes, sheet metal
Pile shells, sheet metal
Pipe, sheet metal
Post office collection boxes
Radiator shields and enclosures, sheet metal
Restaurant sheet metal work
Roof deck, sheet metal
Sheet metal specialties, not stamped
Siding, sheet metal
Skylights, sheet metal
Spouts, sheet metal
Stove boards, sheet metal
Stove pipe and flues, sheet metal
Studs, sheet metal
Troughs, elevator: sheet metal
Vats, sheet metal
Ventilators, sheet metal
Wells, light: sheet metal
Acoustical suspension systems, metal
Balconies, metal
Bank fixtures, ornamental metal
Bannisters, railings, guards, etc: made from
Brasswork, ornamental structural
Channels, furring
Elevator guide rails, metal
Fences and posts, ornamental iron and steel
Fire escapes, metal
Flagpoles, metal
Flooring, open steel (grating)
Gates, ornamental metal
Gratings (open steel flooring)
Gratings, tread fabricated metal
Ladders, chain: metal
Ladders, for permanent installation metal
Lamp posts, metal
Lintels, light gauge steel
Ornamental and architectural metal work
Partitions and grillework, ornamental metal
Pipe bannisters, railings, and guards
Purlins, light gauge steel
Railings, prefabricated metal
Registers, air: metal
Scaffolds metal (mobile or stationary)
Stair railings, metal
Staircases, prefabricated metal
Stairs, prefabricated metal
Treads, stair: fabricated metal
Buildings, prefabricated: metal
Carports, prefabricated: metal
Docks, building, prefabricated: metal
Dwellings, prefabricated: metal
Farm buildings, prefabricated: metal
Garages, prefabricated: metal
Greenhouses, prefabricated: metal
Houses, prefabricated: metal
Panels for prefabricated metal buildings
Portable buildings, prefabricated metal
Prefabricated buildings, metal
Ramps, prefabricated: metal
Sections for prefabricated metal buildings
Silos, metal
Utility buildings, prefabricated: metal
Bars, concrete reinforcing: fabricated steel
Curtain wall, metal
Custom roll formed products, metal
Joists, fabricated bar
Landing mats, aircraft: metal
Lath, expanded metal
Plastering accessories, metal
Screw machine products: manufactured on a job
Bolts, metal
Cotter pins, metal
Dowel pins, metal
Gate hooks
Lock washers
Machine keys
Nuts, metal
Rivets, metal
Screw eyes, metal
Screw hooks
Screws, metal
Spring pins, metal
Spring washers, metal
Toggle bolts, metal
Washers, metal
Wood screws, metal
Aircraft forgings, ferrous: not made in rolli
Anchors, forged: not made in rolling mills
Anvils, forged: not made in rolling mills
Armor plate, forged iron and steel: not made
Automotive forgings, ferrous: not made in rol
Axles, railroad: forged-not made in rolling m
Bumping posts, railroad: forged-not made in r
Bus, truck and trailer forgings, ferrous: not
Calks, horseshoe: forged-not made in rolling
Chains, forged steel: not made in rolling mil
Construction and mining equipment forgings, f
Crankshafts, forged steel: not made in rollin
Engine forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling
Flange, valve, and pipe fitting forgings, fer
Forgings, iron and steel: not made in rolling
Gears, forged steel: not made in rolling mill
Hammer forgings, not made in rolling mills
Horseshoes, not made in rolling mills
Internal combustion engine (stationary and mo
Machinery forgings, ferrous: not made in roll
Mechanical power transmission forgings, ferro
Missile forgings, ferrous: not made in rollin
Nuclear power plant forgings, ferrous: not ma
Ordnance forgings, ferrous: not made in rolli
Pole line hardware forgings, ferrous not made
Press forgings, iron and steel: not made in r
Pump and compressor forgings, ferrous: not ma
Railroad wheels, axles, frogs, and related eq
Switches, railroad: forged-not made in rollin
Turbine engine forgings, ferrous: not made in
Upset forgings, iron and steel: not made in r
Wheels, car and locomotive: forged-not made i
Aircraft forgings, nonferrous: not made in ho
Aluminum forgings, not made in hot-rolling mi
Automotive forgings, nonferrous: not made in
Bearing and bearing race forgings, nonferrous
Engine and turbine forgings, nonferrous: not
Flange, valve and pipe fitting forgings, nonf
Machinery forgings, nonferrous: not made in h
Mechanical power transmission forgings, nonfe
Missile forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot
Nonferrous forgings, not made in hot-rolling
Ordnance forgings, nonferrous: not made in ho
Plumbing fixture forgings, nonferrous: not ma
Pole line hardware forgings, nonferrous: not
Pump and compressor forgings, nonferrous: not
Titanium forgings, not made in hot-rolling mi
Automotive stampings: e.g., fenders, tops, hu
Body parts, automotive: stamped
Moldings and trim, automotive: stamped
Bottle caps and tops, stamped metal
Closures, stamped metal
Crowns, jar: stamped metal
Jar crowns and tops, stamped metal
Tops, jar: stamped metal
Appliance parts, porcelain enameled
Ashcans, stamped and pressed metal
Ashtrays, stamped metal
Automobile license tags, stamped metal
Bottle openers, stamped metal
Capacitor and condenser cans and cases: stamp
Cash and stamp boxes, stamped metal
Chassis, radio and television: stamped metal
Cookers, pressure: stamped or drawn
Cooking ware, porcelain enameled
Electronic enclosures: stamped or pressed
Fins, tube: stamped metal
Floor tile, stamped metal
Furniture components, porcelain enameled
Garbage cans, stamped and pressed metal
Helmets, steel
Honeycombed metal
Household utensils, stamped and pressed metal
Housings for business machines, stamped metal
Ice cream dippers
Ironer parts, porcelain enameled
Kitchen utensils, porcelain enameled
Kitchen utensils, stamped and pressed metal
Lunch boxes, stamped metal
Machine parts, stamped and pressed metal
Mail boxes, except collection boxes
Pails, stamped and pressed metal: except tinn
Pans, stamped and pressed metal: except tinne
Patterns on metal
Perforated metal, stamped
Perforating on light metal
Rigidizing metal
Spinning metal, for the trade
Stamping metal, for the trade
Store fronts, porcelain enameled
Stove parts, porcelain enameled
Table tops, porcelain enameled
Teakettles, except electric: stamped metal
Tool boxes, stamped metal
Utensils, metal, except cast: household, comm
Utensils, porcelain enameled: household, comm
Washing machine parts, porcelain enameled
Wastebaskets, stamped metal
Anodizing of metals and formed products, for
Buffing, for the trade
Chromium plating of metals and formed product
Cleaning and descaling metal products, for th
Coloring and finishing of aluminum and formed
Decontaminating and cleaning of missile and s
Decorative plating and finishing of formed pr
Depolishing metal, for the trade
Electrolizing steel, for the trade
Electroplating of metals and formed products,
Finishing metal products and formed products,
Gold plating, for the trade
Plating of metals and formed products for the
Polishing of metals and formed products, for
Rechroming auto bumpers, for the trade
Sandblasting of metal parts, for the trade
Tumbling (cleaning and polishing) of machine
Gas turbines, mechanical drive
Governors, steam
Hydraulic turbines
Solar powered turbine-generator sets
Steam engines, except locomotives
Steam turbines
Tank turbines
Turbine generator set units, complete steam,
Turbines steam, hydraulic, and gas-except air
Water turbines
Wind powered turbine-generator sets
Windmills for generating power
Diesel and semi-diesel engines for stationary
Diesel engine parts
Engines and engine parts internal combustion
Engines, internal combustion except aircraft
Engines diesel and semi-diesel and dual fuel-
Gas and diesel engine rebuilding, on a factor
Governors, diesel engine
Internal combustion engines, except aircraft
Marine engines: diesel, semi-diesel, and othe
Outboard motors, except electric
Semi-diesel Engines for stationary, marine, t
Tank engines and engine parts, internal combu
Agricultural implements and machinery
Ammonia applicators and attachments (agricult
Bale throwers
Balers, farm: e.g., hay, straw, cotton
Barn cleaners
Barn stanchions and standards
Blowers and cutters, ensilage
Blowers, forage
Cabs, agricultural machinery
Calf savers (farm equipment)
Cattle feeding, handling, and watering equipm
Cattle oilers (farm equipment)
Chicken brooders
Cleaning machines for fruits, grains and vege
Combines (harvester-threshers)
Conveyors, farm (agricultural machinery)
Corn pickers and shellers, farm
Corrals, portable
Cotton picker and stripper harvesting machine
Cream separators, farm
Crop driers, farm
Crushers, feed (agricultural machinery)
Cultivators, agricultural field and row crop
Cutters, ensilage
Dairy equipment, farm
Drags (agricultural equipment)
Driers: grain, hay, and seed (agricultural im
Dusters, mechanical: agricultural
Elevators, farm
Farm machinery and equipment
Feed grinders, crushers, and mixers (agricult
Feeders, chicken
Fertilizing machinery, farm
Field type rotary tillers (agricultural machi
Fruit, vegetable, berry, and grape harvesting
Gates, holding (farm equipment)
Grading, cleaning, and sorting machines: frui
Grain drills, including legume planters (agri
Grain stackers
Greens mowing equipment
Grounds mowing equipment
Hair clippers for animal use, hand and electr
Hammer and roughage mills (agricultural machi
Harrows: disc, spring, and tine
Harvesting machines
Haying machines: mowers, rakes, loaders, stac
Hog feeding, handling, and watering equipment
Hulling machinery, agricultural
Incubators, except laboratory and infant
Irrigation equipment, self-propelled
Land rollers and levelers (agricultural machi
Loaders, farm type (general utility)
Milking machines
Mowers and mower-conditioners, hay
Peanut combines, diggers, packers, and thresh
Planting machines, agricultural
Plows, agricultural: disc, moldboard, chisel,
Potato diggers, harvesters, and planters (agr
Poultry brooders, feeders, and waterers
Poultry vision control devices
Presses and balers, farm: hay, cotton, etc.
Rakes, hay (agricultural machinery)
Rotary hoes (agricultural machinery)
Roughage mills (agricultural machinery)
Seeders (agricultural machinery)
Separators, grain and berry: farm
Shears, sheep: power
Shellers, nut (agricultural machinery)
Shredders (agricultural machinery)
Silo fillers (agricultural machinery)
Soil pulverizers and packers (agricultural ma
Sorting machines for agricultural products
Sprayers, hand: agricultural
Spraying machines (agricultural machinery)
Spreaders, fertilizer
Tobacco curers
Tractors, wheel: farm type
Trailers and wagons, farm
Turf equipment, commercial
Vine pullers
Volume guns (irrigation equipment)
Water troughs
Weeding machines, farm
Windmills for pumping water (agricultural mac
Windrowers (agricultural machinery)
Blowers, residential lawn
Carts for lawn and garden use
Cultivators (garden tractor equipment)
Grass catchers, lawnmower
Hedge trimmers, power
Lawn edgers, power
Lawn rollers, residential
Lawnmowers, hand and power: residential
Loaders (garden tractor equipment)
Mulchers, residential lawn and garden
Plows (garden tractor equipment)
Rototillers (garden machinery)
Seeders, residential lawn and garden
Snowblowers and throwers, residential
Tractors, lawn and garden
Vacuums, residential lawn
Wagons for residential lawn and garden use
Aerial work platforms, hydraulic or electric
Aggregate spreaders
Asphalt plants, including travel-mix type
Automobile wrecker hoists
Backfillers, self-propelled
Ballast distributors (railway track equipment
Batching plants, bituminous
Batching plants, for aggregate concrete and b
Blades for graders, scrapers, dozers, and sno
Breakers, paving
Buckets, excavating: e.g., clamshell, concret
Bulldozers, construction
Cab, construction machinery
Capstans, ship
Carriers, crane
Chip spreaders, self-propelled
Chippers, commercial: brush, limb, and log
Concrete buggies, powered
Concrete grouting equipment
Concrete gunning equipment
Concrete plants
Construction machinery, except mining
Cranes, construction
Cranes, except industrial plant
Crushers, mineral: portable
Derricks, except oil and gas field
Distributors (construction machinery)
Ditchers, ladder: vertical boom or wheel
Dozers, tractor mounted: material moving
Draglines, powered
Drags, road (construction and road maintenanc
Dredging machinery
Excavators: e.g., cable, clamshell, crane, de
Extractors, piling
Finishers and spreaders, construction
Finishers, concrete and bituminous: powered
Grader attachments, elevating
Graders, road (construction machinery)
Grapples: rock, wood, etc.
Grinders, stone: portable
Hammer mills (rock and ore crushing machines)
Hammers, pile driving
Line markers, self-propelled
Locomotive cranes
Log splitters
Logging equipment
Mixers: e.g., concrete, ore, sand, slag, plas
Mortar mixers
Mud jacks
Pile driving equipment
Planers, bituminous
Plaster mixers
Plows, construction: excavating and grading
Post hole diggers, powered
Power cranes, draglines, and shovels
Pulverizers, stone: portable
Railway track equipment: e.g., rail layers, b
Rakes, land clearing: mechanical
Road construction and maintenance machinery
Rock crushing machinery, portable
Rollers, road
Rollers, sheepsfoot and vibratory
Sand mixers
Scarifiers, road
Scrapers, construction
Screeds and screeding machines
Screeners, portable
Ship cranes and derricks
Ship winches
Shovel loaders
Shovels, power
Silos, cement (batch plant)
Slag mixers
Snowplow attachments
Soil compactors: vibratory
Spreaders and finishers, construction
Subgraders, construction equipment
Subsoiler attachments, tractor-mounts
Surfacers, concrete grinding
Tampers, powered
Tamping equipment, rail
Teeth, bucket and scarifier
Tractors, construction
Tractors, crawler
Tractors, tracklaying
Trenching machines
Trucks, off-highway
Vibrators for concrete construction
Wellpoint systems
Winches, all types
Work platforms, elevated
Amalgamators (metallurgical and mining machin
Auger mining equipment
Bits, rock: except oil and gas field tools
Cages, mine shaft
Car dumpers, mining
Clarifying machinery, mineral
Classifiers, metallurgical and mining
Cleaning machinery, mineral
Coal breakers, cutters, and pulverizers
Concentration machinery (metallurgical and mi
Crushers, mineral: stationary
Drills and drilling equipment, mining: except
Drills, core
Drills, rock: portable
Feeders, ore and aggregate
Flotation machinery (mining machinery)
Grinders, stone: stationary
Loading machines, underground: mobile
Mining cars and trucks (dollies)
Mining equipment, except oil and gas field: r
Mining machinery and equipment except oil and
Ore crushing, washing, screening, and loading
Pellet mills (mining machinery)
Plows, coal
Pulverizers, stone: stationary
Scraper loaders, underground
Screeners, stationary
Sedimentation machinery, mineral
Separating machinery, mineral
Shuttle cars, underground
Stamping mill mining machinery
Washers, aggregate and sand: stationary type
Bib, rock: oil and gas field tools
Derricks, oil and gas field
Drill rigs, all types
Drilling tools for gas, oil, or water wells
Gas well machinery and equipment
Oil and gas field machinery and equipment
Water well drilling machinery
Well logging equipment
Well surveying machinery
Automobile lifts (elevators)
Elevator fronts
Elevators and elevator equipment, passenger a
Elevators, powered: nonfarm
Escalators, passenger and freight
Lifts (elevators), passenger and freight
Stair elevators: motor powered
Stairways, moving
Walkways, moving
Belt conveyor systems for general industrial
Bucket type conveyor systems for general indu
Buckets, elevator or conveyor for general ind
Conveyor systems for general industrial use
Mine conveyors
Overhead conveyor systems for general industr
Passenger baggage belt loaders
Pneumatic tube conveyor systems for general i
Robotic conveyors for general industrial use
Boat lifts
Cranes, overhead traveling
Hoists, except aircraft loading and automobil
Hoists hand
Hoists, overhead
Monorail systems
Adapters for multiweapon rack loading on airc
Aircraft engine cradles
Aircraft loading hoists
Boat cradles
Bomb lifts
Bomb trucks
Cabs for industrial trucks and tractors
Cars, industrial: except automotive cars and
Containers, air cargo: metal
Cranes, mobile industrial truck
Die and strip handlers
Docks, loading: portable, adjustable, and hyd
Dollies (hand or power trucks), industrial: e
Drum cradles
Engine stands and racks, metal
Hoists, aircraft loading
Hoppers, end dump
Hospital dollies
Industrial truck cranes
Industrial trucks and tractors
Laundry containers on wheels
Lift trucks, industrial: fork, platform, stra
Mobile straddle carriers
Pallet assemblies for landing mats
Pallet loaders and unloaders
Palletizers and depalletizers
Pallets, metal
Platforms, cargo: metal
Ramps, aircraft-loading
Ramps, loading: portable, adjustable, and hyd
Skid boxes, metal
Skids, metal
Stackers, power (industrial truck stackers)
Shacking carts
Stacking machines, automatic
Stands, ground servicing aircraft
Straddle carriers, mobile
Tables, lift: hydraulic
Tractors, industrial: for use in plants, depo
Truck trailers for use in plants, depots, doc
Trucks, industrial (except mining): for freig
Tunnel kiln cars
Automatic chucking machines
Boring machine tools, metalworking
Boring mills
Boring, drilling, and milling machine combina
Broaching machines
Brushing machines (metalworking machinery)
Buffing and polishing machines (machine tools
Burnishing machines (machine tools)
Centering machines
Chemical milling machines
Countersinking machines
Cutoff machines (metalworking machinery)
Cutting machines, pipe (machine tools)
Cylinder reboring machines
Deburring machines
Diesinking machines
Drill presses (machine tools)
Drilling machine tools (metal cutting)
Duplicator, machine tools
Electrical discharge erosion machines
Electrical discharge grinding machines
Electrochemical milling machines
Electrolytic metal cutting machine tools
Electron-discharge metal cutting machine tool
Facing machines
Filing machines, metal (machine tools)
Flange facing machines
Gear chamfering machines (machine tools)
Gear cutting and finishing machines
Gear tooth grinding machines (machine tools)
Grinding machines, metalworking
Grooving machines (machine tools)
Home workshop machine tools, metalworking
Honing and lapping machines
Jig boring machines
Jig grinding machines
Keyseating machines (machine tools)
Lathes, metal cutting
Machine tool replacement and repair parts, me
Machine tools, metal cutting: e.g., exotic, c
Metal polishing lathes
Milling machines (machine tools)
Pipe cutting and threading machines (machine
Planers, metal cutting
Plasma process metal cutting machines, except
Pointing, chamfering, and burring machines
Polishing machines (machine tools)
Reaming machines
Rebuilt machine tools, metal cutting types
Regrinding machines, crankshaft
Rifle working machines (machine tools)
Robots for drilling and cutting-machine type,
Robots for grinding, polishing, and deburring
Sewing and cutoff machines (metalworking mach
Saws, power: metal cutting
Screw and nut slotting machines
Screw machines, automatic
Shapers and slotters, metal cutting
Shaving machines (metalworking)
Slotting machines (machine tools)
Tapping machines
Threading machines (machine tools)
Turning machines (lathes)
Turret lathes, metal cutting
Ultrasonic assisted grinding machines (metalw
Ultrasonic metal cutting machine tools
Valve grinding machines
Vertical turning and boring machines (metalwo
Arbor presses
Beaders, metal (machines)
Bending and forming machines
Brakes metal forming
Bulldozers, metalworking
Can making machines
Chemical explosives metal forming machines
Die-casting machines
Drop hammers, for forging and shaping metal
Elastic membrane metal forming machines
Electroforming machines
Extruding machines (machine tools), metal
Forging machinery and hammers
Hammers, power (forging machinery)
High energy rate metal forming machines
Knurling machines
Machine tools, metal forming types: including
Magnetic forming machines
Mechanical-pneumatic or hydraulic metal formi
Metal deposit forming machines
Nail heading machines
Plasma jet spray metal forming machines
Presses: forming, stamping, punching, and she
Presses: hydraulic and pneumatic, mechanical
Punching and shearing machines
Rebuilt machine tools, metal forming types
Riveting machines
Robots for metal forming: e.g., pressing, ham
Shearing machines, power
Sheet metalworking machines
Shock wave metal forming machines
Spinning lathes
Spinning machines, metal
Spline rolling machines
Spring winding and forming machines
Stretching machines
Swaging machines
Thread rolling machines
Ultrasonically assisted metal forming machine
Upsetters (forging machines)
Cores, sand (foundry)
Foundry cores
Foundry patternmaking
Patterns, industrial
Diamond dies, metalworking
Dies and die holders for metal die-casting an
Dies, metalworking, except threading
Dies, plastics forming
Dies, steel rule
Diesets for metal stamping (presses)
Extrusion dies
Forms, metal (molds): for foundry and plastic
Industrial molds
Jigs and fixtures (metalworking machinery acc
Jigs: inspection, gauging, and checking
Punches, forming and stamping
Subpresses, metalworking
Welding positioners (jigs)
Wiredrawing and straightening dies
Angle rings
Arbors (machine tool accessories)
Bits for use on lathes, planers, shapers, etc
Blanks, cutting tool
Boring machine attachments (machine tool acce
Broaches (machine tool accessories)
Calipers and dividers
Cams (machine tool accessories)
Chasers (machine tool accessories)
Chucks: drill, lathe, and magnetic (machine t
Clamps, machine tool
Collars (machine tool accessories)
Collets (machine tool accessories)
Comparators (machinists'precision tools)
Counterbores, metalworking
Countersinks and countersink drill combinatio
Cutters, milling
Cutting tools and bits for use on lathes, pla
Diamond cutting tools for turning, boring, bu
Diamond dressing and wheel crushing attachmen
Dies, thread cutting
Dressers, abrasive wheel: diamond point and o
Drill bits, metalworking
Drill bushings (drilling jig)
Drilling machine attachments and accessories
Drills (machine tool accessories)
Files, machine tool
Gauge blocks
Gauges, except optical (machine tool accessor
Honing heads
Hopper feed devices
Inserts cutting tool
Knives shear
Lathe attachments and cutting tools (machine
Letter pins (gauging and measuring)
Machine knives, metalworking
Machine tool attachments and accessories
Measuring tools and machines, machinists'meta
Milling machine attachments (machine tool acc
Precision tools, machinists'
Reamers, machine tool
Scales, measuring (machinists'precision tools
Shaping tools (machine tool accessories)
Shear knives
Sockets (machine tool accessories)
Tables, rotary: indexing
Taps, machine tool
Threading toolholders
Threading tools (machine tool accessories)
Tips, cutting tool
Tools and accessories for machine tools
Verniers (machinists'precision tools)
Vises, machine (machine tool accessories)
Wheel turning equipment, diamond point and ot
Attachments for portable drills
Buffing machines, hand: electric
Cartridge-activated hand power tools
Caulking hammers
Chain saws, portable
Chipping hammers, electric
Drills (except rock drilling and coring), por
Drills, hand: electric
Flexible shaft metalworking machines, portabl
Grinders, pneumatic and electric: portable (m
Grinders, snagging
Guns, pneumatic: chip removal
Hammers: portable electric and pneumatic: e.g
Handtools, power-driven: woodworking or metal
Masonry and concrete drilling tools, power: p
Powder-actuated hand tools
Riveting hammers
Sanders, hand: electric
Saws, portable hand held: power-driven-woodwo
Bar mills
Billet mills
Blooming and slabbing mills
Cleaning lines, electrolytic (rolling mill eq
Cold forming type mills (rolling mill machine
Ferrous and nonferrous mill equipment, auxili
Finishing equipment, rolling mill
Galvanizing lines (rolling mill equipment)
Hot strip mill machinery
Mill tables (rolling mill equipment)
Picklers and pickling lines, sheet and strip
Pipe and tube mills
Plate rolling mill machinery
Rod mills (rolling mill equipment)
Roller levelers (rolling mill machinery)
Rolling mill machinery and equipment
Rolls for rolling mill machinery, machined
Steel rolling machinery
Straightening machinery (rolling mill equipme
Structural mills (rolling mill machinery)
Tube mill machinery
Arc-welder transformers (separate)
Arc-welders, transformer-rectifier
Arc-welding generators, a.c. and d.c.
