58Brazil (officially the Federative Republic of Brazil, BR) is the largest country in South America, which has borders with almost all South American countries. Brasilia is the federal capital, and Sao Paulo is the largest and most populated city and business center; Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte are other large cities. Estimated population of the country is 203 million. Real (BRL) is the currency is Brazil. As a very productive developing country with abundant natural resources, Brazilian economy is active in agriculture – it is the largest producer of coffee. Country also engages in mining, manufacturing, and tourism (combination of ecotourism, leisure and recreation).
Major exported products of Brazil includes aircraft, ethanol, electrical equipment, textiles, automobiles, footwear, steel, coffee, iron ore, soybeans, orange juice, and corned beef. To take first step into Brazil country, and buy a readymade business is a good alternative to starting a business for those unfamiliar with business procedures in Brazil. There is a lot of businesses for sale in the country, especially in Brasilia, Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. Ready-made businesses for sale are made in different sectors, and one has to take right steps. To sell a product to Brazil, for various reasons like shipping cost, import duty and taxes, and markups, prices for international companies importing to Europe before selling FOB to Brazil are much higher that Brazilian local companies directly buying and selling in Brazil. Franchise market is promising in Brazil, requiring qualified professionals to enter the challenge, such as training issues and incentive for workforce. Successful franchise enterprises in Brazil are in food industry, apparel and footwear, cosmetics and drugstores, and technology.