24Argentina (officially the Argentinian Republic, AR) is located in South America, with about 43 million people. Buenos Aires is the capital, business center and largest city of Argentina. Cordoba and Rosaria the country’s other two large cities with over 1 million of residents. With a highly developed HDI and GDP, Argentina has a noticeable market size and promising perspective in high-tech industries. The currency is Peso (ARS).
To buy, purchase or sell business in one of the top developing countries, high-volume leading economic sectors in Argentina, and businesses for sale, are: food, tobacco and beverages, automotive, textile, refinery products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, steel and aluminum, machineries (farm and industrial), appliances and furniture, plastic and tires, cement and glass, and media (recording and printing). Tourism business and transportation industries also hold proper opportunities to sell or buy local businesses (of different size and price) in Argentina. Business for sale in franchise industry mainly focuses local market as a dominant majority of franchise businesses, and accordingly sales accounts, are large majority of franchises are of Argentine origin comparing to a small portion of the market share coming from international ownerships. Top-sell of franchises in Argentina categorizes in food industry, tourism, and health sectors; and more of businesses for sale are growing in these sectors too. For international franchisors, most attractive sectors are fast food, foreign language training, dry cleaning, accommodation and hotels, and car rentals.