Electrode holders for electric welding appara
Electrodes, electric welding
Gas welding equipment
Generators (separate) for arc-welders
Resistance welders, electric
Robots for welding, soldering, or brazing
Seam welding apparatus, gas and electric
Soldering equipment, except soldering irons
Spot welding apparatus, gas and electric
Transformers (separate) for arc-welding
Welding accessories, electric and gas
Welding and cutting apparatus, gas or electri
Welding wire, bare and coated
Assembly machines, e.g., rotary transfer, in-
Coil winding machines for springs
Coilers (metalworking machines)
Cradle assemblies (wire making equipment)
Cutting up lines
Draw benches
Drawing machinery and equipment except wiredr
Marking machines, metalworking
Pail mills
Propeller straightening presses
Rotary slitters (metalworking machines)
Screwdowns and boxes
Screwdriving machines
Wiredrawing and fabricating machinery and equ
Beaming machines, textile
Bleaching machinery, textile
Bobbins for textile machinery
Braiding machines, textile
Carbonizing equipment (wool processing machin
Card clothing for textile machines
Carding machines, textile
Cloth spreading machines
Cloth stripping machines
Combing machines, textile
Creels, textile machinery
Drawing frames, textile
Drying machines, textile: for stock, yarn, an
Dyeing machinery, textile
Embroidery machines
Finishing machinery, textile
Frames, doubling and twisting (textile machin
Garnetting machines, textile
Heddles for loom harnesses, wire
Hosiery machines
Jacquard card cutting machines
Jacquard loom parts and attachments
Knitting machines
Knot tying machines (textile machinery)
Lace and net machines
Lace machine bobbins, wood or metal
Loom bobbins. wood or metal
Looms (textile machinery)
Loopers (textile machinery)
Mercerizing machinery
Napping machines (textile machinery)
Picker machines (textile machinery)
Picker sticks for looms
Printing machinery, textile
Reeds, loom
Rope and cordage machines
Roving machines (textile machinery)
Shuttles for textile weaving
Silk screens for the textile industry
Slashing machines (textile machinery)
Spindles, textile
Spinning machines, textile
Spools, textile machinery: wood
Textile finishing machinery: bleaching, dyein
Textile machinery parts
Textile machinery, except sewing machines
Textile turnings and shapes, wood
Thread making machines (spinning machinery),
Tufting machines
Warp and knot tying machines (textile machine
Warping machines (textile machinery)
Winders (textile machinery)
Wool and worsted finishing machines
Yarn texturizing machines
Bandsaws, woodworking
Box making machines for wooden boxes
Cabinet makers'machinery
Furniture makers'machinery (woodworking)
Jointers (woodworking machines)
Lathes, wood turning: including accessories
Mortisers (woodworking machines)
Pattern makers'machinery (woodworking)
Planers, woodworking
Planing mill machinery
Presses, woodworking: particleboard, hardboar
Sanding machines, except portable floor sande
Sawmill machines
Saws, power: bench and table (woodworking mac
Scarfing machines (woodworking machinery)
Shapers, woodworking machinery
Surfacers (woodworking machines)
Tenoners (woodworking machines)
Veneer mill machines
Venetian blind machines (woodworking machiner
Woodworking machines
Bag and envelope making machinery (paper mach
Box making machines for paper boxes
Coating and finishing machinery, paper
Corrugating machines for paper
Cutting and folding machines, paper
Die-cutting and stamping machinery (paper con
Folding machines, paper: except office machin
Fourdrinier machines (paper manufacturing mac
Paper mill machinery: e.g., plating, slitting
Paper product machines, except printing machi
Pulp mill machinery
Sandpaper manufacturing machines
Advertising and newspaper mats
Blocks, engravers': wood
Bronzing and dusting machines for the printin
Chases and galleys, printers'
Collating machines for printing and bookbindi
Copy holders, printers'
Electrotyping machines
Engraving machinery and equipment (printing t
Envelope printing presses
Etching machines (printing trades machinery)
Foundry type for printing
Gelatin rolls used in printing
Gravure presses
Intertype machines
Leads, printers'
Linotype machines
Lithographic stones
Monotype machines
Paper ruling and sewing machines (bookbinders
Photoengraving machines
Planes, printers'
Plates, metal: engravers'
Presses, printing
Printers'machines and equipment
Rules, printers'
Slugs, printers'
Stereotyping machines
Sticks, printers'
Type: lead, steel, brass, copper faced, etc.
Typecases, printers'
Typecasting, founding, and melting machines
Typesetting machines: intertypes, linotypes,
Typographic numbering machines
Bakery machinery
Biscuit cutters (machines)
Bread slicing machines
Brewers'and maltsers'machinery
Butter making and butter working machinery
Cheese making machinery
Chewing gum machinery
Chocolate processing machinery
Choppers, food: commercial types
Cider presses
Coffee roasting and grinding machines
Condensed and evaporated milk machinery
Confectionery machinery
Corn popping machines, industrial type
Cracker making machines
Cream separators, industrial
Cutters, biscuit (machines)
Dairy products machinery and equipment
Dehydrating equipment, food processing
Dies biscuit cutting
Distillery machinery
Dough mixing machinery
Dry milk processing machinery
Fish and shellfish processing machinery
Flour mill machinery
Food choppers, grinders, mixers, and slicers:
Grain mill machinery
Grinders, food: commercial types
Homogenizing machinery: dairy, fruit, vegetab
Ice cream manufacturing machinery
Juice extractors, fruit and vegetable: commer
Macaroni machinery: for making macaroni, spag
Malt mills
Meat and poultry processing machinery
Meat grinders
Milk processing machinery
Mills and presses: beet, cider, and sugarcane
Mixers and whippers, electric: for food manuf
Mixers, feed: except agricultural machinery
Mixers, food: commercial types
Oilseed crushing and extracting machinery
Ovens, bakery
Pasteurizing equipment, dairy and other food
Peanut roasting machines
Potato peelers, electric
Presses: cheese, beet, cider, and sugarcane
Sifting machines, food
Slicing machines, fruit and vegetable: commer
Stuffers, sausage
Sugar plant machinery
Vegetable oil processing machinery
Ammunition and explosives loading machinery
Anodizing equipment (except rolling mill line
Bag sewing and closing machines (industrial s
Balancing equipment, automotive wheel
Boot making and repairing machinery
Brick making machines
Broom making machinery
Buttonhole and eyelet machines and attachment
Cement making machinery
Chemical kilns
Chemical machinery and equipment
Cigarette and cigar making machines
Clayworking and tempering machines
Concrete products machinery
Control rod drive mechanisms for use on nucle
Cork working machinery
Degreasing machines, automotive (garage equip
Degreasing machines, industrial
Desalination equipment
Die and hub cutting equipment (jewelry manufa
Drying kilns, lumber
Electric screening equipment
Electron tube making machinery
Electroplating machinery and equipment, excep
Foundry machinery and equipment
Frame straighteners, automotive (garage equip
Fur sewing machines
Ginning machines, cotton
Glass making machinery: blowing, molding, for
Hat making and hat renovating machinery
Kilns: cement, wood, and chemical
Lamp making machinery, incandescent
Leather working machinery
Metal finishing equipment for plating, except
Metal pickling equipment, except rolling mill
Metal smelting and refining machinery, except
Nuclear reactor control rod drive mechanisms
Optical lens machinery
Ozone machines
Packup assemblies (wheel overhaul)
Paint making machinery
Petroleum refinery equipment
Pharmaceutical machinery
Plastics working machinery
Pottery making machinery
Robots, plastics: for molding and forming
Rubber products machinery
Rubber working machinery
Scouring machines, tannery
Semiconductor manufacturing machinery
Sewing machines and attachments, Industrial
Shoe making and repairing machinery
Silver recovery equipment, electrolytic
Stone tumblers
Stone working machinery
Synthetic filament extruding machines
Tannery machines
Tile making machines
Tire grooving machines
Tire retreading machinery and equipment
Tire shredding machinery
Tobacco products machinery
Wheel mounting and balancing equipment, autom
Wood drying kilns
Zipper making machinery
Cylinders, pump
Domestic water pumps
Hydrojet marine engine units
Pump jacks
Pumps, domestic: water or sump
Pumps, general industrial type
Pumps, oil well and oil field
Bearings, ball and roller
Flange units for ball or roller bearings
Pillow block units for ball or roller bearing
Pillow blocks, with ball or roller bearings
Races, ball and roller bearing
Compressors, air and gas: for general industr
Dusting outfits for metal, paints, and chemic
Paint sprayers
Robots for spraying, painting-industrial
Sprayers, hand: except agricultural
Spraying outfits for metals, paints, and chem
Tire inflation, hand or compressor operated
Vacuum pumps, except laboratory
Air cleaning systems
Air purification and dust collection equipmen
Aircurtains (blower)
Attic fans
Blowers, commercial and industrial
Dust and fume collecting equipment, industria
Exhaust fans, except household and kitchen
Fans, except household
Filters, air: for furnaces and air-conditioni
Furnace blowers (blower filter units)
Precipitation, electrostatic
Turbo-blowers, industrial
Ventilating, blowing, and exhaust fans: excep
Aerating machines, for beverages
Bag opening, filling and closing machines
Bottling machinery: washing, sterilizing, fil
Bread wrapping machines
Carton packing machines
Label moisteners, industrial type
Labeling machinery, industrial type
Packaging machinery
Wrapping machines
Drives, high-speed industrial: except hydrost
Gearmotors (power transmission equipment)
Gears, power transmission: except motor vehic
Reducers, speed
Reduction gears and gear units for turbines,
Speed changers (power transmission equipment)
Speed reducers (power transmission equipment)
Torque converters, except motor vehicle
Calcining kilns (industrial furnaces)
Ceramic kilns and furnaces
Core baking and mold drying ovens
Dielectric heating equipment
Distillation ovens, charcoal and coke
Driers and redriers, industrial process
Enameling ovens
Furnaces, industrial process
Heat treating ovens
Heating equipment, induction
Heating units and devices, industrial electri
Incinerators, metal domestic and commercial
Induction heating equipment
Infrared ovens, industrial
Japanning ovens
Kilns except cement, chemical, and wood
Lacquering ovens
Metal melting furnaces, industrial
Ovens, industrial process except bakery
Paint baking and drying ovens
Radiant heating systems, industrial process:
Rubber curing ovens
Sherardizing ovens
Smelting ovens
Vacuum furnaces and ovens
Ball joints, except motor vehicle and aircraf
Bearings, plain
Belting, chain
Chain, power transmission
Clutches, except motor vehicle
Collars, shaft (power transmission equipment)
Couplings, shaft rigid, flexible, universal j
Drive chains, bicycle and motorcycle
Joints, swivel: except motor vehicle and airc
Joints, universal: except motor vehicle
Pillow blocks, with plain bearings
Pivots, power transmission
Pulleys, power transmission
Railroad car journal bearings, plain
Shafts, flexible
Sprockets (power transmission equipment)
Altitude testing chambers
Baling machines for scrap metal, paper, and s
Blast cleaning equipment, dustless: except me
Brake burnishing and washing machines
Bridge and gate machinery, hydraulic
Burnishing and washing machines, brake
Centrifuges, industrial
Cremating ovens
Driers and reel, firehose
Filter elements, fluid: hydraulic line
Filters, fluid, general line industrial: exce
Filters, pipeline
Firefighting apparatus, except automotive and
Firehose, except rubber
Gas producers (machinery)
Gas separators (machinery)
Generators, gas
Generators: steam, liquid oxygen, and nitroge
Heaters, swimming pool: electric
Hose, fire: except rubber
Ice crushers, except household
Jacks, hydraulic: for general industrial use
Lubricating systems, centralized
Lubrication equipment, industrial
Lubrication machinery, automatic
Ordnance testing chambers
Ovens, surveillance: for aging and testing po
Powder testing chambers
Presses, metal baling
Purifiers, centrifugal
Reels and racks, firehose
Robots for general industrial use
Screening and sifting machines for general in
Screws, jack
Separators for steam, gas, vapor, and air (ma
Sifting and screening machines for general in
Sprinkler systems, fire: automatic
Steam separators (machinery)
Strainers, pipeline
Temperature testing chambers
Testing chambers for altitude, temperature, o
Vapor separators (machinery)
Computers: digital, analog, and hybrid
Mainframe computers
Personal computers
Auxiliary computer storage units
Computer storage units
Disk drives, computer
Drum drives, computer
Magnetic storage devices for computers
Optical storage devices for computers
Recorders, tape: for computers
Tape storage units, computer
Cathode ray tube (CRT) teleprinter, multistat
Computer terminals
Multistation CRT/teleprinters
Teleprinters (computer terminals)
Card punching and sorting machines
Card-type conversion equipment, computer peri
Computer output to microfilm units, computer
Computer paper tape punchers and devices, com
Decoders, computer peripheral equipment
Disk pack inspectors, computer peripheral equ
Document entry conversion devices, computer p
Graphic displays, except graphic terminals: c
Input/output equipment, computer: except term
Key-disk or diskette equipment, computer peri
Key-tape equipment: reel, cassette, or cartri
Keying equipment, computer peripheral equipme
Key punch/verify cards, computer peripheral e
Magnetic ink recognition devices, computer pe
Media-to media data conversion equipment, com
Optical scanning devices, computer peripheral
Plotter controllers, computer peripheral equi
Plotters, computer
Printers, computer
Punch card equipment: card readers, tabulator
Tape cleaners, magnetic: computer peripheral
Tape print units, computer peripheral equipme
Accounting machines, operator paced
Adding machines
Automatic teller machines (ATM)
Billing machines
Bookkeeping machines
Calculating machines, operator paced
Cash registers, including adding machines wit
Change making machines
Coin counters
Funds transfer devices
Point-of-sale devices
Registers, credit account
Address labeling machines
Addressing machines, plates and plate embosse
Binding machines, plastics and adhesive: for
Canceling machinery, post office
Check writing, endorsing, signing, numbering,
Coin wrapping machines
Collating machines for store or office use
Dating devices and machines, except rubber st
Dictating machines, office types
Duplicating machines
Embossing machines for store and office use
Envelope stuffing, sealing, and addressing ma
Forms handling equipment for store and office
Gummed tape moisteners for store and office u
Letter folding, stuffing, and sealing machine
List finders, automatic
Mail tying (bundling) machines
Mailing machines
Numbering machines, office and store: mechani
Paper cutters and trimmers (hand office equip
Pencil sharpeners
Perforators (office machines)
Postage meters
Punches, paper: hand
Registers, autographic
Scalers for gummed tape: hand
Shorthand machines
Slipsheeting machines
Sorters, filing: office
Staple removers
Stapling machines, office
Ticket counting machines
Time-stamps containing clock mechanisms
Timeclocks and time recording devices
Voting machines
Word processing equipment
Locks, coin-operated
Mechanisms for coin-operated machines
Merchandising machines, automatic
Vending machines for merchandise: coin-operat
Drycleaning equipment and machinery, commerci
Dryers, laundry: commercial, including coin-o
Extractors and driers, commercial laundry
Feather cleaning and sterilizing machinery
Ironers, commercial laundry and dry-cleaning
Laundry machinery and equipment, commercial,
Pressing machines, commercial laundry and dry
Rug cleaning, drying, and napping machines: c
Washing machines, laundry: commercial, includ
Air-conditioners, motor vehicle
Air-conditioning and heating combination unit
Air-conditioning compressors
Air-conditioning condensers and condensing un
Air-conditioning units complete: domestic and
Beer dispensing equipment
Cabinets, show and display: refrigerated
Cases, show and display: refrigerated
Cold drink dispensing equipment, except coin-
Compressors for refrigeration and air-conditi
Condensers and condensing units: refrigeratio
Coolers, milk and water: electric
Counters and counter display cases, refrigera
Dehumidifiers, except portable: electric
Electric warm air furnaces
Evaporative condensers (heat transfer equipme
Fountains, drinking mechanically refrigerated
Furnaces: gravity air flow
Heat pumps, electric
Humidifying equipment, except portable
Ice boxes, industrial
Ice making machinery
Lockers, refrigerated
Refrigeration compressors
Refrigeration machinery and equipment, indust
Room coolers, portable
Showcases, refrigerated
Siphons, soda water
Snow making machinery
Soda fountains, parts, and accessories
Tanks, soda water
Dispensing and measuring pumps, gasoline and
Cafeteria food warming equipment
Carpet sweepers, except household electric va
Carwashing machinery, including coin-operated
Cookers, steam: restaurant type
Cooking equipment, commercial
Corn popping machines, commercial type
Dirt sweeping units, industrial
Dishwashing machines, commercial
Floor sanding, washing, and polishing machine
Food warming equipment, commercial
Fryers, commercial
Garbage disposers, commercial
Mop wringers
Ovens, cafeteria food warming: portable
Ovens, microwave (cooking equipment) commerci
Pressure cookers, steam: commercia;
Sanding machines, floor
Scrubbing machines
Servicing machines, coin-operated except dryc
Sewage treatment equipment
Sewer cleaning equipment, power
Sludge processing equipment
Vacuum cleaners and sweepers, electric: indus
Water conditioners, for swimming pools
Water filters and softeners, household type
Water purification equipment, household type
Water treatment equipment, industrial
Carburetors, all types
Pistons and piston rings
Valves, engine: intake and exhaust
Fluid power actuators, hydraulic and pneumati
Hydraulic cylinders, fluid power
Pneumatic cylinders, fluid power
Fluid power pumps and motors
Hydraulic pumps, aircraft
Hydrostatic drives (transmissions)
Hydrostatic transmissions
Motors, air or hydraulic fluid power
Motors, pneumatic
Pumps, hydraulic power transfer
Baby scales
Balances, except laboratory
Bathroom scales
Industrial scales
Motor truck scales
Railroad truck scales
Scales, except laboratory
Weighing machines and apparatus, except labor
Amusement rides for carnivals
Bellows, industrial: metal
Boiler tube cleaners
Carousels (merry-go-rounds)
Chemical milling job shops
Cleaners, boiler tube
Crankshaft and camshaft machining
Cups, oil and grease: metal
Electrical discharge machining (EDM)
Fan forges
Ferris wheels
Filters, internal combustion engine: oil, gas
Grinding castings for the trade
Hose, flexible metallic
Leak detectors, water
Machine shops, jobbing and repair
Propellers, ship and boat: machined
Riddles, sand (hand sifting or screening appa
Sludge tables
Swage blocks
Ties, form: metal
Tubing, flexible met
Airport lighting transformers
Auto-transformers for switchboards, except te
Auto-transformers, electric (power transforme
Ballasts for lighting fixtures
Control transformers
Current limiting reactors, electrical
Distribution transformers electric
Doorbell transformers, electric
Electric furnace transformers
Feeder voltage regulators and boosters (elect
Fluorescent ballasts (transformers)
Generator voltage regulators electric inducti
Ignition transformers
Instrument transformers except portable
Isolation transformers
Lighting transformers, fluorescent
Lighting transformers, street and airport
Line voltage regulators
Luminous tube transformers
Machine tool transformers
Ratio transformers
Rectifier transformers
Signaling transformers electric
Specialty transformers
Street lighting transformers
Toy transformers
Transformers, electric power
Transformers, for electronic meters
Transformers, reactor
Tripping transformers
Vibrators interrupter
Voltage regulating transformers electric powe
Voltage regulators, transmission and distribu
Air circuit breakers
Bus bar structures
Circuit breakers, power
Control panels, electric power distribution
Cubicles (electric switchboard equipment)
Distribution boards, electric
Distribution cutouts
Fuse clips and blocks, electric
Fuse devices, power: 600 volts and over
Fuse mountings, electric power
Fuses, electric
Generator control and metering panels
Knife switches, electric
Metering panels, electric
Panelboards and distribution boards, electric
Panels, electric control and metering
Power connectors
Power switching equipment
Regulators, power
Switchboards and parts, power
Switches, electric power: except snap, push b
Switchgear and switchgear accessories
Time switches, electrical switch-gear apparat
Armatures, industrial
Coils for motors and generators
Collector rings for motors and generators
Commutators, electric motor
Control equipment for buses and trucks
Converters, phase and rotary: electrical equi
Dynamos, electric: except automotive
Exciter assemblies, motor and generator
Frequency converters (electric generators)
Generating apparatus and parts, electrical: e
Generator sets: gasoline, diesel, and dual fu
Generators and sets, electric: except interna
Generators for gas-electric and oil-electric
Generators for storage battery chargers, exce
Inverters, rotating: electrical
Motor generator sets, except automotive and t
Motor housings
Motors, electric: except engine starting moto
Power generators
Railway motors and control equipment, electri
Rotary converters (electrical equipment)
Rotor retainers and housings
Rotors for motors
Sliprings for motors and generators
Starting equipment, for streetcars
Stators for motors
Storage battery chargers, engine generator ty
Synchronous condensers and timing motors, ele
Torque motors, electric
Brush blocks, carbon or molded graphite
Brushes and brush stock contacts: carbon and
Carbon specialties for electrical use
Carbons, electric
Electrodes for thermal and electrolytic uses,
Fibers, carbon and graphite
Lighting carbons
Armature relays
Control circuit devices: magnet and solid-sta
Control circuit relays, industrial
Controls and control accessories, industrial
Controls for adjustable speed drives
Crane and hoist controls, including metal mil
Electromagnetic brakes and clutches
Industrial controls: push button, selector sw
Marine and navy auxiliary controls
Motor control accessories, including overload
Motor control centers
Motor controls, electric
Motor starters, contactors, and controllers,
Numerical controls
Rheostats, industrial control
Solenoid switches, industrial
Timing devices, mechanical and solid-state, e
Truck controls, industrial battery
Vacuum relays
Battery chargers, rectifying or nonrotating
Capacitors, a.c.: for motors and fluorescent
Capacitors, except electronic: fixed and vari
Condensers for motors and generators
Condensers, except electronic: fixed and vari
Current collector wheels for trolley rigging
Electrochemical generators (fuel cells)
Inverters, nonrotating: electrical
Mercury arc rectifiers (electrical apparatus)
Power conversion units, a.c. to d.c.: static-
Rectifiers (electrical apparatus)
Series capacitors, except electronic
Thermoelectric generators
Barbecues, grills, and braziers for outdoor c
Convection ovens, household: including portab
Microwave ovens, household: including portabl
Ovens, household: excluding portable applianc
Ranges, household cooking: electric and gas
Stoves, disk
Freezers, home and farm
Ice boxes, household
Refrigerator cabinets, household
Refrigerators, mechanical and absorption: hou
Dry-cleaning and laundry machines, household:
Dryers, laundry: household, including coin-op
Ironers and mangles, household, except portab
Laundry machinery, household, including coin-
Washing machines, household: including coin-o
Wringers, domestic laundry
Air purifiers, portable
Bedcoverings, electric
Blankets, electric
Blenders, electric
Blowers, portable
Bottle warmers, household: electric
Broilers, electric
Can openers, electric
Casseroles, electric
