25Botswana (the official name of the country - The Republic of Botswana, BW) is a state that situated in southern part of Africa. In the south and southeast Botswana borders with South Africa country. To the west and north with Namibia, and to the northeast with Zimbabwe.
Population of the country is over than 2 million (2014 est.). There are two official languages - English and Setswana. The capital and the largest city is Gaborone, other main towns are Francistown, Molepolole and Serowe. Botswana Pula is the official national currency of the country....
In the late 1960s and early 1970s of the 20th century Botswana (BW) was one of the poorest countries in the world but in nowadays its economy is one of the fastest growing and the state can pride for high level of economic freedom comparing to other countries of Africa. Here is well developed banking system that is competitive and continent’s most advanced. Botswana gets high incomes from the mineral business (diamond mining).
By using our website You may buy the new one or an already made business for sale operating in one of these economic activities for an attractive price and start commercial activity by purchasing a company (limited liability company or other legal form enterprise) as well as provide services or sell manufactured products in a local African or international market.
Alongside the running businesses for sale related with the major economic sectors there are existing an opportunities to invest into other industries, such as agriculture, tourism,construction, energy and telecommunications. In major cities of Botswana You can meet operating worldwide known franchise companies. Also are available local franchise enterprises for sale You may purchase and thus develop selected activity, invest money into mining sector as well as participate in the main markets of agriculture, construction, water system. You may choose local employees for Your company as well do other activities, for e.g., sell raw materials, buy manufactured production, provide possible services in construction industry, participate in programs to improve health care system by offering capital investments, develop technological projects concerning water supply, road systems and etc.