United States of America


United States of America (USA or US), one of the two countries comprising North America, is a Federal Republic consisting of fifty states and one federal district, with over 320 million inhabitants. Washington D.C. is the capital city, but the most populated city is New York City. As one of the world´s largest manufacturers, United Stated produces oil, chemical products, electrical and nuclear energy, liquid natural gas, sulfur, phosphates, salt, coal and minerals. Official currency is United States dollar (USD).

The largest destination for American goods and services exports is Canada; Mexico and China are second and third. Main source of imports to the country is China, and Canada is the second (Canada is United States´ largest overall trading partner and first source of crude oil, which is the most expensive import to the country). Oil products are the most valuable exports of the States. Airplanes, materials, and food have the highest positive trade balances in US economy. With tangible emphasis on private economy, United States provides the largest scale of finance, insurance, telecom, and education services to the world. The country is also world´s second provider of licensing and royalties (patents), categorized under business, professional and technical services. United States has largest level of private sector contribution to economy. Major businesses fields are the country are wholesale and retail trade. Franchise business is also very popular and recognized in the country.

With a huge level of influence, private businesses have enormous potentials for sell, buy, franchise, and partnership. Businesses for sale in US are in broad range of possibilities: from low-cost local businesses and retailers to international enterprises. To sell and buy a company, and to find businesses for sale, you may refer to online information presented on readymadeforbusiness.com.