Chafing dishes, electric
Cigar lighters, electric
Cigarette lighters, electric
Coffee makers, household: electric
Cooking appliances, household: electric, exce
Crock pots, electric
Curling irons, electric
Deep fat fryers, household: electric
Dehumidifiers, electric: portable
Desk fans, electric
Driers: hand, face, and hair-electric
Dry shavers (electric razors)
Egg cookers, electric
Fans, household: electric, except attic fans
Floor fans, electric
Food mixers, household: electric
Fryers, household: electric
Griddles and grills, household: electric
Hair curlers, electric
Hair driers, electric: except equipment desig
Hassock fans, electric
Heaters, immersion: household-electric
Heaters, space: electric
Heaters, tape
Heating pads, electric
Heating units for electric appliances
Heating units, baseboard or wall: electric (r
Hotplates, electric
Humidifiers, electric: portable
Ice crushers, electric
Irons, domestic: electric
Juice extractors, electric
Knives, electric
Massage machines, electric: except designed f
Ovens, household: portable: except microwave
Percolators, electric
Popcorn poppers for home use: electric
Propeller fans, window-type (household)
Radiators, electric
Razors, electric
Roasters, electric
Sandwich toasters and grills, household: elec
Sauna heaters, electric
Scissors, electric
Shoe polishers, electric
Tea kettles, electric
Toasters, household: electric
Toothbrushes, electric
Trays, warming: electric
Trouser pressers, electric
Unit heaters, household: electric
Urns, electric: household
Vaporizers, electric: household
Ventilating fans, electric: household-kitchen
Waffle irons, electric
Wall heaters, household: electric
Water pulsating devices, electric
Whippers, household: electric
Vacuum cleaners and sweepers, electric: house
Dishwashing machines, household
Floor waxers and polishers, household: electr
Garbage disposal units, household
Sewing machines and attachments, household
Trash compactors, household
Water heaters, household: including nonelectr
Electrodes, cold cathode fluorescent lamp
Electrotherapeutic lamp units for ultraviolet
Filaments for electric lamps
Flashlight bulbs, photographic
Glow lamp bulbs
Infrared lamp bulbs
Lamp (bulb) parts, electric
Lamp bulbs and tubes, electric: incandescent
Lamp bulb and tubes, health: infrared and ult
Lamps, sealed beam
Lead-in wires, electric lamp: made from purch
Light bulbs, electric: complete
Photoflash and photoflood lamp bulb and tubes
Ultraviolet lamps
Bus bars (electrical conductors)
Caps and plugs, attachment: electric
Connectors and terminals for electrical devic
Contacts, electrical: except carbon and graph
Convenience outlets, electric
Cord connectors, electric
Current taps, attachment plug and screw shell
Cutouts, switch and fuse
Dial light sockets, radio
Fluorescent starters
Fuse cutouts
Ground clamps (electric wiring devices)
Lamp sockets and receptacles (electric wiring
Lightning arrestors and coils
Lightning protection equipment
Plugs, electric
Rail bonds, electric: for propulsion and sign
Snap switches, (electric wiring devices)
Sockets, electric
Solderless connectors (electric wiring device
Starting switches, fluorescent lamp
Switch cutouts
Switches for electric wiring: e.g., snap, tum
Trolley line material, overhead
Boxes, electric wiring: junction, outlet, swi
Conduits and fittings, electrical
Face plates (wiring devices)
Insulators, electrical: except glass and cera
Pole line hardware
Snubbers for CATV systems
Boudoir lamps
Chandeliers, residential
Desk lamps, residential
Floor lamps
Fluorescent lighting fixtures, residential
Lamp shades, metal
Lamps (lighting fixtures), residential: elect
Light shades, metal
Lighting fixtures, residential, electric: e.g
Lights, yard: electric
Table lamps
Wall lamps
Chandeliers, commercial
Commercial lighting fixtures
Desk lamps, commercial
Fluorescent lighting fixtures, commercial
Lighting fixtures, commercial
Luminous panel ceilings
Aircraft lighting fixtures
Automotive lighting fixtures
Bicycle lamps
Boat and ship lighting fixtures
Clearance lamps and reflectors, motor vehicle
Dome lights, motor vehicle
Flasher lights, automobile
Fog lights, motor vehicle
Headlights (fixtures), vehicular
Lamps, marker and clearance: motor vehicle
Lighting fixtures, vehicular
Locomotive and railroad car lights
Marker lamps, motor vehicle
Motorcycle lamps
Parking lights, automotive
Reflectors, clearance: vehicular
Spotlights, motor vehicle
Tail lights, motor vehicle
Arc lamps, except electrotherapeutic
Area and sports luminaries
Decorative area lighting fixtures, except res
Fountain lighting fixtures
Gas lighting fixtures
Lamp fixtures, infrared
Lanterns: electric, gas, carbide, kerosene, a
Lighting fixtures, airport: runway, approach,
Lighting fixtures, residential, except electr
Miners' lamps
Reflectors for lighting equipment: metal
Spotlights, except vehicular
Stage lighting equipment
Street lighting fixtures, except traffic sign
Swimming pool lighting fixtures
Ultraviolet lamp fixtures
Underwater lighting fixtures
Amplifiers: radio, public address, or musical
Audio recorders and players: automotive and h
Clock radio and telephone combinations
Clock radios
Coin-operated phonographs
Disc players, compact
Electronic kits for home assembly: radio and
Home tape recorders: cassette, cartridge, and
Juke boxes
Loudspeakers, electrodynamic and magnetic
Music distribution apparatus, except records
Musical instrument amplifiers
Phonograph and radio combinations
Phonograph turntables
Phonographs, including coin-operated
Pickup heads, phonograph
Pillows, stereo
Radio and phonograph combinations
Radio receiving sets
Recording machines, music and speech: except
Speaker systems
Tape players, household
Tape recorders, household
Television receiving sets
Turntables, for phonographs
Video camera-audio recorders, household
Video cassette recorders/players
Video triggers (remote control television dev
Compact disc, prerecorded: except video
Discs, laser: audio prerecorded
Magnetic tape, audio: prerecorded
Phonograph record blanks
Phonograph records (including preparation of
Prerecorded audio magnetic tape
Auto-transformers for telephone switchboards
Carrier equipment, telephone and telegraph
Communications headgear, telephone
Data sets, telephone and telegraph
Facsimile equipment
Headsets, telephone
Message concentrators
Multiplex equipment, telephone and telegraph
Switchboards, telephone and telegraph
Switching equipment, telephone
Telegraph office switching equipment
Telephone answering machines
Telephone central office equipment, dial and
Telephone dialing devices, automatic
Telephone sets, except cellular radio telepho
Telephone station equipment and parts, wire
Telephones, sound powered (no battery)
Telephones underwater
Toll switching equipment, telephone
Airborne radio communications equipment
Amplifiers: RF power and IF
Antennas, transmitting and communications
Broadcast equipment (including studio), radio
Cable television equipment
Cameras, television
Carrier equipment, radio communications
Cellular radio telephones
Citizens'band (CB) radios
Closed circuit television equipment
Digital encoders
Encryption devices
Light communications equipment
Marine radio communications equipment
Microwave communications equipment
Mobile communications equipment
Multiplex equipment, radio
Pagers (one-way)
Phototransmission equipment
Radio and television switching equipment
Radio receiver networks
Radio transmitting and communications antenna
Receivers, radio communications
Satellites, communications
Space satellite communications equipment
Studio equipment, radio and television broadc
Telemetering equipment, electronic
Television monitors
Television transmitting antennas and ground e
Transmitter-receivers, radio
Transmitting apparatus, radio and television
Burglar alarm apparatus, electric
Fire alarm apparatus, electric
Fire detection systems, electric
Highway signals, electric
Intercommunications equipment, electronic
Marine horns, electric
Pedestrian traffic control equipment
Railroad signaling devices, electric
Signaling apparatus, electric
Signals: railway, highway, and traffic-electr
Sirens, electric: vehicle, marine, industrial
Smoke detectors
Traffic signals, electric
Cathode ray tubes
Electron beam (beta ray) generator tubes
Electron tube parts, except glass blanks: bas
Electron tubes
Gas and vapor tubes
Geiger Mueller tubes
Klystron tubes
Light sensing and emitting tubes
Magnetron tubes
Photomultiplier tubes
Picture tube reprocessing
Planar triode tubes
Receiving type electron tubes
Television tubes
Transmitting electron tubes
Traveling wave tubes
Tubes for operating above the X-ray spectrum
Vacuum tubes
Circuit boards, television and radio: printed
Printed circuit boards
Printed circuits
Wiring boards
Computer logic modules
Controlled rectifiers, solid-state
Diodes, solid state (germanium, silicon, etc.
Fuel cells, solid-state
Gunn effect devices
Hall effect devices
Hybrid integrated circuits
Infrared sensors, solid-state
Laser diodes
Light emitting diodes
Light sensitive devices, solid-state
Magnetic bubble memory device
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) devices
Memories, solid-state
Metal oxide silicon (MOS) devices
Microcircuits, integrated (semiconductor)
Modules, solid-state
Molecular devices, solid-state
Monolithic integrated circuits (solid-state)
Optical isolators
Parametric diodes
Photoconductive cells
Photoelectric cells, solid-state (electronic
Photoelectric magnetic devices
Photovoltaic devices, solid-state
Random access memories (RAMS)
Read only memories (ROMS)
Rectifiers, solid-state
Schottky diodes
Semiconductor circuit networks (solid state i
Semiconductor devices
Silicon wafers, chemically doped
Solid-state electronic devices
Strain gages, solid-state
Stud bases or mounts for semiconductor device
Switches, silicon control
Thermionic devices, solid-state
Thermoelectric devices, solid-stare
Thin film circuits
Tunnel diodes
Ultraviolet sensors, solid state
Variable capacitance diodes
Wafers(semiconductor devices)
Zener diodes
Capacitors, electronic: fixed and variable
Condensers, electronic
Resistor networks
Resistors, electronic
Thermistors, except temperature sensors
Coil windings, electronic
Coils, chokes and other inductors, electronic
Constant impedance transformers
Coupling transformers
Flyback transformers
Transformers, electronic types
Transformers: power supply electronic type
Connectors, electronic: e.g., coaxial, cylind
Antennas, receiving: automobile, home, and po
Antennas, satellite: home type
Commutators, electronic
Cores, magnetic
Cryogenic cooling devices (e.g., cryostats) f
Crystals and crystal assemblies, radio
Delay lines
Harness assemblies for electronic use: wire a
Headphones, radio
Heads, recording for speech and musical equip
Hermetic seals for electronic equipment
Impedance conversion units, high frequency
Liquid crystal displays
Loads, electronic
Microwave components
Oscillators, except laboratory type
Parametric amplifiers
Passive repeaters
Phonograph needle cartridges
Phonograph needles
Piezoelectric crystals
Power supplies, static, and variable frequenc
Pulse forming networks
Quartz crystals for electronic application
Recording and playback heads, magnetic
Recording heads for speech and musical equipm
Rectifiers, electronic: except solid-state
Resonant reed devices, electronic
Rheostats, electronic
Sockets, electronic tube
Solenoids for electronic applications
Static power supply converters for electronic
Step positioners for transmitting equipment
Styli, phonograph record cutting
Switches, electronic
Switches, stepping
Transducers for use in measuring and testing
Tube retainers, electronic
Tube spacers, mica
Tube transformer assemblies used in firing el
Video triggers, except remote control televis
Voice controls
Waveguides and fittings
Alkaline cell storage batteries
Batteries, rechargeable
Lead acid batteries (storage batteries)
Nickel cadmium storage batteries
Batteries, primary: dry or wet
Dry cell batteries, single and multiple cell
Alternators, motor vehicle
Armatures, motor vehicle
Battery cable wiring sets for internal combus
Battery charging generators for internal comb
Breaker point sets, internal combustion engin
Coils, ignition: internal combustion engines
Distributors, motor vehicle engine
Generators, aircraft and motor vehicle
Harness wiring sets for internal combustion e
Ignition cable sets or wire assemblies for in
Ignition systems, high frequency
Motors, starting: motor vehicle and aircraft
Regulators, voltage: motor vehicle
Spark plugs for internal combustion engines
Voltage regulators, motor vehicle
Audio range tapes, blank
Computer software tape and disks, blank: rigi
Instrumentation type tape, blank
Magnetic recording tape, blank: reels, casset
Optical disks and tape, blank
Video recording tape, blank
Accelerating waveguide structures
Amplifiers; magnetic, pulse, and maser
Appliance cords for e.g., electric irons, gri
Atom smashers (particle accelerators)
Bells, electric
Chimes, electric
Christmas tree lighting sets, electric
Clothing, electrically heated
Door opening and closing devices, electrical
Electric fence chargers
Electron beam metal cutting, forming, and wel
Electron linear accelerators
Electrostatic particle accelerators
Extension cords, made from purchased insulate
Flight simulators (training aids), electronic
Flytraps, electrical
Gongs, electric
Grids, electric
Lamps, insect: electric
Laser welding, drilling and cutting equipment
Linear accelerators
Logs, fireplace: electric
Maser amplifiers
Ornaments, Christmas tree: electric
Outboard motors, electric
Particle accelerators, high voltage
Teaching machines and aids, electronic
Trouble lights-mfpm
Ultrasonic cleaning equipment, except medical
Ultrasonic generators sold separately for inc
Ultrasonic welding machines and equipment
Waveguide pressurization equipment
Ambulances (motor vehicles)
Amphibian motor vehicles, except tanks
Assembling complete automobiles, trucks, comm
Bodies, passenger automobile
Brooms, powered (motor vehicles)
Car bodies, including fiberglass
Cars, armored
Cars, electric: for highway use
Chassis, motor vehicle
Fire department vehicles (motor vehicles)
Flushers, street (motor vehicles)
Hearses (motor vehicles)
Mobile lounges (motor vehicle)
Motor buses, except trackless trolley
Motor homes, self contained-mitse
Motor trucks, except off-highway
Motor vehicles, including amphibian
Patrol wagons (motor vehicles)
Personnel carriers, for highway use
Road oilers (motor vehicles)
Snowplows (motor vehicles)
Station wagons (motor vehicles)
Street sprinklers and sweepers (motor vehicle
Tractors, truck: for highway use
Universal carriers, military
Ambulance bodies
Automobile wrecker-truck body
Bodies, dump
Bus bodies, motor vehicle
Hearse bodies
Truck beds
Truck bodies, motor vehicle
Truck cabs for motor vehicles
Truck tops
Van-type bodies, all purpose
Air brakes, motor vehicle
Automotive wiring harness sets, except igniti
Axle housings and shafts, motor vehicle
Axles, motor vehicle
Ball joints, motor vehicle
Bearings, motor vehicle: except ball and roll
Brake drums
Brakes and brake parts, motor vehicle
Bumpers and bumperettes, motor vehicle
Camshafts, motor vehicle gasoline engine
Cleaners, air: motor vehicle
Connecting rods, motor vehicle: gasoline engi
Control equipment, motor vehicle: acceleratio
Crankshaft assemblies, motor vehicle: gasolin
Cylinder heads, motor vehicle: gasoline engin
Defrosters, motor vehicle
Differentials and parts, motor vehicle
Directional signals, motor vehicle
Drive shafts, motor vehicle
Dump truck lifting mechanisms
Engines and parts, except diesel: motor vehic
Exhaust systems and parts, motor vehicle
Fifth wheels
Filters: oil, fuel, and air-motor vehicle
Frames, motor vehicle
Fuel pumps, motor vehicle
Fuel systems and parts, motor vehicle
Gas tanks, motor vehicle
Gears, motor vehicle
Governors, motor vehicle
Heaters, motor vehicle
Hoods, motor vehicle
Horns, motor vehicle
Hydraulic fluid power pumps for auto motive s
Instrument board assemblies, motor vehicle
Lubrication systems and parts, motor vehicle
Manifolds, motor vehicle: gasoline engine
Motor vehicle gasoline engine rebuilding on a
Motor vehicle parts and accessories, except m
Mufflers, exhaust: motor vehicle
Oil filters, motor vehicle
Pipes, fuel: motor vehicle
Power transmission equipment, motor vehicle
Pumps, motor vehicle: oil, water, fuel, and p
Radiators and radiator shells and cores, moto
Rear axle housings, motor vehicle
Rebuilding motor vehicle gasoline engines and
Rims, wheel: motor vehicle
Sanders, motor vehicle safety
Shock absorbers, motor vehicle
Steering mechanisms, motor vehicle
Thermostats, motor vehicle
Third axle attachments or six wheel units for
Tie rods, motor vehicle
Tire valve cores
Tops, motor vehicle: except stamped metal
Transmission housings and parts, motor vehicl
Transmissions, motor vehicle
Universal joints, motor vehicle
Vacuum brakes, motor vehicle
Wheels, motor vehicle
Windshield frames, motor vehicle
Windshield wiper systems, all types
Winterfronts, motor vehicle
Wiring harness sets motor vehicles, except ig
Bus trailers, tractor type
Demountable cargo containers
Motor truck trailers
Semitrailers for missile transportation
Semitrailers for truck tractors
Trailers, fifth-wheel type: for transporting
Truck trailers
Self-contained motor homes: made on purchased
Vans, self-propelled: conversion on a factory
Airplanes, fixed or rotary wing
Balloons (aircraft)
Gliders (aircraft)
Hang gliders
Research and development on aircraft by the m
Air scoops, aircraft
Aircraft engines and engine parts, internal c
Airfoils, aircraft engine
Cooling systems, aircraft engine
Engine heaters, aircraft
Engine mount parts, aircraft
Exhaust systems, aircraft
External power units, aircraft: for hand-iner
Jet assisted takeoff devices (JATO)
Lubricating systems, aircraft
Pumps, aircraft engine
Research and development on aircraft engines
Rocket motors, aircraft
Starters, aircraft: nonelectric
Turbines, aircraft type
Turbo-superchargers, aircraft
Adapter assemblies, hydromatic propeller
Ailerons, aircraft
Aircraft armament, except guns
Aircraft arresting device system
Aircraft assemblies, subÄassemblies, and part
Aircraft body assemblies and parts
Aircraft power transmission equipment
Aircraft propeller parts
Airframe assemblies, except for guided missil
Airplane brake expanders
Alighting assemblies (landing gear), aircraft
Blades, aircraft propeller: metal or wood
Bomb racks, aircraft
Brakes, aircraft
Chaffing dispensers, aircraft
Countermeasure dispensers, aircraft
Deicing equipment, aircraft
Dive brakes, aircraft
Dusting and spraying equipment, aircraft
Dynetric balancing stands, aircraft
Elevators, aircraft
Empennage (tail) assemblies and parts aircraf
Fins, aircraft
Flaps, aircraft wing
Fuel tanks, aircraft: including self-sealing
Fuselage assemblies, aircraft
Gears, power transmission: aircraft
Governors, aircraft propeller feathering
Hubs, aircraft propeller
Instrument panel mockups: aircraft training u
Landing gear, aircraft
Landing skis and tracks, aircraft
Link trainers (aircraft training mechanisms)
Nacelles, aircraft
Oleo struts, aircraft
Oxygen systems for aircraft
Panel assemblies (hydromatic propeller test s
Pontoons, aircraft
Propeller alining tables
Propellers, variable and fixed pitch and part
Pumps, propeller feathering
Refueling equipment, airplane: for use in nig
Research and development on aircraft parts an
Roto-blades for helicopters
Rudders, aircraft
Seat ejector devices, aircraft
Spinners, aircraft propeller
Stabilizers, aircraft
Target drones, aircraft
Targets, trailer type: aircraft
Tow targets, aircraft
Training aids, aircraft: except electronic
Transmissions, aircraft
Turret test fixtures, aircraft
Turrets and turret drives, aircraft
Wheels, aircraft
Wing assemblies and parts, aircraft
Barges, building and repairing
Cargo vessels, building and repairing
Combat ships, building and repairing
Crew boats, building and repairing
Dredges, building and repairing
Drilling and production platforms, floating,
Drydocks, floating
Ferryboats, building and repairing
Fireboats, building and repairing
Fishing vessels, large: seiners and trawlers-
Hydrofoil vessels
Landing ships, building and repairing
Lighters, marine: building and repairing
Lighthouse tenders, building and repairing
Marine rigging
Naval ships, building and repairing
Offshore supply boats, building and repairing
Passenger-cargo vessels, building and repairi
Patrol boats, building and repairing
Radar towers, floating
Sailing vessels, commercial: building and rep
Scows, building and repairing
Seiners, building and repairing
Shipbuilding and repairing
Submarine tenders, building and repairing
Tankers (ships), building and repairing
Tenders (ships), building and repairing
Towboats, building and repairing
Transport vessels, passenger and troop: build
Trawlers, building and repairing
Tugboats, building and repairing
Boat kits, not a model
Boats, fiberglass: building and repairing
Boats, rigid: plastics
Boats: motorboats, sailboats, rowboats, and c
Canoes, building and repairing
Dinghies, building and repairing
Dories, building and repairing
Fishing boats, small
Houseboats, building and repairing
Hydrofoil boats
Kayaks, building and repairing
Life boats, building and repairing
Life rafts, except inflatable (rubber and pla
Motorboats, inboard and outboard: building an
Pontoons, except aircraft and inflatable (rub
Skiffs, building and repairing
Brakes, railway: air and vacuum
Cars and car equipment, freight or passenger
Dining cars and car equipment
Engines, steam (locomotives)
Freight cars and car equipment
Industrial locomotives and parts
Interurban cars and car equipment
Locomotives, locomotive frames, and parts
Lubrication systems, locomotive
Mining locomotives and parts
Railroad car rebuilding
Railway motor cars
Rapid transit cars and equipment
Sleeping cars, railroad
Streetcars and car equipment
Switching locomotives and parts, electric and
Tank freight cars and car equipment
Tenders, locomotive
Trolley buses, trackless
Bicycles and parts
Brakes, bicycle: friction clutch and other
Frames, motorcycle and bicycle
Gears, motorcycle and bicycle
Handle bars, motorcycle and bicycle
Mopeds and parts
Motor scooters and parts
Motorbikes and parts
Motorcycles and parts
Saddles, motorcycle and bicycle
Seat posts, motorcycle and bicycle
Ballistic missiles, complete
Guided missiles, complete
Research and development on guided missiles a
Rockets (guided missiles), space and military
Space vehicles, complete
Airframe assemblies, for guided missiles
Casings for missiles and missile components s
Nose cones, guided missile
Research and development on guided missile an
Space capsules
Campers, for mounting on trucks
Camping trailers and chassis
Pickup coaches (campers) for mounting on pick
Pickup covers, canopies or caps
Tent-type camping trailers
Travel trailer chassis
Truck campers (slide-in campers)
Amphibian tanks, military
Tank components, specialized: military
Tank recovery vehicles
Tanks, military: including factory rebuilding
All terrain vehicles (ATV)
Automobile trailer chassis, except travel tra
Autos, midget: power driven
Boat trailers
Caddy cars
Cars, electric: off-highway
Electrocars for transporting golfers
Acceleration indicators and systems component
Air traffic control radar systems and equipme
Airborne integrated data systems/flight recor
Aircraft flight instruments
Airframe equipment instruments
Airspeed instrumentation (aeronautical instru
Altimeters, aeronautical
Angle-of-attack instrumentation
Angle-of-yaw instrumentation
Artificial horizon instrumentation
Automatic pilots
Bank and turn indicators and, components (aer
Cabin environment indicators, transmitters, a
Compasses, gyroscopic and magnetic except por
Distance measuring equipment (DME), aeronauti
Driftmeters, aeronautical
Glide slope instrumentation
Heads-up display (HUD) systems, aeronautical
Horizon situation instrumentation
Inertial navigation systems, aeronautical
Infrared homing systems, aeronautical
Instrument landing system instrumentation, ai
Light reconnaissance and surveillance systems
Missile guidance systems and equipment
Nautical instruments
Navigational instruments
Omnibearing instrumentation
Pictorial situation instrumentation
Position indicators, airframe equipment: e.g.
Radar systems and equipment
Radio magnetic instrumentation (RMI)
Rate-of-climb instrumentation
Sextants, except surveying
Sonar fish finders
Sonar systems and equipment
Space vehicle guidance systems and equipment
Taffrail logs
Warfare countermeasures equipment
Wheel position indicators and transmitters, a
Autoclaves, laboratory
Balances, laboratory
Bunsen burners
Calorimeters laboratory type
Centrifuges, laboratory
Crushing and grinding apparatus, laboratory
Distilling apparatus, laboratory type
Dryers, laboratory
Evaporation apparatus, laboratory type
Freezers, laboratory
Furnaces, laboratory except dental
Furniture, laboratory
Granulators, laboratory
Hotplates, laboratory
Incubators, laboratory
Laboratory equipment fume hoods, distillation
Melting point apparatus, laboratory
Ovens, laboratory
Particle size reduction apparatus, laboratory
Pipettes, hemocytometer
Sample preparation apparatus, laboratory type
Shakers and stirrers, laboratory
Sterilizers, laboratory
Worktables, laboratory
Air flow controllers, air-conditioning and re
Appliance regulators, except switches
Building services monitoring controls, automa
Clothes dryer controls including dryness cont
Combination limit and fan controls
Combination oil and hydronic controls
Damper operators pneumatic, thermostatic, and
Electric air cleaner controls, automatic
Electric heat proportioning controls, modulat
Electric space heater controls, automatic
Energy cutoff controls, residential and comme
Fan control, temperature responsive
Flame safety controls for furnaces and boiler
Float controls, residential and commercial ty
Gas burner automatic controls, except valves
Gradual switches, pneumatic
Humidistats wall, duct, and skeleton
Humidity controls, air conditioning types
Hydronic circulator control, automatic
Hydronic limit control
Hydronic pressure and temperature controls
Ice bunk controls
Ice maker controls
Ignition controls for gas appliances and furn
In-built thermostats, filled system and bimet
Incinerator control systems, residential and
Limit controls, residential and commercial he
Line or limit control for electric heat
Liquid level controls, residential and commer
Oven temperature controls, nonindustrial
Pneumatic relays, air-conditioning type
Pressure controllers, air-conditioning system
Primary oil burner controls, including stack
Refrigeration controls, pressure
Refrigeration thermostats
Refrigeration/air-conditioning defrost contro
Sequencing controls for electric heat
Static pressure regulators
Steam pressure controls, residential and comm
Surface burner controls, temperature
Switches pneumatic positioning remote
Switches, thermostatic
Temperature controls, automatic: residential
Temperature sensors for motor windings
Thermocouples, vacuum: glass
Thermostats: air-conditioning, refrigeration,
Time program controls, air-conditioning syste
Vapor heating controls
Water heater controls
Absorption analyzers, industrial process type
Analyzers, industrial process type
Annunciators, relay and solid-state types: in
Boiler controls: industrial, power, and marin
Buoyancy instruments, industrial process type
Chromatographs, industrial process type
Combustion control instruments, except commer
Computer interface equipment for industrial p
Controllers for process variables: electric,
Coulometric analyzers, industrial process typ
Data loggers, industrial process type
Density and specific gravity instruments, ind
Differential pressure instruments, industrial
Digital displays of process variables
Draft gauges, industrial process type
Electrodes used in industrial process measure
Electrolytic conductivity instruments, indust
Flow instruments, industrial process type
Fluidic devices, circuits, and systems for pr
Gas and liquid analysis instruments, industri
Gas flow computers, industrial process type
Humidity instruments, industrial process type
Hydrometers, industrial process type
Industrial process control instruments
Infrared instruments, industrial process type
Level and bulk measuring instruments, industr
Liquid analysis instruments, industrial proce
Liquid concentration instruments, industrial
Liquid level instruments, industrial process
Magnetic flow meters, industrial process type
Manometers, industrial process type
Moisture meters, industrial process type
Nuclear reactor controls
Panelboard indicators, recorders and controll
Potentiometric self-balancing instruments, ex
Pressure gauges, dial and digital
Pressure instruments, industrial process type
Primary elements for process flow measurement
Programmers, process type
Pyrometers, industrial process type
Refractometers, industrial process type
Resistance thermometers and bulbs, industrial
Telemetering instruments, industrial process
Temperature instruments: industrial process t
Thermal conductivity instruments, industrial
Thermistors, industrial process type
Thermocouples, industrial process type
Thermometers, filled system: industrial proce
Time cycle and program controllers, industria
Transmitters of process variables, standard s
Turbidity instruments, industrial process typ
Turbine flow meters, industrial process type
Viscosimeters, industrial process type
Water quality monitoring and control systems
Controls, revolution and timing instruments
Counter type registers
Counters, revolution
Counters: mechanical, electrical, and electro
Electromechanical counters
Electronic totalizing counters
Gasmeters: domestic, large capacity, and indu
Gasoline dispensing meters (except pumps)
Gauges for computing pressure-temperature cor
Impeller and counter driven flow meters
Integrating meters, nonelectric
Linear counters
Magnetic counters
Measuring wheels
Meters: gas, liquid, tallying, and mechanical
Parking meters
Positive displacement meters
Predetermined counters
Production counters
Propeller type meters with registers
Registers, linear tallying
Rotary type meters, consumption registering
Speed indicators and recorders, vehicle
Tachometer, centrifugal
Tally counters
Tallying meters: except electrical instrument
Tank truck meters
Totalizing meters, consumption registering, e
Turbine meters, consumption registering
Vehicle tank meters
Watermeters, consumption registering
Alternator and generator testers
Ampere-hour meters
Analog-to-digital converters, electronic inst
Analyzers for testing electrical characterist
Audiometers, except medical
Automotive ammeters and voltmeters
Battery testers, electrical
Bleed control cabinets (engine testers)
Bridges, electrical: e.g., Kelvin, Wheatstone
Current measuring equipment
Decade boxes: capacitance, inductance, and re
Demand meters, electric
Digital panel meters, electricity measuring
Digital test equipment, electronic and electr
Digital-to-analog converters, electronic inst
Diode and transistor testers
Distortion meters and analyzers
Elapsed time meters, electronic
Electron tube test equipment
Electronic test equipment for testing electri
Energy measuring equipment, electrical
Field strength and intensity measuring equipm
Frequency meters: electrical, mechanical, and
Frequency synthesizers
Function generators
Galvanometers, except geophysical
Ignition testing instruments
Impedance measuring equipment
Indicating instruments, electric
Instrument relays, all types
Instrument shunts
Instruments for measuring electrical quantiti
Instruments, electric: for testing electrical
Integrated-circuit testers
Integrating electricity meters
Internal combustion engine analyzers, to test
Laboratory standards, electric: resistance, i
Logic circuit testers
Measuring equipment for electronic and electr
Measuring instruments and meters, electric
Meters, electric: pocket, portable, panelboar
Meters, power factor and phase angle
Microwave test equipment
Network analyzers
Oscillators, audio frequency and radio freque
Oscillographs and oscilloscopes
Potentiometric instruments, except industrial
Power measuring equipment, electrical
Pulse (signal) generators
Radar testing instruments, electric
Radio apparatus analyzers for testing electri
Radio set analyzers, electrical
Radio tube checkers, electrical
Radio frequency measuring equipment
Recorders, oscillographic
Reflectometers, sliding shorts
Resistance measuring equipment
Semiconductor test equipment
Signal generators and averages
Spark plug testing instruments, electric
Spectrum analyzers
Standard cells
Standards and calibration equipment for elect
Standing wave ratio measuring equipment
Sweep generators
Sweep oscillators
Tachometer generators
Test equipment for electronic and electrical
Test sets, ignition harness
Time code generators
Transformers, instrument: portable
Tube testers
Volt-ohm milliammeters
Watt-hour and demand meters, combined
Watt-hour and time switch meters, combined
Watt-hour meters, electric
Waveform measuring and/or analyzing equipment
Amino acid analyzers, laboratory type
Automatic chemical analyzers, laboratory type
Chromatographic instruments, laboratory type
Colorimeters, laboratory type
Coulometric analyzers, laboratory type
Densitometers, analytical
Differential thermal analysis instruments
Electrolytic conductivity instruments, labora
Electron paramagnetic spin type apparatus
Electrophoresis instruments
Elemental analyzers (CHNOS)
Flame photometers
Gas analyzers, laboratory type
Gas chromatographic instruments, laboratory t
Infrared type analytical instruments, laborat
Liquid chromatographic instruments, laborator
Magnetic resonance imaging type apparatus, ex
Mass spectrometers
Mass spectroscopy instrumentation
Microprobes: electron, ion, laser, X-ray
Microscopes, electron and proton
Moisture analyzers, laboratory type
Monochrometers, laboratory type
Nephelometers, except meteorological
Neutron activation analysis instruments
Particle size analyzers
Photometers, except photographic exposure met
Polarographic equipment
Protein analyzers, laboratory type
Redox (oxidation-reduction potential) instrum
Refractometers, laboratory
Specific ion measuring instruments, laborator
Spectrometers: electron diffraction, mass, nm
Spectrophotometers: atomic absorption, atomic
Surface area analyzers
Thermal analysis instruments, laboratory type
Thermal conductivity instruments and sensors
Thermogravimetric analyzers
Ultraviolet-type analytical instruments
Aiming circles (fire control equipment)
Boards: plotting, spotting, and gun fire adju
Coddington magnifying instruments
Contour projectors
Correctors: percentage, wind, and roll (sight
Fuse setters (fire control equipment)
Glasses, field or opera
Gratings, diffraction
Gun sights, optical
Lens coating
Lens grinding, except ophthalmic
Lens mounts
Lenses, optical: photographic, magnifying, pr
Light sources, standard
Lupes magnifying instruments, optical
Magnifying instruments, optical
Microscopes, except electron, proton and corn
Mirrors, optical
Optical alignment and display instruments, ex
Optical comparators
Optical test and inspection equipment
Prisms, optical
Reflectors, optical
Searchlight mirrors and reflectors
Sighting and fire control equipment, optical
Spy glasses
Telescopic sights
Triplet magnifying instruments, optical
Accelerometers, except aerospace type
Actinometers, meteorological
Alidades, surveying
Barometers, mercury and aneroid types
Cable testing machines
Chronometers, electronic
Clinical thermometers, including digital
Compasses, magnetic: portable type
Count rate meters, nuclear radiation
Drafting instruments and machines
Dynamometer instruments
Electrogamma ray loggers
Evaporation meters
Fare registers: e.g., for streetcars and buse
Fatigue testing machines, industrial: mechani
Fuel densitometers, aircraft engine
Fuel mixture indicators, aircraft engine
Fuel system instruments, aircraft
Fuel totalizers, aircraft engine
Gauges except electric, motor vehicle: oil pr
Gauging instruments, thickness: ultrasonic
Geiger counters
Hardness testing equipment
Humidity instruments, except industrial proce
Hydrometers, except industrial process type
Hygrometers, except industrial process type
Instrumentation for reactor controls, auxilia
Ion chambers
Kinematic test and measuring equipment
Level gauges, radiation type
Levels and tapes, surveying
Map plotting instruments
Meteorogic tracking systems
Meteorological instruments
Nuclear instrument modules
Nuclear radiation detection and monitoring in
Personnel dosimetry devices
Photogrammetrical instruments
Physical properties testing and inspection eq
Pressure and vacuum indicators, aircraft engi
Pulse analyzers, nuclear monitoring
Radiation measuring and detecting (radiac) eq
Rain gauges
Restitution apparatus, photogrammetrical
Sample changers, nuclear radiation
Scalers, nuclear radiation
Scintillation detectors
Sextants, surveying
Spectrometers, liquid scintillation and nucle
Stress, strain, and flaw detecting and measur
Surveying instruments
Synchronizers, aircraft engine
Testers for checking hydraulic controls on ai
Testing equipment: abrasion, shearing strengt
Theodolites, surveying
Thermocouples, except industrial process, air
Thermometers, liquid-in-glass and bimetal typ
Thrust power indicators, aircraft engine
Toll booths, automatic
Transducers, pressure
Transits, surveying
Turnstiles, equipped with counting mechanisms
Ultrasonic testing equipment
Vibration meters, analyzers, and calibrators
Viscosimeters, except industrial process type
Weather tracking equipment
Whole body counters, nuclear
Wind direction indicators
Anestheaia apparatus
Biopsy instruments and equipment
Blood pressure apparatus
Blood transfusion equipment
Bone drills
Bone plates and screws
Bone rongeurs
Bronchoscopes, except electromedical
Clamps, surgical
Corneal microscopes
Cystoscopes, except electromedical
Diagnostic apparatus, physicians'
Eye examining instruments and apparatus
Fixation appliances, internal
Forceps, surgical
Gastroscopes, except electromedical
Hemodialysis apparatus
Holders, surgical needle
Hypodermic needles and syringes
Inhalation therapy equipment
Inhalators, surgical and medical
Instruments and apparatus, except electromedi
Instruments, microsurgical: except electromed
Knives, surgical
Metabolism apparatus
Muscle exercise apparatus, ophthalmic
Needle holders, surgical
Needles, suture
Operating tables
Ophthalmic instruments and apparatus
Ophthalmometers and ophthalmoscopes
Otoscopes, except electromedical
Oxygen tents
Physiotherapy equipment, electrical
Probes, surgical
Retinoscopes, except electromedical
Rifles for propelling hypodermics into animal
Saws, surgical
Skin grafting equipment
Slit lamps (ophthalmic goods)
Stethoscopes and stethographs
Suction therapy apparatus
Surgical instruments and apparatus, except el
Surgical knife blades and handles
Surgical stapling devices
Tonometers, medical
Ultrasonic medical cleaning equipment
Veterinarians' instruments and apparatus
Abdominal supporters, braces, and trusses
Absorbent cotton, sterilized
Adhesive tape and plasters, medicated or non-
Applicators, cotton tipped
Atomizers, medical
Autoclaves, hospital and surgical
Bandages and dressings, surgical and orthoped
Bandages: plastics, muslin, and plaster of pa
Belts: sanitary, surgical, and corrective
Braces, elastic
Braces, orthopedic
Bulletproof vests
Canes, orthopedic
Cervical collars
Clothing, fire resistant and protective
Colostomy appliances
Corn remover and bunion pads
Corsets, surgical
Cosmetic restorations
Cotton, absorbent: sterilized
Cotton, including cotton balls
Crutches and walkers
Drapes, surgical: cotton
Dressings, surgical
Ear stoppers
Elastic hosiery, orthopedic
Extension shoes, orthopedic
First aid, snake bite, and burn kits
Foot appliances, orthopedic
Fracture appliances, surgical
Gas masks
Gauze, surgical: not made in weaving mills
Grafts, artificial: for surgery-made of braid
Gynecological supplies and appliances
Hearing aids
Helmets, space
Hosiery, support
Hydrotherapy equipment
Implants, surgical
Infant incubators
Intrauterine devices
Iron lungs
Life preservers, except cork and inflatable
Ligatures, medical
Limbs, artificial
Linemen's safety belts
Models, anatomical
Noise protectors, personal
Orthopedic devices and materials
Pads, incontinent and bed
Personal safety appliances and equipment
Plugs, ear and nose
Prosthetic appliances and supplies
Radiation shielding aprons, gloves, and sheet
Respiratory protection equipment, personal
Restraints, patient
Safety appliances and equipment, personal
Safety gloves, all materials
Socks, stump
Space suits
Splints, pneumatic and wood
Sponges, surgical
Sterilizers, hospital and surgical
Stockinette, surgical
Suits, firefighting: asbestos
Supports: abdominal, ankle, arch, and kneecap
Surgical appliances and supplies, except medi
Swabs, sanitary cotton
Tongue depressors
Traction apparatus
Trusses: orthopedic and surgical
Wheel chairs
Whirlpool baths, hydrotherapy equipment
Abrasive points, wheels, and disks: dental
Autoclaves, dental
Broaches, dental
Burs, dental
Cabinets, dental
Cement, dental
Chairs, dentists'
Compounds, dental
Cutting instruments, dental
Dental alloys for amalgams
Dental engines
Dental equipment and supplies
Dental hand instruments, including forceps
Dental laboratory equipment
Dental metal
Denture materials
Drills, dental
Enamels, dentists'
Forceps, dental
Furnaces, laboratory: dental
Glue, dental
Gold, dental
Hand pieces and parts, dental
Impression material, dental
Investment material, dental
Orthodontic appliances
Plaster, dental
Pliers, dental
Sterilizers, dental
Teeth, artificial: not made in dental laborat
Tools, dentists'
Ultrasonic dental equipment
Wax, dental
Arc lamp units, electrotherapeutic: except in
Audiological equipment, electromedical
Automated blood and body fluid analyzers, exc
Colonscopes, electromedical
Computerized axial tomography (CT/CAT scanner
Cystoscopes, electromedical
Dialyzers, electromedical
Diathermy apparatus, electromedical
Electromedical apparatus
Endoscopic equipment, electromedical: e.g., b
Gastroscopes, electromedical
Laser systems and equipment, medical
Magnetic resonance imaging device (diagnostic
Otoscopes, electromedical
Patient monitoring equipment: intensive care/
Position emission tomography (PET scanner)
Respiratory analysis equipment, electromedica
Retinoscopes, electromedical
Surgical support systems: heart-lung machines
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (
Ultrasonic medical equipment, except cleaning
Ultrasonic scanning devices, medical
Contact lenses
Eyeglasses, lenses, and frames
Eyes, glass and plastics
Frames and parts, eyeglass and spectacle
Glasses, sun or glare
Goggles: sun, safety, industrial, and underwa
Intra ocular lenses
Lens coating, ophthalmic
Lens grinding, ophthalmic, except prescriptio
Lenses, ophthalmic
Magnifiers (readers and simple magnifiers)
Mountings, eyeglass and spectacle
Ophthalmic lens grinding, except prescription
Protectors, eye spectacles
Temples and fronts, ophthalmic
Aerial cameras
Blueprint cloth or paper, sensitized
Blueprint reproduction machines and equipment
Brownprint paper and cloth, sensitized
Brownprint reproduction machines and equipmen
Cameras, microfilm
Cameras, still and motion picture
Developers, prepared photographic: not made i
Developing machines and equipment, still or m
Diazo (whiteprint) paper and cloth, sensitize
Diazotype (whiteprint) reproduction machines
Driers, photographic
Editing equipment, motion picture: rewinds, v
Enlargers, photographic
Exposure meters, photographic
Film, sensitized: motion picture, X-ray, stil
Fixers, prepared photographic: not made in ch
Flashlight apparatus for photographers, excep
Graphic arts plates, sensitized
Hangers: photographic film, plate, and paper
Heat sensitized paper made from purchased pap
Holders: photographic film, plate, and paper
Lantern slide plates, sensitized
Lens shades, camera
Light meters, photographic
Metallic emulsion sensitized paper and cloth,
Microfiche cameras
Microfiche readers and reader printers
Microfilm equipment: cameras, projectors, and
Motion picture apparatus and equipment
Motion picture film
Photocopy machines
Photoflash equipment, except lamp bulbs
Photographic chemicals, packaged
Photographic equipment and accessories
Photographic instruments, electronic
Photographic paper and cloth, sensitized
Photographic sensitized goods
Photoreconnaissance systems
Plates, photographic: sensitized
Printing equipment, photographic
Printing frames, photographic
Processing equipment, photographic
Projectors, still and motion picture: silent
Range finders, photographic
Reels, film
Screens, projection
Sensitometers, photographic
Shutters, camera
Sound recording and reproducing equipment, mo
Stands, camera and projector
Tanks: photographic developing, fixing, and w
Toners, prepared photographic, packaged
Trays, photographic printing and processing
Tripods, camera and projector
Washers, photographic print and film
Appliance timers
Chronographs, spring wound
Chronometers, spring wound
Clock materials and parts, except crystals an
Clocks, assembling of
Clocks, except timeclocks
Mechanisms for clockwork operated devices
Movements, watch or clock
Timers for industrial use, clockwork mechanis
Watches and parts: except crystals and jewels
Cases: cigar, cigarette, and vanity-precious
Cigar lighters, precious metal or based metal
Cigarette lighters, precious metal
Collar buttons, precious metal and precious o
Compacts, precious metal
Cuff buttons, precious metal and precious or
Handbags, precious metal
Handles, umbrella and parasol: gold and silve
Jewel settings and mountings, precious metal
Jewelry, made of precious metal or precious o
Jewelry, natural or cultured pearls
Medals of precious or semiprecious metals
Mountings, gold and silver: for pens, leather
Pins, precious metal
Rings, precious metal
Rosaries and other small religious articles,
Shirt studs, precious metal and precious or s
Trimmings, precious metal: e.g., for canes, u
Watchbands, precious metal
Carving sets, with metal handles and blades
Cutlery, with metal handles and blades
Ecclesiastical ware: silver, nickel silver, p
Flatware, table with metal handles and blades
Hollow ware, silver, nickel silver pewter, st
Loving cups, silver, nickel silver, pewter, a
Silverware: nickel silver, silver plated
Solid silver, and sterling
Table and kitchen cutlery, all metal
Toilet ware: silver, nickel silver, pewter, a
Trays: silver, nickel silver, pewter
Trophies: silver, nickel silver, pewter, and
Diamond cutting and polishing
Diamond points for phonograph needles
Jewel bearings, synthetic
Jewel cutting, drilling, polishing, recutting
Jewel preparing: for instruments, tools, watc
Jewelers'findings and materials
Jewelry parts, unassembled
Jewelry polishing for the trade
Jewelry soldering for the trade
Lapidary work, contract and other
Machine chain, platinum or karat gold
Pearls: drilling, sawing or peeling of
Pin stems (jewelry findings)
Soldering for the jewelry trade
Stones: preparation of real and imitation gem
Accordions and parts
Autophones (organs with perforated music roll
Banjos and parts
Bells (musical instruments)
Blowers, pipe organ
Bugles and parts (musical instruments)
Calliopes (steam organs)
Carillon bells
Cellos and parts
Chimes and parts (musical instruments)
Clarinets and parts
Concertinas and parts
Cornets and parts
Cymbals and parts
Drums, parts, and accessories (musical instru
Electric musical instruments
Electronic musical instruments
Flutes and parts
Fretted instruments and parts
Guitars and parts, electric and nonelectric
Harps and parts
Heads, banjo and drum
Mandolins and parts
Mouthpieces for musical instruments
Music rolls, perforated
Music stands
Musical instrument accessories: e.g. reeds, m
Musical instruments, including electric and e
Organ parts and materials, except organ hardw
Organs, all types: e.g., pipe, reed, hand, st
Percussion musical instruments
Piano parts and materials, except piano hardw
Pianos, all types: e.g., vertical, grand, spi
Piccolos and parts
Saxophones and parts
Stringed musical instruments and parts
Strings, musical instrument
Synthesizers, music
Trombones and Parts
Trumpets and parts
Ukuleles and parts
Violas and parts
Violins and parts
Woodwind and brass wind musical instrument
Xylophones and parts
Zithers and parts
Dolls, doll parts, and doll clothing: except
Dolls, miniature: collectors'
Stuffed toys (including animals)
Airplanes, toy
Automobiles and trucks, toy
Automobiles, children's pedal driven
Banks, toy
Baskets, toy
Bells, toy
Blocks, toy
Carriages, baby
Cars, play (children's vehicles)
Craft and hobby kits and sets
Cycles, sidewalk: children's
Darts and dart games
Dishes, toy
Doll carriages and carts
Drums, toy
Electronic game machines, except coin-operate
Electronic toys
Engines, miniature
Erector sets, toy
Games for children and adults: puzzles, bingo
Gocarts, children's
Guns, toy
Hobby horses
Horns, toy
Magic lanterns (toys)
Models, toy and hobby: e.g., airplane, boat,
Musical instruments, toy
Paint sets, children's
Pistols, toy
Poker chips
Rifles, toy
Rocking horses
Science kits: microscopes, chemistry sets, an
Scooters, children's
Sleds, children's
Strollers, baby (vehicles)
Structural toy sets
Sulkies, baby (vehicles)
Tenders, baby (vehicles)
Toys: except dolls, bicycles, rubber toys, an
Trains and equipment, toy: electric an mechan
Tricycles, children's
Vehicles except bicycles, children's
Video game machines, except coin-operated
Wagons, children's: coaster, express, and pla
Walkers, baby (vehicles)
Ammunition belts, sporting type: of all mater
Archery equipment
Arrows, archery
Athletic and sporting goods: except clothing,
Badminton equipment
Bait, fishing: artificial
Balls: baseball, basketball, football golf, t
Baseball equipment and supplies, except unifo
Bases, baseball
Basketballs and basketball equipment and supp
Baskets, fish and bait
Bats, game: e.g., baseball, softball, cricket
Billiard and pool balls, cues, cue tips and t
Billiard chalk
Bowling alleys and accessories
Bowling pin machines, automatic
Bowling pins
Bows, archery
Boxing equipment
Bridges, billiard and pool
Buckets, fish and bait
Cartridge belts, sporting type
Cases, gun and rod (sporting equipment)
Creels, fish
Cricket equipment
Croquet sets
Decoys, duck and other game birds
Exercise cycles
Exercising machines
Fencing equipment (sporting goods)
Fishing tackle (except lines, nets, and seine
Flies, artificial: for fishing
Floats for fish lines
Footballs and football equipment and supplies
Game calls
Gloves, sport and athletic: e.g., boxing, bas
Golf carts, hand
Golfing equipment: e.g., caddy cars and bags,
Guards: e.g., football, basketball, soccer, l
Gymnasium and playground equipment
Helmets, athletic
Hockey equipment, except uniforms and footwea
Indian clubs
Jogging machines
Lacrosse equipment
Mallets, sports: e.g., polo, croquet
Masks, sports: e.g., baseball, fencing, hocke
Nets: e.g., badminton, basketball, tennis-not
Pads, athletic: e.g., football, basketball, s
Pigeons, clay (targets)
Pin-setters for bowling, automatic
Polo equipment, except apparel and footwear
Pool balls, pockets, tables, and equipment
Protectors, sports: e.g., baseball, basketbal
Rackets and frames, sports: e.g., tennis, bad
Rowing machines
Scoops, crab and fish
Scuba diving equipment, except clothing
Shafts, golf club
Sinkers (fishing tackle)
Skates and parts, ice and roller
Skin diving equipment, except clothing
Skis and skiing equipment, except apparel
Soccer equipment, except apparel
Spears, fishing
Sporting goods: except clothing, footwear, sm
Squash equipment, except apparel
Stand boards
Sticks, sports: e.g., hockey, lacrosse
Striking (punching) bags
Strings, tennis racket
Swimming pools, plastics
Tables: billiard pool, bagatelle, and ping po
Target shooting equipment, except small arms
Targets, archery and rifle shooting
Targets, clay
Tennis goods: e.g., balls, frames, rackets
Track and field athletic equipment, except ap
Trap racks (clay targets)
Wading pools, plastics coated fabric
Windsurfing boards and equipment
Cartridges, refill: for ballpoint pens
Fountain pens and fountain pen desk sets
Markers, soft tip: e.g., felt, fabric, plasti
Meter pens
Nibs (pen points): gold, steel, or other meta
Pencils and pencil parts, mechanical
Penholders and parts
Pen points: gold, steel, or other metal
Pens and pen parts: fountain, stylographic, a
Dies, hand seal
Figures (marking devices), metal
Hand stamps, stencils, and brands
Irons, marking or branding
Letters (marking devices), metal
Numbering stamps, with rubber type: hand
Pads, inking and stamping
Paper stencils
Printing dies, rubber
Screens, textile printing
Seal presses, notary, hand
Seals, hand (dies)
Stamps, hand: time, date, postmark, cancellin
Stencils for use in painting and marking: e.g
Carbon paper
Ribbons, inked: e.g., typewriter, adding mach
Stencil paper for typewriters
Stencil paper, gelatin or spirit process
Compacts, except precious metal and solid lea
Costume jewelry, except precious metal and pr
Cuff-links and studs, except precious metal a
Novelties, costume: except precious metal and
Ornaments, costume: except precious metal and
Pearls, artificial
Rings, finger: gold-plated wire
Vanity cases, except precious metal and leath
Watchbands, base metal
Buckle blanks and molds
Buckles and buckle parts, except shoe buckles
Button backs and parts
Button blanks and molds
Button coloring for the trade
Buttons, except precious metal and precious o
Collar buttons, except precious metal and pre
Cuff buttons, except precious metal and preci
Eyelets, metal: for clothing, fabrics, boots
Fasteners: glove, slide, snap, and hook-and-e
Hair curlers, except equipment designed for b
Hairpins, except rubber
Hooks and eyes
Hooks, crochet
Needles, hand and machine
Pins, except jewelry: toilet, safety, hat pin
Shirt studs, except precious metal and precio
Tape, hook-and eye and snap fastener
Zippers (slide fasteners)
Artists' brushes, hand
Brooms, hand and machine: bamboo, wire, fiber
Brushes for vacuum cleaners, carpet sweepers,
Brushes, household and industrial
Hair pencils (artists'brushes)
Paint rollers
Push brooms
Shaving brushes
Street sweeping brooms, hand and machine
Toilet brushes
Toothbrushes, except electric
Varnish brushes
Whisk brooms
Advertising displays, except printed
Advertising specialties-mfpm
Cutouts and displays, window and lobby
Displays, paint process
Electrical signs and advertising displays
Letters for signs, metal
Name plates, metal: except e.g., engraved, et
Neon signs
Scoreboards, electric
Signs, not made in custom sign painting shops
Burial cases, metal and wood
Burial vaults, fiberglass
Caskets, metal and wood
Grave vaults, metal
Carpets, asphalted-felt-base (linoleum)
Floor coverings, asphalted-felt-base (linoleu
Hard surfaced floor coverings, except rubber
Tile, floor: supported plastics
Advertising curtains
Amusement machines. coin-operated: except coi
Artificial and preserved flowers, foliage, fr
Artificial flower arrangements
Atomizers, other than medical
Badges for policemen and firemen-metal
Barber shop equipment
Barbers' clippers, hand and electric
Beach umbrellas
Beaded novelties
Beads, unassembled
Beauty shop equipment
Beekeeping supplies, except wood
Bone novelties
Book matches
Boutiquing: for the trade (decorating gift it
Bristles, dressing of
Burnt wood articles
Buttons: Red Cross, union, and identification
Calendars, framed
Canes and cane trimmings, except precious met
Chairs, hydraulic: barber and beauty shop
Christmas tree ornaments, except electrical a
Christmas trees, artificial
Cigar and cigarette holders
Cigarette filters, not made in chemical plant
Cigarette lighter flints
Cleaners, pipe and cigarette holder
Combs, except hard rubber
Curlers, hair: designed for beauty parlors
Curls, artificial (hair)
Decalcomania work, except on china or glass:
Desk pads, except paper
Doll wigs
Down (feathers)
Dressing of furs: bleaching, blending, curryi
Driers, hair: designed for beauty parlors
Dusters, feather
Embroidery kits
Feathers: curling, dyeing, and renovating for
Figures, wax: mannikins
Fingerprint equipment, except cameras and opt
Fire extinguishers, portable
Flocking metal products for the trade
Fly swatters
Forms: display, dress, and show except shoe d
Frames and handles, handbag and luggage: exce
Fruits, artificial, except glass
Fur stripping
Furniture, beauty shop and barber shop
Furs, dressed: bleached, curried, scraped, ta
Games, coin-operated: pinball and other
Globes, geographical
Gold stamping for the trade, except books
Grenades, hand (fire extinguishers)
Grinding purchased nut shells
Hair clippers for human use, hand and electri
Hair goods: braids, nets, switches, toupees,
Hair, dressing of, for the trade
Hairpin mountings
Hat blocks and display forms
Honeycomb foundations (beekeepers' supplies)
Hosiery kits, sewing and mending
Identification plates
Identification tags, except paper
Lamp shade frames
Lamp shades: except metal and glass
Lighters, cigar and cigarette: except preciou
Mannikins and display forms
Marionettes (puppets)
Massage machines, electric: designed for beau
Matches and match books
Military insignia, except textile
Models, except toy and hobby
Mosaics: ivory, shell, horn, and bone
Mountings, comb and hairpin: except precious
Music boxes
Musical chests
Novelties: bone, beaded, and shell
Pads, permanent waving
Painting instrument dials, for the trade
Parasols and frames: handles, parts, and trim
Pelts: scraping, currying, tanning, bleaching
Permanent wave equipment and machines
Picture plaques, laminated
Pipes, pipe stems, and bib: tobacco-except ha
Plaques, picture: laminated
Plumes, feather
Preparation of slides and exhibits, for class
Printing eyeglass frames for the trade
Scenery for theaters, opera houses halls, and
Sewing kits, novelty: other than sewing cases
Shades, lamp and candle: except glass and met
Shell novelties
Shoe patterns
Slot machines
Smokers, bee (beekeepers' supplies)
Soap dispensers
Sponges, bleaching and dyeing of
Stage hardware and equipment, except lighting
Stereographs, photographic
Sterilizers, beauty and barber shop
Straw goods
Stringing beads for the trade
Tape measures
Tear gas devices and equipment
Transformations, hair
Treating clock and watch dials with luminous
Trees, Christmas, artificial
Trimmings, feather
Umbrellas and parts, except precious metal
Umbrellas: beach, garden, and wagon
Veils made of hair
Vibrators, electric: designed for beauty and
Walnut shell flour
Wigs, including doll wigs, toupees, or wiglet
Wind chimes
Wool pulling
Wreaths, artificial
Electric railroads, line-haul operating
Interurban railways
Railroads, line-haul operating
Belt line railroads
Logging railroads
Railroad terminals
Stations operated by railway terminal compani
Airport limousine scheduled service
Airport transportation service, local: road o
Bus line operation, local
Cable cars, except aerial, amusement and scen
City and suburban bus line operation
Commuter bus operation
Commuter rail passenger operation
Elevated railway operation
Local railway passenger operation
Monorails, regular route: except amusement an
Passenger transportation, regular route, road
Streetcar operation
Suburban and urban railway operation
Subway operation
Trolley operation, except amusement and sceni
Aerial tramways, except amusement and scenic
Ambulance service, road
Automobile rental with drivers
Cable cars, aerial: except amusement and scen
Cog railways, except amusement and scenic
Hearse rental with drivers
Limousine rental with drivers
Sight-seeing buses
Vanpool operation
Taxicab operation
Intercity bus lines
Interstate bus lines
Interurban bus lines
Bus charter service, local and international
School buses
Bus terminal operation
Maintenance facilities for motor vehicle pass
Baggage transfer
Carting, by truck or horse drawn wagon
Debris removal, local carting only
Draying, local: without storage
Farm to market hauling
Furniture moving, local: without storage
Garbage, local collecting and transporting: w
Hauling live animals, local
Hauling, by dump truck
Local trucking, without storage
Log trucking
Mail carriers, bulk, contract: local
Refuse, local collecting and transporting: wi
Rental of trucks with drivers
Safe moving, local
Star routes, local
Truck rental for local use, with drivers
Trucking timber
Long-distance trucking
Over-the-road trucking
Trucking rental with drivers, except for loca
Trucking, except local
Furniture moving, local: combined with storag
Household goods moving, local: combined with
Trucking, local: combined with storage
Courier services, except by air
Letter delivery, private: except air
Mail delivery, private: except air
Package delivery, private: except air
Parcel delivery, private: except air
Bean elevators, except sales
Cotton compresses and warehouses
Farm product warehousing and storage, other t
Grain elevators, storage only
Potato cellars
Tobacco warehousing and storage
Wool and mohair warehousing
Cheese warehouses
Cold storage locker rental
Food lockers, rental
Frozen food locker rental
Storage, frozen or refrigerated goods
Warehousing, cold storage or refrigerated
General warehousing and storage
Miniwarehouse warehousing
Warehousing, self-storage
Automobile dead storage
Fur storage for the trade
Furniture storage, without local trucking
Household goods warehousing and storage, with
Lumber terminals, storage for hire
Oil and gasoline storage caverns for hire
Storage of goods at foreign trade zones
Storage, special: except farm products and co
Textile warehousing
Warehousing of goods at foreign trade zones
Warehousing, special except farm products and
Whiskey warehousing
Petroleum and chemical bulk stations and term
Freight trucking terminals, with or without m
Deep sea foreign transportation of freight
Coastwise transportation of freight
Domestic freight transportation, deep sea
Intercoastal transportation of freight
Water transportation of freight to noncontigu
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway freight t
Canal barge operations
Canal freight transportation
Intracoastal freight transportation
Lake freight transportation, except on the Gr
Log rafting and towing
River freight transportation, except on the S
Transportation of freight on bays and sounds
Deep sea transportation of passengers
Car lighters (ferries)
Ferries, operation of
Railroad ferries
Air-boats (swamp buggy rides)
Excursion boat operations
Passenger water transportation on rivers and
Sight-seeing boats
Water taxis, operation of
Docks, including buildings and facilities: op
Loading vessels
Marine cargo handling
Piers, including buildings and facilities: op
Ship hold cleaning
Unloading vessels
Waterfront terminal operation
Docking of ocean vessels
Shifting of floating equipment within harbors
Towing services, marine
Tugboat service
Undocking of ocean vessels
Boat yards, storage and incidental repair
Marine basins, operation of
Yacht basins, operation of
Boat cleaning
Boat hiring, except pleasure
Boat livery, except pleasure
Boat rental, commercial
Canal operation
Cargo salvaging, from distressed vessels
Chartering of commercial boats
Dismantling ships
Marine railways for drydocking, operation of
Marine salvaging
Marine surveyors, except cargo
Marine wrecking: ships for scrap
Piloting vessels in and out of harbors
Ship cleaning, except hold cleaning
Ship registers: survey and classification of
Steamship leasing
Air cargo carriers, scheduled
Air passenger carriers, scheduled
Courier services, air
Letter delivery, private: air
Package delivery, private: air
Parcel delivery, private: air
Air cargo carriers, nonscheduled
Air passenger carriers, nonscheduled
Air taxi services
Ambulance services, air
Flying charter services
Helicopter carriers
Air traffic control, except government
Aircraft cleaning and janitorial service
Aircraft servicing and repairing, except on a
Aircraft storage at airports
Aircraft upholstery repair
Airfreight handling at airports
Airport hangar rental
Airport leasing, if operating airport
Airport terminal services
Flying fields, except those maintained by avi
Hangar operation
Crude petroleum pipelines
Gasoline pipelines, common carriers
Refined petroleum pipelines
Coal pipeline operation
Pipeline operation except petroleum and natur
Slurry pipeline operation
Tourist agencies for the arrangement of trans
Travel agencies
Airline ticket offices, not operated by trans
Arrangement of carpools and vanpools
Bus ticket offices, not operated by transport
Railroad ticket offices, not operated by tran
Steamship ticket offices, not operated by tra
Agents, shipping
Auditors, freight rate
Brokers, shipping
Brokers, transportation
Consultants, tariff
Customhouse brokers
Customs clearance of freight
Domestic forwarding
Foreign forwarding
Freight agencies, railroad: not operated by r
Freight consolidation
Freight rate auditors
Freight rate information service
Shipping documents preparation
Tariff consultant
Tariff rate information service
Transport clearinghouse
Transportation rate services
Grain leveling in railroad cars
Grain trimming service for railroad shipment
Precooling of fruits and vegetables in connec
Railroad car cleaning, icing, ventilating, an
Rental of railroad cars
Crating goods for shipping
Packing goods for shipping
Cabs, horse-drawn: for hire
Car loading
Carriages, horse-drawn: for hire
Cleaning railroad ballasts
Dining car operations, not performed by line-
Freight car loading and unloading, not trucki
Parlor car operations, not performed by line-
Pipeline terminal facilities independently op
Railroad car repair, on a contract or fee bas
Sleeping car and other passenger car operatio
Space flight operations, except government
Beeper (radio pager) communications services
Cellular telephone services
Paging services: radiotelephone
Radiotelephone communications
Data telephone communications
Local telephone communications, except radio
Long distance telephone communications
Voice telephone communications, except radio
Cablegram services
Electronic mail services
Facsimile transmission services
Mailgram services
Photograph transmission services
Radio telegraph services
Telegram services
Telegraph cable services
Telegraph services
Teletypewriter services
Telex services
Radio broadcasting stations
Television broadcasting stations
Cable television services
Closed circuit television services
Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) services
Multipoint distribution systems (MDS) service
Satellite master antenna systems (SMATV) serv
Subscription television services
Radar station operation
Radio broadcasting operated by cab companies
Satellite earth stations
Satellite or missile tracking stations, opera
Tracking missiles by telemetry and photograph
Electric power generation, transmission, or d
Natural gas storage
Natural gas transmission
Pipelines, natural gas
Natural gas transmission and distribution
Natural gas distribution
Electric and other services combined (electri
Gas and other services combined (gas less tha
Utilities, combination of
Water supply systems, except irrigation
Sewerage systems
Acid waste, collection and disposal of
Ashes, collection and disposal of
Dumps, operation of
Garbage: collecting, destroying, and processi
Hazardous waste material disposal sites
Incinerator operation
Landfill, sanitary: operation of
Radioactive waste materials, disposal of
Refuse systems
Rubbish collection and disposal
Sludge disposal sites
Street refuse systems
Waste materials disposal at sea
Beach maintenance cleaning
Malaria control
Mosquito eradication
Oil spill cleanup
Sweeping service road, airport, parking lot,
Vacuuming of airport runways
Air-conditioning supply services
Cooled air suppliers
Distribution of cooled air
Geothermal steam production
Steam heating systems (suppliers of heat)
Steam supply systems, including geothermal
Impounding reservoirs, irrigation
Irrigation system operation
Water distribution or supply systems for irri
Automobile auction-wholesale
Bodies, automotive-wholesale
Campers (pickup couches) for mounting on truc
Motor homes-wholesale
Motor scooters-wholesale
Motor vehicles, commercial-wholesale
Popup campers-wholesale
Recreational vehicles-wholesale
Trailers for passenger automobiles-wholesale
Truck tractors-wholesale
Truck trailers-wholesale
Automobile engine testing equipment electrica
Automobile glass-wholesale
Automobile service station equipment-wholesal
Automotive accessories-wholesale
Automotive engines, new-wholesale
Automotive parts, new-wholesale
Automotive stampings-wholesale
Automotive supplies-wholesale
Batteries, automotive-wholesale
Engine electrical equipment, automotive-whole
Garage service equipment-wholesale
Hardware, automotive-wholesale
Motorcycle parts-wholesale
Pumps, measuring and dispensing: gasoline and
Seat belts, automotive-wholesale
Seat covers, automotive-wholesale
Service station equipment, automobile-wholesa
Testing equipment, electrical: automotive-who
Tools and equipment, automotive-wholesale
Wheels, motor vehicle: new-wholesale
Repair materials, tire and tube-wholesale
Tires, used-wholesale
Tires and tubes, new-wholesale
Automobile engines, used-wholesale or retail
Automobile parts, used-wholesale or retail
Motor vehicle parts, used-wholesale or retail
Bar furniture-wholesale
Cafeteria furniture-wholesale
Chairs household, office, and public building
Church pews-wholesale
Desks, including school-wholesale
Furniture, juvenile-wholesale
Furniture, unfinished-wholesale
Furniture household, office, restaurant, and
Lawn furniture-wholesale
School desks-wholesale
Theater seats-wholesale
Composite board products, wood-based-wholesal
Door frames, all materials-wholesale
Enameled tileboard (hardboard)-wholesale
Fencing, wood-wholesale
Kitchen cabinets to be built in-wholesale
Lumber rough, dressed, and finished-wholesale
Medium density fiberboard-wholesale
Metal doors, sash and trim-wholesale
Molding all materials-wholesale
Paneling wood-wholesale
Shingles wood-wholesale
Structural assemblies prefabricated wood-whol
Window frames all materials-wholesale
Windows and doors-wholesale
Wood siding-wholesale
Asphalt mixtures-wholesale
Blocks building-wholesale
Brick, except refractory-wholesale
Building stone-wholesale
Ceramic construction materials except refract
Ceramic wall and floor tile-wholesale
Clay construction materials except refractory
Concrete building products-wholesale
Concrete mixtures-wholesale
Granite building stone-wholesale
Lime except agricultural-wholesale
Marble building stone-wholesale
Masons materials-wholesale
Paving mixtures-wholesale
Sand, construction-wholesale
Sewer pipe clay-wholesale
Stone, building-wholesale
Stone crushed or broken-wholesale
Terra cotta-wholesale
Tile clay or other ceramic except refractory-
Tile structural clay-wholesale
Asphalt felts and coatings-wholesale
Felts, tarred-wholesale
Fiberglass insulation materials-wholesale
Insulation, thermal-wholesale
Mineral wool insulation materials-wholesale
Roofing, asphalt and sheet metal-wholesale
Shingles except wood-wholesale
Siding except wood-wholesale
Architectural metalwork-wholesale
Fencing and accessories wire-wholesale
Glass flat: except automotive-wholesale
Grain storage bins-wholesale
Metal buildings-wholesale
Mobile homes-wholesale
Plate glass-wholesale
Prefabricated buildings-wholesale
Septic tanks-wholesale
Structural assemblies prefabricated: non-wood
Window glass-wholesale
Cameras equipment, and supplies-wholesale
Darkroom apparatus-wholesale
Developing apparatus photographic-wholesale
Film photographic-wholesale
Identity recorders for photographing checks a
Motion picture cameras equipment and supplies
Photographic cameras, projectors, equipment a
Printing apparatus photographic-wholesale
Projection apparatus, motion picture and slid
Accounting machines-wholesale
Adding machines-wholesale
Addressing machines-wholesale
Bank automatic teller machines-wholesale
Blueprinting equipment-wholesale
Brownprinting equipment-wholesale
Calculating machines-wholesale
Cash registers-wholesale
Duplicating machines-wholesale
Mailing machines-wholesale
Microfilming equipment-wholesale
Mimeograph equipment-wholesale
Photocopy machines-wholesale
Vaults and safes-wholesale
Whiteprinting equipment-wholesale
Computer terminals-wholesale
Disk drives-wholesale
Keying equipment-wholesale
Peripheral equipment computer-wholesale
Printers computer-wholesale
Software computer-wholesale
Balances, except laboratory-wholesale
Coffee urns, commercial-wholesale
Cooking equipment, commercial-wholesale
Fixtures, store, not refrigerated-wholesale
Food warming equipment, commercial-wholesale
Lockers, not refrigerated-wholesale
Merchandising machines, automatic-wholesale
Neon signs-wholesale
Ovens, microwave: commercial-wholesale
Phonographs, coin-operated-wholesale
Scales, except laboratory-wholesale
Signs, electrical-wholesale
Soda fountain fixtures, except refrigerated-w
Vending machines-wholesale
Baths, whirlpool-wholesale
Beds, hospital-wholesale
Dental equipment-wholesale
Dental laboratory equipment-wholesale
Dentists'professional supplies-wholesale
Diagnostic equipment, medical-wholesale
Electromedical equipment-wholesale
Hearing aids-wholesale
Hospital equipment-wholesale
Hospital furniture-wholesale
Industrial safety devices: first-aid kits
Face and eye masks-wholesale
Laboratory equipment, dental and medical-whol
Medical equipment-wholesale
Medical glass-wholesale
Orthopedic equipment-wholesale
Patient monitoring equipment-wholesale
Surgical and medical instruments-wholesale
Surgical equipment-wholesale
Therapy equipment-wholesale
Frames, ophthalmic-wholesale
Lenses, ophthalmic-wholesale
Ophthalmic goods-wholesale
Optometric equipment and supplies-wholesale
Analytical instruments: photometers, spectrog
Architects'equipment and supplies-wholesale
Drafting instruments and tables-wholesale
Engineers'equipment and supplies-wholesale
Laboratory equipment, except medical or denta
Scientific instruments-wholesale
Aluminum bars, rods, ingots, sheets, pipes, p
Anode metal-wholesale
Bale ties, wire-wholesale
Bars, metal-wholesale
Bearing piles, iron and steel-wholesale
Black plate, iron and steel-wholesale
Castings, rough iron and steel-wholesale
Concrete reinforcing bars-wholesale
Copper sheets, plates, bars, rods, pipes, etc
Forgings, ferrous-wholesale
Forms, concrete construction steel-wholesale
Foundry products-wholesale
Iron and steel flat products-wholesale
Iron and steel semifinished products-wholesal
Metals, except precious-wholesale
Nonferrous metal, except precious e.g. sheets
Pig iron-wholesale
Piling, iron and steel-wholesale
Pipe and tubing, steel-wholesale
Pipe, cast iron-wholesale
Plates, metal-wholesale
Rails and accessories-wholesale
Reinforcement mesh, wire-wholesale
Rods, metal-wholesale
Sheets, galvanized or other coated-wholesale
Sheets, metal-wholesale
Strip, metal-wholesale
Structural shapes, iron and steel-wholesale
Tin and tin base metals, shapes, forms, etc.-
Tin plate bars-wholesale
Tin plate-wholesale
Track spikes-wholesale
Tubing, metal-wholesale
Wire rods-wholesale
Wire rope or cable, not insulated-wholesale
Wire screening-wholesale
Wire, not insulated-wholesale
Copper ore-wholesale
Gold ore-wholesale
Iron ore-wholesale
Lead ore-wholesale
Metallic concentrates-wholesale
Metallic ores-wholesale
Nonmetallic minerals and concentrates crude:
Silver ore-wholesale
Zinc ore-wholesale
Alarm signal systems-wholesale
Batteries, except automotive-wholesale
Boxes and fittings, electrical-wholesale
Bus bars and trolley ducts-wholesale
Cable conduit-wholesale
Capacitors, except electronic-wholesale
Circuit breakers-wholesale
Coaxial cable-wholesale
Conduits and raceways-wholesale
Construction materials, electrical: interior
Distribution equipment, electrical-wholesale
Fuses and accessories-wholesale
Generators, electrical-wholesale
Hanging and fastening devices, electrical-who
Industrial motor controls-wholesale
Insulators, electrical-wholesale
Lamp bulbs-wholesale
Light bulbs, electric-wholesale
Lighting fixtures: residential, commercial, a
Lugs and connectors, electrical-wholesale
Motor controls, electric-wholesale
Motors, electric-wholesale
Pole line hardware-wholesale
Power transmission equipment, electric-wholes
Receptacles, electrical-wholesale
Safety switches-wholesale
Service entrance equipment, electrical-wholes
Signaling equipment, electrical-wholesale
Storage batteries, industrial-wholesale
Switchboards, electrical distribution-wholesa
Switches, except electronic-wholesale
Time switches-wholesale
Transformers, electric: except electronic-who
Transmission equipment, electrical-wholesale
Unit substations-wholesale
Wire rope or cable, insulated-wholesale
Wire, insulated-wholesale
Wiring devices-wholesale
Wiring materials, interior-wholesale
Wiring supplies-wholesale
Air-conditioning room units, self-contained-w
Answering machines, telephone-wholesale
Clothes dryers, household: electric and gas-w
Dishwashers, household: electric-wholesale
Electric appliances, household-wholesale
Electric housewares and household fans-wholes
Electric irons-wholesale
Electric ranges-wholesale
Electric razors-wholesale
Electric washing machines-wholesale
Freezers, household-wholesale
Garbage disposals, electric-wholesale
Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, portable-whole
Ironers, household: electric-wholesale
Microwave ovens, household-wholesale
Motor vehicle radios-wholesale
Percolators, electric-wholesale
Phonographs, except coin-operated-wholesale
Radios, receiving only, household and automot
Refrigerators, household: electric and gas-wh
Sewing machines, household: electric-wholesal
Stereo equipment-wholesale
Stoves, cooking or heating, household electri
Tape players and recorders, household-wholesa
Television sets-wholesale
Toothbrushes, electric-wholesale
Vacuum cleaners, household-wholesale
Video disc players-wholesale
Waffle irons, electric-wholesale
Washing machines, household electric-wholesal
Water heaters, electric-wholesale
Amateur radio communications equipment-wholes
Capacitors, electronic-wholesale
Cassettes, recording-wholesale
Cathode ray picture tubes-wholesale
Citizens'band radios-wholesale
Coils, electronic-wholesale
Communications equipment, except household-wh
Condensers, electronic-wholesale
Connectors, electronic-wholesale
Electronic parts-wholesale
Electronic tubes: receiving, transmitting, an
Intercommunications equipment, electronic-who
Magnetic recording tape-wholesale
Public address equipment-wholesale
Radio parts and accessories-wholesale
Rectifiers, electronic-wholesale
Resistors, electronic-wholesale
Semiconductor devices-wholesale
Tapes, audio and video recording-wholesale
Telegraph equipment-wholesale
Telephone equipment-wholesale
Television receiving and transmitting tubes-w
Transformers, electronic-wholesale
Bolts, nuts, rivets, and screws-wholesale
Fasteners, hardware-wholesale
Handtools, except automotive and machinists'p
Hardware, heavy-wholesale
Hardware, shelf or light-wholesale
Locks and related materials-wholesale
Power handtools-wholesale
Saw blades-wholesale
Washers, hardware-wholesale
Boilers, power: industrial-wholesale
Boilers, steam and hot water heating-wholesal
Burners, fuel oil and distillate oil-wholesal
Fireplaces, prefabricated-wholesale
Furnaces, except electric and warm air-wholes
Hydronic heating equipment and supplies-whole
Metal sanitary ware-wholesale
Oil burners-wholesale
Pipe and boiler covering-wholesale
Plumbers'brass goods, fittings, and valves-wh
Plumbing and heating valves-wholesale
Plumbing fixtures, equipment, and supplies-wh
Radiators and parts, heating: nonelectric-who
Ranges, except electric-wholesale
Sanitary ware, china or enameled iron-wholesa
Sauna heaters, except electric-wholesale
Solar heating panels and equipment-wholesale
Steam fittings-wholesale
Stoves, cooking: except electric-wholesale
Stoves, wood burning-wholesale
Valves, plumbing and heating-wholesale
Water conditioning equipment-wholesale
Water heaters, except electric-wholesale
Water softeners-wholesale
Air pollution control equipment and supplies-
Air-conditioning equipment, except room units
Automotive air-conditioners-wholesale
Compressors, air-conditioning-wholesale
Condensing units, air-conditioning-wholesale
Dust collection equipment-wholesale
Furnaces, heating: electric-wholesale
Furnaces, warm air-wholesale
Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, except portabl
Ventilating equipment and supplies-wholesale
Warm air heating and cooling equipment-wholes
Beverage coolers-wholesale
Cold storage machinery-wholesale
Condensing units, refrigeration-wholesale
Display cases, refrigerated-wholesale
Drinking water coolers, mechanical-wholesale
Fixtures, refrigerated-wholesale
Ice cream cabinets-wholesale
Ice making machines-wholesale
Refrigerators, commercial: reach-in and walk-
Show cases, refrigerated-wholesale
Soda fountain fixtures, refrigerated-wholesal
Bituminous processing equipment-wholesale
Concrete processing equipment-wholesale
Construction machinery and equipment-wholesal
Cranes, construction-wholesale
Crushing, pulverizing and screening machinery
Dredges and draglines, except ships-wholesale
Excavating machinery and equipment-wholesale
Forestry equipment-wholesale
Front-end loaders-wholesale
Graders, motor-wholesale
Logging equipment-wholesale
Mineral beneficiation machinery-wholesale
Mining machinery and equipment, except petrol
Mixers, construction and mining-wholesale
Quarrying machinery and equipment-wholesale
Road construction and maintenance machinery-w
Shovels, power-wholesale
Tracklaying equipment-wholesale
Tractor-mounting equipment-wholesale
Tractors, construction-wholesale
Well points (drilling equipment)-wholesale
Agricultural machinery-wholesale
Cream separators, farm-wholesale
Cultivating machinery and equipment-wholesale
Dairy farm machinery and equipment-wholesale
Farm machinery and equipment-wholesale
Garden machinery and equipment-wholesale
Harvesting machinery and equipment-wholesale
Haying machinery-wholesale
Irrigation equipment-wholesale
Land preparation machinery, agricultural-whol
Lawn machinery and equipment-wholesale
Milking machinery and equipment-wholesale
Mowers, power-wholesale
Planting machinery and equipment-wholesale
Poultry equipment-wholesale
Tractors, agricultural-wholesale
Wind machines (frost protection equipment)-wh
Blanks, tips and inserts-wholesale
Cement making machinery-wholesale
Citrus processing machinery-wholesale
Compressors, except air-conditioning and refr
Controlling instruments and accessories, indu
Conveyor systems-wholesale
Cranes, industrial-wholesale
Cream separators, except farm-wholesale
Crushing machinery and equipment, industrial-
Dairy products manufacturing machinery-wholes
Dies, metalworking-wholesale
Diesel engines and engine parts, industrial-w
Drilling bits-wholesale
Fans, industrial-wholesale
Food product manufacturing machinery-wholesal
Heat exchange equipment, industrial-wholesale
Indicating instruments and accessories-wholes
Lift trucks-wholesale
Machine tool accessories-wholesale
Machine tools-wholesale
Machinists'precision-measuring tools-wholesal
Materials handling equipment-wholesale
Measuring and testing equipment, electrical,
Metal refining machinery and equipment-wholes
Metalworking machinery-wholesale
Metalworking tools: drills, taps, dies, grind
Milk products manufacturing machinery and equ
Oil refining machinery, equipment, and suppli
Oil well machinery, equipment, and supplies-w
Oil well supply houses-wholesale
Packing machinery and equipment-wholesale
Paint spray equipment, industrial-wholesale
Paper manufacturing machinery-wholesale
Power plant machinery, except electrical-whol
Printing trades machinery, equipment, and sup
Pulp (wood) manufacturing machinery-wholesale
Pulverizing machinery and equipment, industri
Pumps and pumping equipment, industrial-whole
Recapping machinery for tires-wholesale
Recording instruments and accessories-wholesa
Screening machinery and equipment, industrial
Sewing machines, industrial-wholesale
Shoe manufacturing and repairing machinery-wh
Smelting machinery and equipment-wholesale
Stackers, industrial-wholesale
Tapping attachments-wholesale
Textile machinery and equipment-wholesale
Threading tools-wholesale
Tool holders (e.g., chucks, turrets)-wholesal
Tractors, industrial-wholesale
Trailers industrial-wholesale
Trucks, industrial-wholesale
Twist drills-wholesale
Water pumps, industrial-wholesale
Welding machinery and equipment-wholesale
Woodworking machinery-wholesale
Barrels, new and reconditioned-wholesale
Bottlers'supplies: caps, bottles, etc.-wholes
Bottles, glass or plastics-wholesale
Box shooks-wholesale
Boxes, crates, etc., other than paper-wholesa
Cans for fruits and vegetables-wholesale
Chain, power transmission-wholesale
Cooperage stock-wholesale
Crates, except paper-wholesale
Crowns and closures, metal-wholesale
Diamonds, industrial: natural and crude-whole
Drums, new and reconditioned-wholesale
Glass bottles-wholesale
Hose, belting, and packing industrial-wholesa
Hydraulic and pneumatic pistons and valves-wh
Industrial fittings-wholesale
Industrial sewing thread-wholesale
Industrial wheels-wholesale
Ink, printers'-wholesale
Lapidary equipment-wholesale
Leather belting, packing-wholesale
Mill supplies-wholesale
Pails, metal-wholesale
Pistons and valves, industrial-wholesale
Power transmission supplies, mechanical-whole
Refractory material-wholesale
Rope, except wire rope-wholesale
Rubber goods, mechanical-wholesale
Seals, gaskets, and packing-wholesale
Textile printers'supplies-wholesale
Valves and fittings, except plumbers'-wholesa
Barber shop equipment and supplies-wholesale
Beauty parlor equipment and supplies-wholesal
Boot and shoe cut stock and findings-wholesal
Carnival and amusement park equipment-wholesa
Carwash equipment and supplies-wholesale
Caskets, burial-wholesale
Chairs, hydraulic: beauty and barber shop-who
Concrete burial vaults and boxes-wholesale
Drycleaning plant equipment and supplies-whol
Dryers, beauty shop-wholesale
Findings, shoe repair-wholesale
Firefighting equipment-wholesale
Laundry equipment and supplies-wholesale
Shoe heels-wholesale
Shoe patterns-wholesale
Shoe repair materials-wholesale
Soles, shoe-wholesale
Sprinkler systems, except agricultural-wholes
Undertakers'equipment and supplies-wholesale
Upholsterers'equipment and supplies, except f
Upholstery filling and padding-wholesale
Vacuum cleaning systems-wholesale
Voting machines-wholesale
Aeronautical equipment and supplies-wholesale
Aircraft and parts-wholesale
Aircraft engines and engine parts-wholesale
Aircraft equipment and supplies-wholesale
Boats, except pleasure-wholesale
Combat vehicles, except trucks-wholesale
Golf carts, self-propelled-wholesale
Guided missiles and space vehicles-wholesale
Marine propulsion machinery and equipment-who
Marine supplies (dunnage)-wholesale
Railroad equipment and supplies-wholesale
Space propulsion units and parts-wholesale
Tanks and tank components-wholesale
Transportation equipment and supplies except
Ammunition, sporting-wholesale
Archery equipment-wholesale
Athletic goods, except apparel and footwear-w
Bait, artificial-wholesale
Bicycle tires and tubes-wholesale
Billiards equipment and supplies-wholesale
Boats, pleasure: canoes, motorboats, and sail
Bowling equipment-wholesale
Camping equipment-wholesale
Camping tents and equipment-wholesale
Firearms, sporting-wholesale
Golf carts, except self-propelled-wholesale
Golf equipment-wholesale
Hot tubs-wholesale
Outboard motors-wholesale
Pool equipment and supplies-wholesale
Skiing equipment-wholesale
Swimming pools and equipment-wholesale
Underwater sports equipment-wholesale
Craft kits-wholesale
Games (including electronic), except coin-ope
Hobby kits-wholesale
Model kits-wholesale
Playing cards-wholesale
Stamps, philatelist-wholesale
Toys (including electronic)-wholesale
Vehicles, children's-wholesale
Automotive wrecking for scrap-wholesale Bag
Bottles, waste-wholesale
Boxes, waste-wholesale
Fur cuttings and scraps-wholesale
Iron and steel scrap-wholesale
Junk and scrap, general line-wholesale
Metal waste and scrap-wholesale
Nonferrous metals scrap-wholesale
Oil, waste-wholesale
Plastics scrap-wholesale
Rubber scrap-wholesale
Scrap and waste materials-wholesale
Textile waste-wholesale
Wastepaper, including paper recycling-wholesa
Wiping rags, including washing and reconditio
Bullion, precious' metals-wholesale
Diamonds (gems)-wholesale
Gem stones-wholesale
Jewelers, findings-wholesale
Metals, precious-wholesale
Precious metal mill shapes-wholesale
Precious metals-wholesale
Precious stones (gems)-wholesale
Silverware and plated ware-wholesale
Watches and parts-wholesale
Ammunition, except sporting-wholesale
Cassettes, prerecorded: audio-wholesale
Fire extinguishers-wholesale
Firearms, except sporting-wholesale
Game machines, coin-operated-wholesale
Gas lighting fixtures-wholesale
Logs, hewn ties, posts, and poles-wholesale
Machine guns-wholesale
Monuments and grave markers-wholesale
Musical instruments-wholesale
Phonograph records-wholesale
Signs, except electric-wholesale
Tapes, audio prerecorded-wholesale
Timber products, rough-wholesale
Wood chips-wholesale
Paper, fine or printing and writing-wholesale
Printing paper-wholesale
Albums (photo) and scrapbooks-wholesale
Business forms-wholesale
Carbon paper-wholesale
Commercial stationers (not printers)-wholesal
Computer paper-wholesale
File cards-wholesale
File folders-wholesale
Greeting cards-wholesale
Inked ribbons-wholesale
Looseleaf binders-wholesale
Manifold business forms-wholesale
Marking devices-wholesale
Mimeograph paper-wholesale
Office supplies-wholesale
Pens, writing-wholesale
Photocopying supplies-wholesale
Ribbons, inked-wholesale
Sales and receipt books-wholesale
Stationery and stationery supplies-wholesale
Tabulation cards-wholesale
Writing ink-wholesale
Bags, paper and disposable plastics-wholesale
Boxes, paperboard and disposable plastics-who
Cardboard and products-wholesale
Closures, paper and disposable plastics-whole
Containers, paper and disposable plastics-who
Corrugated and solid fiber boxes-wholesale
Cups, paper and disposable plastics-wholesale
Dishes, paper and disposable plastics-wholesa
Eating utensils forks, knives, spoons-disposa
Fiber cans and drums-wholesale
Folding paperboard boxes-wholesale
Napkins, paper-wholesale
Paper and products, wrapping or coarse-wholes
Paper, except printing or writing and office
Paperboard and products, except office suppli
Patterns, paper-wholesale
Pressed and molded pulp goods-wholesale
Pressure sensitive tape-wholesale
Sanitary food containers paper, paperboard, a
Setup paperboard boxes-wholesale
Shipping supplies, paper and disposable plast
Towels, paper-wholesale
Biologicals and allied products-wholesale
Blood plasma-wholesale
Drug proprietaries-wholesale
Hair preparations-wholesale
Medical rubber goods-wholesale
Medicinals and botanicals-wholesale
Medicine cabinet sundries-wholesale
Patent medicines-wholesale
Proprietary (patent) medicines-wholesale
Razor blades-wholesale
Razors, nonelectric-wholesale
Toilet articles-wholesale
Toilet preparations-wholesale
Toilet soap-wholesale
Toothbrushes, except electric-wholesale
Belt and buckle assembly kits-wholesale
Binding, textile-wholesale
Broadwoven fabrics-wholesale
Circular knit fabrics-wholesale
Coated fabrics-wholesale
Cotton piece goods-wholesale
Drapery material-wholesale
Fiberglass fabrics-wholesale
Hair accessories-wholesale
Hat and cap material-wholesale
Jute piece goods-wholesale
Knit fabrics-wholesale
Lace fabrics-wholesale
Linen piece goods-wholesale
Millinery supplies-wholesale
Narrow fabrics-wholesale
Net goods-wholesale
Nylon piece goods-wholesale
Piece goods-wholesale
Rayon piece goods-wholesale
Ribbon, textile-wholesale
Sewing accessories-wholesale
Sewing thread, except industrial-wholesale
Shoulder pads-wholesale
Silk piece goods-wholesale
Tape, textile-wholesale
Textile converters except knit goods-wholesal
Thread, except industrial-wholesale
Trimmings, apparel-wholesale
Warp knit fabrics-wholesale
Weft knit fabrics-wholesale
Woolen and worsted piece goods-wholesale
Yard goods-wholesale
Apparel belts, men's and boys'-wholesale
Beachwear, men's and boys'-wholesale
Caps, men's and boys'-wholesale
Clothing, men's and boys'-wholesale
Coats, men's and boys'-wholesale
Furnishings, except shoes: men's and boys'-wh
Gloves (all materials), men's and boys'-whole
Handkerchiefs, men's and boys'-wholesale
Hats, men's and boys'-wholesale
Hosiery, men's and boys'-wholesale
Leather and sheep-lined clothing, men's and b
Mittens, men's and boys'-wholesale
Mufflers, men's and boys'-wholesale
Neckwear, men's and boys'-wholesale
Nightwear, men's and boys'-wholesale
Outerwear, men's and boys'-wholesale
Overcoats, men's and boys'-wholesale
Raincoats, men's and boys'-wholesale
Robes, men's and boys'-wholesale
Scarves, men's and boys'-wholesale
Shirts, men's and boys'-wholesale
Sportswear, men's and boys'-wholesale
Suits, men's and boys'-wholesale
Ties, men's and boys'-wholesale
Trousers, men's and boys'-wholesale
Umbrellas, men's and boys'-wholesale
Underwear, men's and boys'-wholesale
Uniforms, men's and boys'-wholesale
Waterproof outer garments, men's and boys'-wh
Work clothing, men's and boys'-wholesale
Apparel belts: women' s and children' s-whole
Baby goods-wholesale
Caps and gowns: women's and children's-wholes
Caps: women's and children's-wholesale
Clothing accessories: women's, children's, an
Clothing. women's, children's, and infants'-w
Coats: women's, children's, and infants'-whol
Coordinate sets: women's, children's, and inf
Fur clothing-wholesale
Furnishings, clothing except shoes: women's,
Gloves, (all materials): women's, children's,
Handkerchiefs: women's and children's-wholesa
Hats: women's, children's, and infants'-whole
Hosiery: women's, children's, and infants'-wh
Hospital gowns: women's and children's-wholes
Karate uniforms: women's and children's-whole
Leather and sheep-lined clothing women's and
Mittens: women's, children's, and infants'-wh
Nightwear: women's, children's, and infants'-
Outerwear: women's, children's, and infants'-
Purses: women's and children's-wholesale
Raincoats: women's and children's-wholesale
Robes and gowns: women's and children's-whole
Scarves: women's, children's and infant's-who
Sportswear: women's and children's-wholesale
Suits: women's, children's, and infants'-whol
Underwear: women's, children's, and infants'-
Uniforms: women's and children's-wholesale
Unisex clothing women's and children's-wholes
Waterproof outer garments: women's and childr
Athletic footwear-wholesale
Shoe accessories-wholesale
Food brokers, general line-wholesale
Groceries, general line-wholesale
Bakery products, frozen-wholesale
Bread, frozen: packaged-wholesale
Cakes, frozen: packaged-wholesale
Dinners, frozen-wholesale
Fish, frozen: packaged-wholesale
Frozen foods, packaged-wholesale
Frozen vegetables-wholesale
Fruit juices, frozen-wholesale
Fruits, frozen-wholesale
Meat pies, frozen-wholesale
Meat, frozen: packaged-wholesale
Pies, fruit: frozen-wholesale
Poultry pies, frozen-wholesale
Poultry, frozen: packaged-wholesale
Seafoods, frozen: packaged-wholesale
Soup, frozen-wholesale
Cream stations-wholesale
Dairy depots-wholesale
Dairy products, except dried or canned-wholes
Frozen dairy desserts-wholesale
Ice cream and ices-wholesale
Milk and cream, fluid-wholesale
Milk cooling stations, operated by farm assem
Milk depots-wholesale
Eggs: cleaning, oil treating, packing, and gr
Poultry products-wholesale
Poultry: live, dressed, or frozen (except pac
Chewing gum-wholesale
Corn chips-wholesale
Fountain fruits and syrups-wholesale
Nuts, salted or roasted-wholesale
Potato chips-wholesale
Syrups, fountain-wholesale
Toppings, soda fountain-wholesale
Fish, cured-wholesale
Fish fresh-wholesale
Fish frozen except packaged-wholesale
Seafoods, not canned or frozen packaged-whole
Meats, cured or smoked-wholesale
Meats, fresh-wholesale
Banana ripening for the trade-wholesale
Fruits fresh-wholesale
Potatoes fresh-wholesale
Vegetables fresh-wholesale
Bagging of tea
Bakery products-wholesale
Beverage concentrates-wholesale
Bottling mineral or spring water-wholesale
Breakfast cereals-wholesale
Canned goods: fruits, vegetables, fish, seafo
Canned specialties-wholesale
Cleaning of dry foods and spices-wholesale
Coffee: green, roasted, instant, freeze-dried
Cooking oils-wholesale
Dairy products, dried or canned-wholesale
Dog and cat food-wholesale
Flavoring extract, except for fountain use-wh
Fruit peel-wholesale
Fruits, dried-wholesale
Health foods-wholesale
Hop extract-wholesale
Malt extract-wholesale
Milk, canned or dried-wholesale
Molasses, industrial-wholesale
Pet food-wholesale
Pickles, preserves, jellies, jams, and sauces
Rice, polished-wholesale
Salad dressing-wholesale
Salt, evaporated-wholesale
Sausage casings-wholesale
Shortening, vegetable-wholesale
Soft drinks-wholesale
Soups, except frozen-wholesale
Sugar, refined-wholesale
Syrups, except for fountain use-wholesale
Vegetable cooking oil-wholesale
Wet corn milling products-wholesale
Beans, dry: bulk-wholesale
Beans, inedible-wholesale
Beans, unshelled-wholesale
Grain elevators, except storage only-wholesal
Rice, unpolished-wholesale
Auctioning livestock-wholesale
Livestock, except horses and mules-wholesale
Animal hair-wholesale
Buyers of raw farm products, except grain, fi
Cotton merchants, not members of exchanges-wh
Cotton, raw-wholesale
Country buyers of cotton or cotton linters
Dealers in raw farm products, except grain, f
Dried beet pulp-wholesale
Fibers, vegetable-wholesale
Furs, raw-wholesale
Hides (may include curing)-wholesale
Merchants of raw farm products, except grain,
Mohair, raw-wholesale
Nuts, unprocessed or shelled only-wholesale
Oil kernels-wholesale
Oil nuts-wholesale
Peanuts, bulk: unprocessed or shelled only-wh
Semen, bovine-wholesale
Silk, raw-wholesale
Skins, raw-wholesale
Sugar, raw-wholesale
Tobacco auctioning and warehousing-wholesale
Tobacco, leaf (including exporters)-wholesale
Wool tops and noils-wholesale
Wool, raw-wholesale
Plastics basic shapes-wholesale
Plastics film-wholesale
Plastics materials-wholesale
Plastics resins-wholesale
Plastics sheet and rods-wholesale
Resins, synthetic: except rubber-wholesale
Alcohol, industrial-wholesale
Ammonia, except for fertilizer-wholesale
Aromatic chemicals-wholesale
Carbon black-wholesale
Caustic soda-wholesale
Chemical bulk stations and terminals-wholesal
Chemicals, industrial and heavy-wholesale
Coal tar products, primary and intermediate-w
Concrete additives-wholesale
Cyclic crudes and intermediates-wholesale
Drilling mud-wholesale
Dry ice-wholesale
Essential oils-wholesale
Explosives, all kinds except ammunition and f
Food additives, chemical-wholesale
Fuel additives-wholesale
Gases, compressed and liquefied: except lique
Gum and wood chemicals-wholesale
Industrial gases-wholesale
Laundry soap, chips, and powder-wholesale
Manmade fibers-wholesale
Metal cyanides-wholesale
Metal polishes-wholesale
Metal salts-wholesale
Naval stores-wholesale
Oil additives-wholesale
Oil drilling muds-wholesale
Organic chemicals, synthetic-wholesale
Resins, synthetic rubber-wholesale
Rust-proofing chemicals-wholesale
Salts, industrial-wholesale
Sanitation preparations-wholesale
Surface active agents-wholesale
Synthetic rubber-wholesale
Waxes, except petroleum-wholesale
Petroleum bulk stations and terminalswholesal
Beer and other fermented malt liquors-wholesa
Bottling wines and liquors-wholesale
Brandy and brandy spirits-wholesale
Cocktails, alcoholic: premixed-wholesale
Liquors, distilled-wholesale
Neutral spirits-wholesale
Wine coolers, alcoholic-wholesale
Agricultural chemicals-wholesale
Agricultural limestone-wholesale
Animal feeds, except pet-wholesale
Beekeeping supplies-wholesale
Farm supplies-wholesale
Feed additives, animal-wholesale
Feed, except unmixed grain-wholesale
Fertilizer and fertilizer materials-wholesale
Flower and field bulbs-wholesale
Harness equipment-wholesale
Harness made to individual order-wholesale
Lime, agricultural-wholesale
Mineral supplements, animal-wholesale
Phosphate rock, ground-wholesale
Seeds: field, garden, and flower-wholesale
Newspaper agencies-wholesale
Flowers and florists'supplies-wholesale
Flowers, artificial-wholesale
Flowers, fresh-wholesale
Nursery stock-wholesale
Plants, potted-wholesale
Chewing tobacco-wholesale
Smoking tobacco-wholesale
Tobacco products, manufactured-wholesale
Tobacco, except leaf-wholesale
Colors and pigments-wholesale
Paint brushes, rollers, and sprayers-wholesal
Advertising specialties-wholesale
Art goods-wholesale
Bags, textile-wholesale
Baskets: reed, rattan, willow, and wood-whole
Broom, mop, and paint handles-wholesale
Canvas products-wholesale
Chamois leather-wholesale
Christmas trees, including artificial-wholesa
Clothes hampers-wholesale
Cotton yarns-wholesale
Fish, tropical-wholesale
Foam rubber-wholesale
Furs, dressed-wholesale
Gifts and novelties-wholesale
Glassware, novelty-wholesale
Greases, animal and vegetable-wholesale
Ice, manufactured or natural-wholesale
Industrial yarn-wholesale
Jewelry boxes-wholesale
Leather and cut stock-wholesale
Leather goods, except footwear, gloves, lugga
Lighters, cigar and cigarette-wholesale
Linseed oil-wholesale
Novelties, paper-wholesale
Oils, except cooking: animal and vegetable-wh
Oilseed cake and meal-wholesale
Pet supplies, except pet food-wholesale
Pipes, smokers'-wholesale
Plant food-wholesale
Plastics foam-wholesale
Rayon yarns-wholesale
Rubber, crude-wholesale
Sheet music-wholesale
Silk yarns-wholesale
Vegetable cake and meal-wholesale
Wood carvings-wholesale
Woolen and worsted yarns-wholesale
Brick and tile dealers-retail
Building materials dealers-retail
Buildings, prefabricated-retail
Cabinets, kitchen: to be installed-retail
Concrete and cinder block dealers-retail
Fencing dealers-retail
Flooring, wood-retail
Garage doors-retail
Insulation material, building-retail
Lime and plaster dealers-retail
Lumber and building materials dealers-retail
Lumber and planing mill product dealers-retai
Millwork and lumber dealers-retail
Roofing material dealers-retail
Sand and gravel dealers-retail
Storm windows and sash, wood or metal-retail
Structural clay products-retail
Wallboard (composition) dealers-retail
Glass stores-retail
Paint stores-retail
Wallcovering stores-retail
Wallpaper stores-retail
Builders 'hardware-retail
Door locks and lock sets-retail
Hardware stores-retail
Tools, power and hand-retail
Christmas trees (natural)-retail
Garden supplies and tools-retail
Nursery stock, seeds and bulbs-retail
Power mowers-retail
Soil, top-retail
Mobile home equipment-retail
Mobile home parts and accessories-retail
Mobile homes, new and used-retail
Department stores-retail
Limited price variety stores-retail
Catalog showrooms, general merchandise: excep
Country general stores-retail
General merchandise stores-retail
General stores-retail
Convenience food stores-retail
Food markets-retail
Frozen food and freezer plans, except meat-re
Grocery stores, with or without fresh meat-re
Supermarkets, grocery-retail
Fish markets-retail
Freezer food plans, meat-retail
Freezer provisioners, meat-retail
Frozen food and freezer plans, meat-retail
Meat markets-retail
Seafood markets-retail
Fruit markets and stands-retail
Produce markets and stands-retail
Vegetable markets and stands-retail
Candy stores-retail
Confectionery produced for direct sale on the
Confectionery stores-retail
Nut stores-retail
Popcorn stands-retail
Butter and other dairy product stores-retail
Cheese stores-retail
Dairy products stores-retail
Ice cream (packaged) stores-retail
Milk and other dairy products stores-retail
Bagel stores-retail
Cookie stores-retail
Doughnut shops-retail
Pretzel stores and stands-retail
Coffee stores-retail
Dietetic food stores-retail
Egg dealers-retail
Health food stores-retail
Poultry dealers-retail
Spice and herb stores-retail
Tea stores-retail
Vitamin food stores-retail
Water, mineral-retail
Automobile agencies (dealers)-retail
Automobiles, new and used-retail
Cars, new and used-retail
Motor vehicle dealers, new and used cars-reta
Pickups and vans, new and used-retail
Antique autos-retail
Automobiles, used cars only-retail
Motor vehicle dealers, used cars only-retail
Pickups and vans, used only-retail
Automobile accessory dealers-retail
Automobile air-conditioning equipment sale an
Automobile parts dealers-retail
Battery dealers, automobile-retail
Speed shops-retail
Tire dealers, automotive-retail
Tire, battery, and accessory dealers-retail
Automobile service stations-retail
Filling stations, gasoline-retail
Gasoline and oil-retail
Marine service stations-retail
Service stations, gasoline-retail
Truck stops-retail
Boat dealers-retail
Marine supply dealers-retail
Motorboat dealers-retail
Outboard motor dealers-retail
Campers (pickup coaches) for mounting on truc
Motor home dealers-retail
Recreational vehicle dealers-retail
Recreational vehicle parts and accessories-re
Travel trailers, automobile: new and used-ret
All-terrain vehicles-retail
Bicycles, motorized-retail
Motor scooters-retail
Motorcycle dealers-retail
Motorcycle parts-retail
Aircraft dealers-retail
Trailers, utility-retail
Utility trailers-retail
Apparel accessory stores, men's and boys'-ret
Clothing stores, men's and boys'-retail
Haberdashery stores-retail
Hat stores, men's and boys'-retail
Men's wearing apparel-retail
Tie shops-retail
Bridal shops, except custom-retail
Clothing, ready-to-wear: women's-retail
Dress shops-retail
Maternity shops-retail
Ready-to-wear stores, women's-retail
Apparel accessory stores, women's-retail
Blouse stores-retail
Costume jewelry stores-retail
Foundation garments-retail
Fur apparel made to custom order-retail
Fur shops-retail
Handbag stores-retail
Hosiery stores-retail
Lingerie stores-retail
Millinery stores-retail
Children's wear stores-retail
Infants'wear stores-retail
Family clothing stores-retail
Jeans stores-retail
Unisex clothing stores-retail
Athletic shoe stores-retail
Footwear stores-retail
Shoe stores-retail
Bathing suit stores-retail
Belts, apparel custom-retail
Custom tailors-retail
Dresses made to order-retail
Dressmakers'shops, custom-retail
Merchant tailors-retail
Raincoat stores-retail
Riding apparel stores-retail
Shirts custom made-retail
Sports apparel stores-retail
Tee shirts custom printed-retail
Umbrella stores-retail
Wig toupee and wiglet stores-retail
Beds and springs-retail
Cabinet work on a custom basis to individual
Cabinets, kitchen: not built in-retail
Furniture, custom made-retail
Furniture, household, with or without furnish
Juvenile furniture-retail
Mattress stores, including custom made-retail
Outdoor furniture-retail
Floor covering stores-retail
Floor tile stores-retail
Linoleum stores-retail
Rug stores-retail
Curtain stores-retail
Drapery stores-retail
Slipcover stores-retail
Upholstery materials stores-retail
Aluminum ware stores-retail
Bedding (sheets, blankets, spreads, and pillo
China stores-retail
Crockery stores-retail
Cutlery stores-retail
Enamelware stores-retail
Fireplace screens and accessories-retail Fire
Glassware stores-retail
Housewares stores-retail
Kitchenware stores-retail
Lamp and shade shops-retail
Linen shops-retail
Metalware stores-retail
Pottery stores-retail
Tinware stores-retail
Venetian blind shops-retail
Window shade shops-retail
Wood-burning stoves-retail
Air-conditioning room units, self-contained-r
Electric household appliance stores-retail
Freezers, household-retail
Garbage disposers, electric-retail
Household appliance stores, electric or gas-r
Kitchens, complete (sinks, cabinets etc.)-ret
Ranges, gas and electric-retail
Refrigerators and related electric and gas ap
Sewing machine stores-retail
Stoves and related electric and gas appliance
Vacuum cleaner stores-retail
Antenna stores, household-retail
Consumer electronic equipment stores-retail
High fidelity (hi-fi) equipment-retail
Phonograph stores-retail
Radio stores-retail
Radio-phonograph stores-retail
Tape recorders and players-retail
Television set stores-retail
Video camera stores-retail
Video tape recorder stores-retail
Computer printer stores-retail
Computer software stores-retail
Computer stores-retail
Peripheral equipment, computer stores-retail
Disks, music and video-retail
Record stores-retail
Tape stores, audio and video-retail
Video tape stores-retail
Musical instrument stores-retail
Piano stores-retail
Sheet music stores-retail
Automats (eating places)
Box lunch stands
Buffets (eating places)
Carry-out restaurants
Coffee shops
Commissary restaurants
Concession stands, prepared food (e.g., in ai
Contract feeding
Dairy bars
Diners (eating places)
Dining rooms
Dinner theaters
Drive-in restaurants
Fast food restaurants
Food bars
Food service, institutional
Frozen custard stands
Grills (eating places)
Hamburger stands
Hot dog (frankfurter) stands
Ice cream stands
Industrial feeding
Lunch bars
Lunch counters
Oyster bars
Pizza parlors
Refreshment stands
Restaurants, carry-out
Restaurants, fast food
Sandwich bars or shops
Snack shops
Soda fountains
Soft drink stands
Submarine sandwich shops
Tea rooms
Theaters, dinner
Bars (alcoholic beverage drinking places)
Beer gardens (drinking places)
Beer parlors (tap rooms)
Beer taverns
Beer, wine, and liquors: sale for on-premise
Bottle clubs (drinking places)
Cocktail lounges
Discotheques, alcoholic beverage
Drinking places, alcoholic beverages
Night clubs
Saloons (drinking places)
Tap rooms (drinking places)
Taverns (drinking places)
Wine bars
Drug stores-retail
Proprietary (non-prescription medicines) stor
Beer, packaged-retail
Liquor, packaged-retail
Wine, packaged-retail
Antique stores-retail
Book stores, secondhand-retail
Building materials, used-retail
Clothing stores, secondhand-retail
Furniture stores, secondhand-retail
Furniture, antique-retail
Glassware, antique-retail
Home furnishing stores, secondhand-retail
Home furnishings, antique-retail
Manuscripts, rare-retail
Musical instrument stores, second-hand-retail
Objects of art, antique-retail
Phonograph and phonograph record stores, seco
Shoe stores, secondhand-retail
Backpacking, hiking, and mountaineering equip
Bait and tackle shops-retail
Bicycle and bicycle parts dealer except motor
Bowling equipment and supplies-retail
Camping equipment-retail
Exercise apparatus-retail
Fishing equipment-retail
Golf goods and equipment-retail
Golf professionals operating -retail stores
Gymnasium equipment-retail
Playground equipment-retail
Pool and billiards table stores-retail
Riding goods and equipment-retail
Saddlery stores-retail
Skiing equipment-retail
Skin diving and scuba equipment-retail
Sporting goods stores-retail
Tennis goods and equipment-retail
Book stores selling new books and magazines-r
Religious book stores-retail
Pen and pencil shops-retail
School supplies-retail
Stationery stores-retail
Writing supplies-retail
Clocks, including custom made-retail
Jewelry, precious stones and precious metals:
Watches, including custom made-retail
Ceramics supplies-retail
Craft kits and supplies-retail
Game shops-retail
Hobby shops-retail
Kite (toy) stores-retail
Toy and game stores-retail
Camera shops, photographic-retail Photographi
Balloon shops-retail
Curio shops-retail
Gift shops-retail
Greeting card shops-retail
Novelty shops-retail
Souvenir shops-retail
Leather goods, including goods made to indivi
Luggage and leather goods stores-retail
Trunks, luggage-retail
Fabric shops-retail
Knitting yarn shops-retail
Mill end stores-retail
Needlework stores-retail
Notion stores-retail
Piece goods-retail
Quilting materials and supplies-retail
Remnant stores-retail
Sewing supplies-retail
Yard goods stores-retail
Yarn shops (knitting)-retail
Book clubs, not publishing
Books, mail-order-retail
Catalog (order taking) offices of mail-order
Cheese, mail-order-retail
Coins, mail-order-retail
Computer and peripheral equipment, mail-order
Computer software, mail-order-retail
Food, mail-order-retail
Fruit, mail-order-retail
Jewelry, mail-order-retail
Magazines, mail-order-retail
Mail-order houses-retail (not including retai
Novelty merchandise, mail-order-retail
Order taking offices of mail-order houses-ret
Record clubs, mail-order-retail
Stamps mail-order-retail
Television, mail-order (home shopping)-retail
Coin-operated machines selling merchandise
Dispensing machine sale of products-retail
Merchandising, automatic (sale of products th
Vending machine sale of products
Bakery goods, purchased: house-to-house-retai
Canvassers (door-to-door), headquarters for r
Dairy products, house-to-house-retail
Direct selling organizations (headquarters of
House delivery of purchased milk-retail
House-to-house selling of coffee, soda, beer,
Ice cream wagons-retail
Lunch wagons, mobile-retail
Magazine subscription sales, except mail-orde
Magazines, house-to-house selling
Milk delivery and sale of purchased milk, wit
Newspapers, home delivery: except by newspape
Party-plan merchandising-retail
Fuel oil dealers-retail
Bottled gas-retail
Butane gas, bottled-retail
Liquefied petroleum (LP) gas delivered to cus
Propane gas, bottled-retail
Coal dealers-retail
Wood dealers, fuel-retail
Flowers, fresh-retail
Potted plants-retail
Cigar stores and stands-retail
Tobacco stores-retail
Optical goods-retail
Architectural supplies-retail
Art dealers-retail
Artificial flowers-retail
Artists'supply and material stores-retail
Auction rooms (general merchandise)-retail
Autograph and philatelist supply stores-retai
Awning shops-retail
Baby carriages-retail
Banner shops-retail
Cake decorating supplies-retail
Candle shops-retail
Coin shops-retail, except mail-order
Cosmetics stores-retail
Electric razor shops-retail
Flag shops-retail
Gem stones, rough-retail
Gravestones, finished-retail
Hearing aids-retail
Hot tub-retail
Ice dealers-retail
Monuments, finished to custom order-retail
Orthopedic and artificial limb stores-retail
Pet food stores-retail
Pet shops-retail
Picture frames, ready-made-retail
Police supply stores-retail
Religious goods stores (other than books)-ret
Rock and stone specimens-retail
Rubber stamp stores-retail
Sales barns-retail
Stamps, philatelist-retail: except mail-order
Stones, crystalline: rough-retail
Swimming pools, home: not installed-retail
Telephone stores-retail
Tent shops-retail
Trophy shops-retail
Typewriter stores-retail
Whirlpool baths-retail
Federal Reserve banks
Federal Reserve branches
Central liquidity facility
Federal Home Loan Banks
National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
Commercial banks, National
Trust companies (accepting deposits) commerci
Commercial banks, State
Commercial banks, not chartered
Federal savings and loan associations
Saving banks, Federal
Savings and loan associations, federally char
Savings and loan associations, not federally
Savings banks, State: not federally chartered
Federal credit unions
Federal credit unions, not federally chartere
Agencies of foreign banks
Branches of foreign banks
Agreement Corporations
Edge Act Corporations
Non-deposit trust companies
Automated clearinghouses
Check cashing agencies
Check clearinghouse associations
Clearinghouse associations bank or check
Deposit brokers
Electronic funds transfer networks including
Escrow institutions other than real estate
Fiduciary agencies other than real estate or
Foreign currency exchanges
Money order issuance
Regional clearinghouse associations
Representative offices of foreign banks, excl
Safe deposit companies
Tax certificate sale and redemption agencies
Travelers' check issuance
Banks for cooperatives
Commodity Credit Corporation
Export-Import Bank
Farmers Home Administration
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
Federal Intermediate Credit Bank
Federal Land Banks, Federal National Mortgage
Government National Mortgage Association
National Consumer Cooperative Bank
Rural Electrification Administration
Student Loan Association
Synthetic Fuels Corporation
Automobile loans (may include automobile insu
Consumer finance companies
Financing of automobiles, furniture, applianc
Industrial loan ('banks'), not engaged in dep
Industrial loan companies, not engaged in dep
Installment sales finance, other than banks
Loan companies, small: licensed
Loan societies, remedial
Morris plans not engaged in deposit banking
Mutual benefit associations
Personal finance companies, small loan: licen
Business credit institutions, short-term Cred
Direct working capital financing
Factors of commercial paper
Financing of dealers by motor vehicle manufac
Installment notes, buying of
Installment paper dealer
Mercantile financing
Purchasers of accounts receivable and commerc
Trust deeds, purchase and sale of
Working capital financing
Agricultural loan companies
Automobile finance leasing
Credit institutions, agricultural
Farm mortgage companies
Finance leasing of equipment and vehicles
General and industrial loan institutions
Intermediate investment ('banks')
Investment companies, small business
Livestock loan companies
Loan institutions, general and industrial
Machinery and equipment finance leasing
Pari-mutuel totalizator equipment finance lea
Production credit association, agricultural
Truck finance leasing
Bond and mortgage companies
Loan correspondents
Mortgage bankers
Mortgage brokers, using own money
Mortgage companies, urban
Agents, farm or business loan
Brokers, farm or business loan
Loan agents
Loan brokers
Mortgage brokers arranging for loans but usin
Agents for mutual funds
Bond dealers and brokers
Distributors, security
Floor traders, security
Investment bankers
Investment certificates, sale of
Investment firm-general brokerage
Mineral leases, dealers in
Mineral royalties, dealers in
Mortgages, buying and selling (rediscounting)
Mutual fund agents
Mutual funds, selling by independent salesper
Note brokers
Oil and gas lease brokers
Oil royalties, dealers in
Option dealers, stock
Sale of partnership shares in real estate syn
Security brokers
Security dealers
Security flotation companies
Security traders
Security underwriters
Stock brokers and dealers
Tax certificate dealers
Commodity contract exchanges
Futures exchanges, contract
Option exchanges, stock
Security exchanges
Stock exchanges
Futures advisory service
Investment advisory service
Investment counselors
Investment research
Manager of mutual funds, contract or fee grou
Bondholders protective committees
Custodians of securities
Exchange clearinghouses, commodity
Exchange clearinghouses, security
Financial reporting
Quotation service, stock
Royalty owners protective associations
Security custodians
Security holders protective committees
Stock transfer agents
Transfer agents, securities
Assessment life insurance organizations
Benevolent insurance associations
Burial insurance societies
Cooperative life insurance organizations
Fraternal life insurance organizations
Fraternal protective associations
Funeral insurance
Insurance carriers, life
Legal reserve life insurance
Life insurance
Life insurance funds, savings bank
Life reinsurance
Reinsurance carriers, life
Accident and health insurance
Assessment associations, accident and health
Disability health insurance
Fraternal accident and health insurance organ
Health insurance, indemnity plans: except med
Insurance carriers, accident
Insurance carriers, health
Mutual accident associations
Reciprocal interinsurance exchanges, accident
Reinsurance carriers, accident and health
Sick benefit associations, mutual
Dental insurance (providing services by contr
Group hospitalization plans
Hospital and medical service plans
Medical service plans
Agricultural (crop and livestock) insurance
Assessment associations: fire, marine, and ca
Associated factory mutuals, fire and marine i
Automobile insurance
Boiler insurance
Burglary and theft insurance
Contact lens insurance
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Insurance carriers: fire, marine, and casualt
Mutual fire, marine, and casualty insurance
Plate glass insurance
Property damage insurance
Reciprocal interinsurance exchanges: fire, ma
Stock fire, marine, and casualty insurance
Workers'compensation insurance
Assessment associations, surety and fidelity
Bonding for guaranteeing job completion
Bonding of employees
Bonding, fidelity or surety
Credit and other financial responsibility ins
Fidelity insurance
Financial responsibility insurance
Liability insurance
Mortgage guaranty insurance
Reciprocal interinsurance exchanges
Surety and fidelity insurance
Surety insurance
Warranty insurance, home
Guaranty of titles
Real estate title insurance
Title insurance
Pension funds
Union trust funds
Union welfare, benefit, and health funds
Welfare pensions
Bank deposit insurance
Deposit or share insurance
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporatio
Health insurance for pets
Warranty insurance, automobile
Fire Insurance Underwriters 'Laboratories
Fire loss appraisal
Insurance adjusters
Insurance advisory services
Insurance agents
Insurance brokers
Insurance claim adjusters, not employed by in
Insurance educational services
Insurance information bureaus
Insurance inspection and investigation servic
Insurance loss prevention services
Insurance patrol services
Insurance professional standards services
Insurance reporting services
Insurance research services
Insurance services
Life insurance agents
Medical insurance claims, processing of: cont
Pension and retirement plan consultants
Policy holders'consulting service
Rate making organizations, insurance
Bank buildings, operation of
Insurance buildings, operation of
Lessors of piers, docks, and associated build
Operators of commercial and industrial buildi
Operators of nonresidential buildings
Retail establishments, property operation onl
Shopping centers, property operation only
Theater buildings (ownership and operation)
Operators of apartment buildings (five or mor
Operators of apartment hotels
Operators of residential hotels
Operators of retirement hotels
Operators of dwellings (four or fewer housing
Operators of residential buildings (four or f
Operators of mobile home sites
Lessors of railroad property
Airport leasing, if not operating airport
Landholding offices
Lessors of property, except railroad, buildin
Agents, real estate
Appraisers, real estate
Brokers of manufactured homes, on site
Brokers, real estate
Buying agents, real estate
Cemetery management service
Condominium managers
Cooperative apartment manager
Escrow agents, real estate
Fiduciaries, real estate
Housing authorities, operating
Listing service, real estate
Managers, real estate
Multiple listing services, real estate
Real estate auctions
Rental agents for real estate
Selling agents for real estate
Time-sharing real estate: sales, leasing, and
Title abstract companies
Title and trust companies
Title reconveyance companies
Title search companies
Real property subdividers and developers , ex
Animal cemetery operation
Cemeteries-real estate operation Cemetery ass
Mausoleum operation
Real property subdividers and developers, cem
Offices And Bank holding companies
Holding companies, except bank
Investment holding companies, except bank
Personal holding companies, except bank
Public utility holding companies
Management investment funds, open-end
Money market mutual funds
Mutual fund sales on own account
Face-amount certificate issuing
Government National Mortgage Association (GNM
Investment funds, closed-end: management of
Issuing of face-amount installment certificat
Management investment funds, closed-end
Unit investment trusts
Charitable trusts, management of
Educational trusts, management of
Religious trusts, management of
Administrators of private estates (non-operat
Personal investment trusts, management of
Trustees: except for educational, religious,
Trusts except educational, religious, and cha
Vacation funds for employees
Copyright buying and licensing
Franchises, selling or licensing
Music licensing to radio stations
Music royalties, sheet and record
Patent buying and licensing
Patent leasing
Performance rights, publishing and licensing
Mortgage investment trusts
Mortgage trusts
Real estate investment trusts (REIT'S)
Realty investment trusts
Realty trusts
Commodity contract pool operators
Commodity contract trading companies
Investment clubs
Security speculators for own account
Tax liens: holding, buying, and selling
Venture capital companies
hotels and motels
rooming and boarding houses
sporting and recreational camps
recreational vehicle parks and campsites
organization hotels and lodging houses, on me
power laundries, family and commercial
garment pressing, and agent for laundries and
linen supply
coin-operated laundries and drycleaning
drycleaning plants, except rug clening
carpet and upholstery cleaning
industrial launderers
laundry and garment services, not elsewhere c
photographic studios, portrait
beauty shops
barber shops
shoe repair shops and shoeshineparlors
funeral service and crematories
tax return preparation services
miscellaneous personal services, not elsewher
advertising agencies
outdoor advertising services
radio,television and publishers’ advertising
advertising, not elsewhere classified
adjustment and collection services
credit reporting services
direct mail advertising services
photocopying and duplicating services
commercial photography
commercial art and graphic design
secretarial and court reporting services
disinfecting and pest control services
building cleaning and maintenance services, n
medical equipment rental and leasing
heavy construction equipment rental and leasi
equipment rental and leasing, not elsewhere c
employment agencies
help supply services
computer programming services
prepackadged software
computer integrated systems design
computer processing and data preparation and
information retrieval services
computer facilities management services
computer rental and leasing
computer maintenance and repair
computer related services, not elsewhere clas
detective, guard, and armored car services
security systems services
news syndicates
photofinishing laboratories
business services, not elsewhere classified
truck rental and leasing, without drivers
passenger car rental
passenger car leasing
utility trailer and recreational vehicle rent
automobile parking
top, body and upholstery repair shops and pai
automotive exhaust system repair shops
tire retreading and repair shops
automotive glass replacement shops
automotive transmission repair shops
general automotive repair shops
automotive repair shops, not elsewhere classi
automotive services, except repair and carwas
radio and television repair shops
refrigeration and air-conditioning service an
electrical and electronic repair shops, not e
watch, clock, and jewelry repair
reupholstery and furniture repair
welding repair
armature rewinding shops
repair shops and related services, not elsewh
motion picture and video tape production
services related to motion picture production
motion picture and video tape distribution
services related to motion picture distributi
motion picture theaters, except drive-in
drive-in motion picture theaters
video tape rental
offices and clinics of doctors of medicine
offices and clinics of dentists
offices and clinics of doctors of osteopathy
offices and clinics of chiropractors
offices and clinics of optometrists
offices and clinics of podiatrists
offices and clinics of health practitioners,
skilled nursing care facilities
intermediate care facilities
nursing and personal care facilities, not els
general medical and surgical hospitals
psychiatric hospitals
specialty hospitals, except psychiatric
medical laboratories
dental laboratories
home health care services
kidney dialysis centers
specialty outpatient facilities, not elsewher
health and allied services, not elsewhere cla
elementary and secondary schools
colleges, universities, and professional scho
junior colleges and technical institutes
data processing schools
business and secretarial schools
vocational schools, not elsewhere classified
schools and educational services, not elsewhe
individual and family social services
job training and vocational rehabilitation se
child day care services
residential care
social services, not elsewhere classified :
Activity centers, elderly or handicapped
Adoption services
Adult day care centers
Aid to families with dependent children(AFDC)
Alcoholism counseling, nonresidential:except
Centers for senior citizens
Child guidance agencies
Community centers
Counseling centers
Crisis centers
Crisis intervention centers
Day care centers, adult and handicapped
Disaster services
Emergency shelters
Family counseling services
Family location services
Family service agencies
Helping hand services
Homemaker's service, primarily nonmedical
Marriage counseling services
Meal delivery programs
Multiservice centers, neighborhood
Neighborhood centers
Offender rehabilitation agencies
Offender self-help agencies
Old age assistance
Outreach programs
Parole offices
Probation offices
Public welfare centers, offices of
Referral services for personal and social pro
Refugee services
Relief services, temporary
Self-help organizations for alcoholics and ga
Senior citizens associations
Service leagues
Settlement houses
Social service centers
Telephone counseling service
Traveler's aid centers
Youth centers
Youth self-help organizations
Community service employment training program
Job counseling
Job training
Manpower training
Rehabilitation counseling and training, vocat
Sheltered workshops
Skill training centers
Vocational rehabilitation agencies
Vocational rehabilitation counseling
Vocational training agencies, except schools
Work experience centers
Child care centers
Day care centers, child
Group day care centers, child
Head Start centers, except in conjunction wit
Nursery schools
Preschool centers
Alcoholism rehabilitation centers, residentia
Children's boarding homes
Children's homes
Children's villages
Drug rehabilitation centers, residential: wit
Group foster homes
Halfway group homes for persons with social o
Halfway homes for delinquents and offenders
Homes for children, with health care incident
Homes for destitute men and women
Homes for the aged, with health care incident
Homes for the deaf or blind, with health care
Homes for the emotionally disturbed, with hea
Homes for the mentally handicapped, with heal
Homes for the physically handicapped, with he
Juvenile correctional homes
Old soldiers'homes
Rehabilitation centers, residential: with hea
Rest homes, with health care incidental
Self-help group homes for persons with social
Training schools for delinquents
Art galleries, not primarily selling Museums
Animal exhibits
Botanical gardens
Reptile exhibits
Zoological gardens
business associations
professional membership organizations
labor unions and similar labor organizations
civic, social and fraternal associations
political organizations
religious organizations
membership organizations, not elsewhere class
engineering services
surveying services
accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services
commercial physical and biological research
commercial economic, sociological and educati
noncommercial research organizations
management services
management consulting services
public relations services
facilities support management services
business consulting services, not elsewhere c
Designing ship, boat, and machine
Engineering services: industrial, civil, elec
Machine tool designers
Marine engineering services
Petroleum engineering services
Architectural engineering services
Engineering services: architectural
House designers
Babysitting (private households employing bab
Domestic service (private households employin
Estates, private
Farm homes, noncommercial
Households, private: employing cooks, maids,
Personal affairs management
Residential farms, noncommercial
Authors, Artists, and Related Technical Servi
Record Production
Scientific and Related Consulting Services
Music Publishing
Actuarial Consulting
All Other Information Providers
Advisory commissions, executive
City and town managers'offices
County supervisors'and executives'offices
President's office
Advisory commissions, legislative
Boards of supervisors
City and town councils
County commissioners
Legislative assemblies
Study commissions, legislative
Legislative and executive office combinations
Civil rights commissions-government
Civil service commissions-government
General accounting offices-government
General services departments-government
Personnel agencies-government
Purchasing and supply agencies-government
Supply agencies-government
Police protection
Legal counsel and prosecution
Correctional institutions
Fire protection
Public order and safety, not elsewhere classi
Public finance, taxation and monetary policy
administration of educational programs
Administration of public health programs
Administration of social, human resource and
Administration of veterans’ affairs, except h
Air and water resource and solid waste manage
Land, mineral, wildlife, and forest conservat
Administration of housing programs
Administration of urban planning and communit
Administration of general economic programs
Regulation and administration of transportati
Regulation and administration of communicatio
Regulation of agricultural marketing and comm
Regulation, licensing and inspection of misce
Space and research and technology
National security
International affairs
Sub-sub category